Wednesday, May 29, 2013

HAIR: Let's Talk About Ombre. Ombre Hair Transformation.

I have an ombre hair. 
as you can see :)
people often ask me where did i get it, in what salon, how much did it cost, is it gives you more hair damage? 
something like that. and i haven't really frankly talked about it. so now, let's..

I've always wanted an ombre hair ever since last year, because i have vintage tumblr blog, and i followed some fashion tumblr blog, they posted alot of ombre hair. then i thought, why can't i get one, or why shouldn't i get one. but to think again, how much will it cost. 

i didn't want to go to salon cos it will be very expensive. noted: i have a long hair too that time. and if i'm not mistaken, a lot of salons didn't know much about ombre hair that time. so i decided not to do it in salon. and few weeks ago my sister ask one salon and wew! it's kinda expensive, to just do ombre, for short hair like above shoulder, IDR 500.

so yeah i started to buy hair coloring product like revlon, i choose brown color, i didn't take pictures that time cos well never thought of writing a blog about it. it didn't show up. didn't show any ombre hair. did it 2 times, and still didn't show up. 
i give up!

but no! then i started to look up in Youtube. how to DIY ombre hair. there's aloooooooooooott!!!
i learn 2 things from the videos:
1. they use product that aren't available in Indonesia
2. i need to use bleach!

OWHMYY!! i don't want to bleach my hair! it will ruin it! of course.. 
but it's the only one way to have ombre hair. 
and i was so very confused, where can i found hair bleacher.

i went to either hypermart or giant to searched for hair bleach. and found only ONE! SASHA HAIR BLEACHING! and you know how much it cost? IDR 6. it's freaking cheap!
that makes me more afraid to bleach my hair.

and i did my research again. in youtube, google. i love to do some research before i do something.
and found one blog, and one video about Sasha Hair Bleaching.
from that, i decided not to step back again. it's like now or never! 
so i did!
my first bleach was on August 2012. 
yes if you could see, it cause so much damage already, plus i curl it with hot curling iron. that's how it looks like. 

i did it again the next night. second bleach.
owh don't mind the green, purple and pink color. i'm using pastel chalk.
this is a few days later. 
I was afraid my mom gonna say anything, cos she kinda dislike me to do alot of hair coloring, but since i didn't do it from the hair root, she didn't complain. fiuhh?

on September 2012.
this how it looks like from the back. i braided my hair the night before so i will have mermaid curls. 
if you know, this is not OMBRE but it's Dip-Dye. there's a different between DIP-DYE and OMBRE.

on October 2012, i bleach my hair again. this time. NOW! it's OMBRE. 
see the difference? 
OMBRE is more of hair gradation, from top, darker, to more lighter color, to really light on, or the other way around. 
after i braided it. 

December 2012.

January 2013
on the airport, we were going to Bali that time. and yes i have to make my hair look like mermaid, since Bali is about beaches!! :) 

February 2013
i cut my hair abit shorter cos of the damage, and my dad told me to. the fact that i don't even want to cut my hair. 

i'm a very curious person. after i cut my hair, i tried to color my hair with Sasha Blonde color, and i regret i did that. my hair turns orange-auburn-cooper, the f! it's ugly!!!! so yes i decided to rebleach again. so it's re-new-ing my ombre. 

alot of my friends said i'm good at it and they love my hair. but there's always someone who just disagree with what i'm doing with my hair. telling me that it's forbidden and i look ugly blablabla boring... even my parents didn't say such thing, they didn't even forbid me to do Ombre. -_-" so who are you to talk? i don't ask for your opinion, haters!

March-April-May 2013
and the rest you could see from all of my posts. I just want to say, your hair will always be abit or more  damaged from all things such as BLEACH, HAIR COLORANT, PERM, SMOOTHING, etc. YES! it will. but that's not the point. if you can take care your hair well, you don't have to be afraid of having damaged hair once you do things above. 

it's how you keep your hair healthy.  all of my friends said rambut aku ga serusak yang mereka bayangkan pas abis di bleach, ga kering parah, ga pecah-pecah, or even bercabang.  they even ask me how i treated my hair. i rarely hair-masked my hair, or to go to salon to just do Creambath. I don't have that kinda money and time that i can easily spend on salon.
i will show you guys how i treated my hair on my next post.

Now that salon has already know how to ombre but some of them don't know how to do the right ombre. I'll be very pleased and open if you want me to bleach your hair OMBRE. but for those who live in Jakarta or Tangerang only for low cost. if you trust me enough. :) or you can do it yourself at home. it's very easy but you have to be careful. 
the video that i saw, that help me to bleach my hair. i recommend you to watch this video first before ombre-ing your hair, and there's alot of DIY ombre tutorial for pitch black hair like us indonesians.

well i hope i can be much or a little help for you guys who's trying to bleach your hair OMBRE. 
don't hesitate to ask me :)

Much Love,


  1. keren banget bisa cat ombre sendiri! itu biar bisa gradasi gitu pembagian rambut pas di bleach nya gimana ya?

    1. thankyouu Muttia, buat commentnya.

      untuk bisa gradasi gitu, pas bleachnya jadinya bertahap. misalnya mau jadi kayak aku 3 warna gradasi kan, nah pengapplikasian bleach pertama itu dari tengah rambut sampai ujung.rambut harus kering! itu berarti kan baru 2 wrna. setelah dicuci dan kering lagi, next aplikasi lagi bleach kedua, dari tengah-tengah rambut yang udh di bleach sampai bawah, nah baru bisa dapat gradasi.
      aku waktu itu ga kepikiran untuk divideo-in tapi caraku sama dengan video yang aku attach diatas :)

    2. oooh ngerti2, udah liat juga sih videonya hehe..
      buat per sesi bleachingnya ditinggal berapa lama ya? kamu pake foil juga?

    3. aku untuk yg pertama aku tinggal sekitar 30-40menit, tp tergantung warna yang km mau, semakin lama semakig terang hasil wrnanya. yg kedua aku lamain dikit, 45mnt. dan iyah, aku pake foil, biar hasilnya lebih bagus. though i don't really know how using it makes the result better. :)

  2. Ombre hair looks so good on you! I can never get my hair in those mermaid-waves by braiding it like you can. It always gets took kicky and it looks frizzy.

    1. aww thankyou Sonya.. i love my ombre too, never get bored of it.
      really? i see, i see, my type of hair is different than yours, but even for me, my braids curls won't even last long, only for a few hours, then it get straight again, which i hate about my hair. i really want to have curly hair.. >.< i should curl it permanently..

  3. Hai! :D
    Keren banget deh ombre nya, bisa rapi gitu. Itu kamu cuma di-bleach aja? Bleach nya pake yang merk Sasha? Gak diapa2in lagi kah?
    Pengen nge-ombre sendiri tapi takut gak rapi >_<

    1. haii juga, thankyou commentnya..
      rapi yak? aku juga seneng bisa rapi gitu padahl pertama kali ngecat ombre.
      iyah aku cuman di bleach, dan pake sasha punya.
      aku ga cat2 lagi karena ga nemu cat wrna blonde yang bener2 aku suka dan masih ragu. dlu belom ada syoss dan freshlight (ato mungkin aku doang yang ketinggalan) jadi di biarin hasil bleach aja..
      pasti awalnya takut, aku juga awalnya takut salah gitu mana aku ga mau potong pendek kan, tp aku pikir klo ga dicoba kapan lagi, masalahnya waktu itu salon ga tau cat ombre kayak gimana. dan aku udh demen banged sama ombre, jd cat sendiri.
      skrg ada bleach merk Miranda, aku belom coba sih karena aku juga baru nemu bleach yang murah yang dijual di supermarket gitu selain Sasha. but i can help you if you really want it so bad.

    2. Aku juga sambil ngumpulin keberaninan sambil nunggu rambutnya panjangan juga sih, sekarang baru sebahu lebih dikit soalnya, hehe.
      Kalo di-bleach tuh pasti jadi kering ya rambutnya? Rontok juga gak?
      Maaf ya banyak nanya, abis baru ini nemu orang Indonesia yang ombre-nya (menurut aku) berhasil, hihihi.. ^^;

    3. ahaha iyah gpp, waktu itu aku juga ragu ragu, cuman udah ga sabar pengen punya ombre hair, dan pas banged rambutku udah panjang. jadilah dipdye trus jd ombre. tp short hair juga bagus kok bisa liat contohnya rambut miley cyrus short ombre hair di google.

      pasti! di bleach pasti langsung kering! untuk rontok ga karena aku kan bleach ga dari akar rambut cuman tengah keujung. rontok paling karena biasa rambut panjang.

      gpp kok, i'm glad someone read it and response to what i've wrote.
      and thankyouuu, i'm flattered and feel honored! :)

  4. what a pretty hair! love it ;)

    bagus dan cocok deh :D
    jadi pengen juga nge-ombre, tapi masih takut gak cocok :(
    rambut masih sebahu nih, pengennya diwarna kaya taeyeon yg kaya gini:

    itu lebih ke dipdye atau ombre ya? :D

    wahahaha maaf ya jadi nanya nanya gini :) blm pernah bleaching sebelumnya, terakhir kemaren pake sasha warna merah tapi gak begitu keliatan warnanya :(

    1. thankyouu dear! :) aku udah potong rambut sekarang tapi..
      itu yang taeyon bagus, tp jadi masuknya dipdye dear.. pkknya ombre lebih tentang gradasi dari gelap ke terang or sebaliknya.

      gpp kok, aku seneng bisa share and bagi pengalaman jg..
      km rmbutnya hitam pekat? iyah kalo mau bewarna gitu ga bisa langsung dari item diwarnain, kecuali coklat, cooper, gitu2.. tp kalo mau warna merah biru ijo ungu pink itu rambut harus bener2 blonde! lebih blonde dari rambut aku yg ombre baru warnanya bisa masuk lebih bagus. :)

  5. Haii. Boleh minta kontaknya ga ya kalo mau minta di bikinin ombre hair gitu say ? :)

  6. hey really love wat uve done to your hair! i got my hair ombre too and i like it much. i did it at salon and spend 700 to get this hair look. 700 for bleach only the end of my hair!! so f expensive!! :'(

    now i want to make my ombre lighter and since it cost high to go to salon, i consider to do it at home -,- but i wonder how many times i hv to rebleach my hair till it come to almost white or platinum blonde
    rebleach it over and over or should bleach it once only but leave the mixture in my hair for longer time?
    wish u can help :)

    1. Dear Avako.
      for me to ombre my hair with that price is too much. though i know the result will be good but still, it's just bleaching.
      ehm frankly speaking i never try to bleach until that color, so i don't really know how many times you should bleach it. but probably you could try 2 times first. if you don't get the color you want, then try one more time. and try to leave it longer, for example if it's only for 45, make it an hour.
      don't forget to use foil wrapper. i don't know how it works, but it does give different effect to the final color. :) hope it helps.

    2. this product could help you to achieve the color you want but unfortunately it isn't available in Indonesia.
      i haven't look for it here though probably you know where to buy this..
      it's called 'Wella Color Charm' it's a toner, it tone down the yellow color after bleaching. it came in 5 types:
      T10 Pale Blonde (Violet-Blue Base)

      T14 Pale Ash Blonde (Violet-Blue Base)
      T18 Lightest Ash Blonde (Violet Base)

      T11 Lightest Beige Blonde (Gold-Violet Base)
      T35 Beige Blonde (Gold-Violet Base)

      there's a lot of review about it online. i don't know what type of color do you want exactly but you could check them out.

  7. yap paid too much for bleach which actually cause damage on my hair huaaaa D':

    mm oke then i'll try again and leave it longer
    as far as i knew foil wrap accelerate bleching proccess by keeping heat on head :)

    errrgg there are many different colour that hair products offer
    they actually provides various colour but sad to say only few available here in indo D':
    but yeah i'll check the colour u named.

    thanks a lot for helping me deedee! :)
    keep bloggin girl things and keep givin reviews!
    ❤ ur blog ! :)

  8. Haii! I wanted to ombre my hair, but i just found out that it cost much money. N i try searching on google, n found ur blog, its really nice to found this creative girl in Jakarta. Yg berani memutuskan, n coba hal yg bsa aja beresiko. But it seems, u really done well, n i think maybe u can help me to obre my hair too? Ada kontak yg bs di hubungi? Wilayah jakarta pusat aku. Ku harap harganya lebih murah seperti yg ditulis di blog. Thanks for wrote this post. Ure so creative! Once again.


    1. Hey dear. Thanks for stopping by and read my blog. So happy my post is useful for my readers.
      Yes I can help you with it. Just add my line: deedeeyoung. We'll talk there :)
      and thankyouu againn ♥

  9. Haii aku mau nanya boleh yaa. Itu beli dimana sasha hair bleaching nya?

    1. bolehh kok.. sasha bisa beli dimana aja.. giant aja, hypermart ada, carrefour ada, kyk indomaret pun juga sebagian ada :)

  10. Hai ka, aku mau tanya. Itu pas bleach nya rambut mu diiket kanan kiri atau pake bantuan orang lain? Aku suka banget ombre kamu keren banget karna kamu bikin sendiri><

    1. Hai Utami..
      Pas bleach ga aku iket or dibntu org, krna aku slalu bleach rmbut pas semua org udh pda tidur. Jd kyk lgsg belah dua kiri kanan tnpa diiket.
      Ahaha makasii yahh.. aku udh potong rmbut skrg jd pendek krna bosen ombre. Haha plus kerja skrg ga blh rmbut stgh pirang. Haha

  11. Kak aku pengen ombre rambut nih. Rambutku tapi pendek kak modelnya asimetris bob jadibyang sebelah kanan lebih panjang dari yang kiri, jadi bagian belakangnya juga miring kak. Kira-kira cocok ga ya kak kalo di ombre? Kulitku warna coklat coklat gitu kak, aku cocok ombre warna apa yah kak? Aku pengen biru tua atau ungu tua gitu cocok ga kak? :)

    1. hai Tiara, maaf yah baru bales, liburan rencana pengen blogging malah sibuk liburan jd ga bisa buka laptop.
      ehm, jujur aku ga bisa ngebayangin rmbut gitu di-ombre, karena biasanya rmbut ombre cocok buat rmbut panjang dan yang kiri kanan rata.
      kalo soal kulit sih aku rasa ga masalah, mau putih, tanned, coklat, cocok2 aja di ombre tp pilihan warnanya yg harus dilihat. biasa klo kulit gelap ambil wrna yang mentereng atau berani kayak blonde, merah, biru elektrik, hijau. kalo pastel lebih cocok yg kulit putih. menurutku yah. tp kalo km mau jadi org pertama yg mencoba disekitar kamu kenapa ga? asal berani. haha.

    2. Kira Kira kalo pewarnaannya ngga pake bleaching gmn ya kak? Sebenernya aku belum terlalu berani sih kak, kalo pake bleaching aku masih takutnya terlalu spontan perubahan warnanya ^^

    3. ehm, km bleachnya waktunya dikurangin aja, kalo ga mau terlalu keliatan mentereng. biasa kan bleach nunggu 30-40mnt, km cuman 20-25mnt aja, coklatnya jd bukan blonde.
      tp klo msih takut, mending km jgn lakuin sendiri. or km bisa pake cat wrna coklat dlu untuk liat hasilnya, cuman mungkin ga terlalu keliatan.

    4. Kalo warna coklat gitu, di bleaching dgn waktu singkat dulu baru di warnain coklat, atau warna coklat nya itu dari bleaching dgn waktu singkat itu kak? Maaf ya kak kok kayanya aku rewel bgt banyak tanya >_<

    5. Wrna coklatnya dari hasil bleaching dengan waktu singkat.
      Kalo km belom brani bleaching, km cat pake cat wrna coklat aja, soalnya lebih less damaged. Cuman mungkin wrnanya ga gitu keliatan, baru keliatan klo kena ccahaya. Gpp, klo km masih mau nanya2 lgsg line aku aja yah: deedeeyoung

  12. Hi Deedee ^_^
    I really want to ombre my hair. Well, I have tried that yesterday and looks like I failed ( ; w ; )
    To be honest, I'm afraid to bleach my hair, so that yesterday I use Sasha's Copper Golden Blonde to reduce the damage risk. Since it's a very bright color (yeah, very very bright color on its model's hair -_- ), I thought I will make it without bleach. Hahaha and I'm totally wrong XP
    The color didn't come out, at all! *sob* That was not my first hair dye experience, though the result are all the same. Sometimes i think, is the problem my hair itself?

    Curhat nih jadinya XP Any recommendation?

    Btw salam kenal yah ( ^ _ ^ )/

    1. hello leony, salam kenal juga.
      it's not failed karena emang bukan dgn cara yang tepat.
      selalu deh semua orang takut untuk di bleach karena pasti rusak emang tp mau ombre blonde kalo ga bleach ga akan bisa. tapi jgn salah, mending kamu bleach sekali warna lgsg luntur, dibanding km cat berkali-kali karena pikirnya less damage, it's almost the same, sama2 ngerusak juga.
      waktu awal aku juga pake cat rambut loreal, sama apa aku lupa brandnya, jatohnya cuman coklat yg keliatan kalo kena sinar. it's not your hair that's wrong. catnya juga ga salah karena emg di rambut item cat blonde bakal kluarnya dan jadinya ga ngerubah banyak, makanya ada bleach, untuk ngelunturin wrna hitamnya.
      my suggestion: 1. if you want ombre hair, jgn takut pake bleach, as long as km rajin ngerawat dan lakuin perawatan rambut. the risk of having dream hair right?. klo km rajin perawatan it will give less damage to your hair walaupun rmbutmu di bleach sekalipun kayak aku. my friends told me my hair ga rusak dan ga kering seperti yang mereka bayangkan. 2. if you're afraid, mending jangan daripada km nyesel, but you won't get your dream hair.
      nah sekarang balik lagi ke kamu, km maunya gimana? but here, let me tell you, kalo km terus2an takut dan ujungnya ga mau, km ga akan kemana2 dan ga akan bisa dptin yg km mau.
      ini menurut aku..
      semoga membantu :)

    2. Ahaha I agree with you. Like what you said, 'now or never'.And I'm at point of no return right now lol. Yap yap, yesterday finally I bleach my hair~ The result's not bad, but that's really not my color. My hair turned red, not blonde like yours~ Uuu I really love your ombre color >.<
      Maybe I will recoloring my hair tomorrow hehe :3 Can I chat with u on Line? :3

    3. Ahh glad you did it. Probably you could bleach twice to get the color.
      Yes chat with me through Line, it will be alot easier to talk there :) line: deedeeyoung

  13. Hii..
    Aku mau tanya nih, kamu sasha-nya habis berapa kotak ya buat ngombre?
    Sebetulnya waktu itu aku udah pernah coba ombre hair, tapi karena mau masuk kuliah jadi aku potong rambut. Dan lagi kurang satisfy soalnya brassy gitu, jadi kayak sule hehe :p
    Nah, sekarang ngidam banget nih pengen lagi, tapi gambling mau beli berapa kotaknya sama warna buat ngilangin brassinessnya itu.

    Makasih ya udah ngput info ombre hair ala Indonesia di web :)
    maaf nih anonymous aja, hehe

    1. ehm, berapa yah? mungkin sekitar 6 - 8 kotak, maaf aku lupa banget, soalnya aku ombrenya bertahap kan ga langsung, jdnya kira2 6-8 kotak.
      kalo bleach emang gitu, makanya harus pake toner untuk tone down brassy nya. cuman aku belom tau itu dijual dimana kalo di indonesia. haha soalnya supermarket or drugstore mreka ga jual gitu, sebel deh.

      iyaah, sama2, makasi juga udah mampir baca :)

  14. mau tanya, aku punya rambut ombre merah trs kalo mau ganti warna ombrenya, apa bakal aman jika di bleaching lg? thanks before kak :)

    1. Aman dalam term ga bakal rusak kering? Ehm itu udh pasti sih bakal kering rusak.

  15. oh gitu, kalo dr warnanya ntar warna merahnya luntur ga kak kalo di bleaching?

    1. luntur kok, ntr jd blonde lagi, sebenernya ada peluntur warna jadi bukan pake bleach lagi, tp ga ada di indo kayaknya.. namanya juga lupa >.<

  16. Hi deee. Mau nanya nii, cara pake foilny gmn? Tkt salah. Thks

  17. Hi. Sy Ria. Sy mau nanya, rambut sy taun kmrn abs di itemin, hr in sy bleach pk miranda, kok hasilnya aneh, hampir spt foto km yg pertama kali bleach x_x trs gak smuanya bisa masuk pdhl udah pake foil :'( Udh sy ulang 2x pdhl. Please help me. Ini rambut sy jd keset bdw. Harus diapakan? Sy g mau potong rambut soalnya huhu. Mohon sarannya ya. Thank you dede :*

    1. Dear Ria,
      untuk rambut yang pernah kena cat hitam emang bakal susah diapain, eventhough di bleach pun.
      ehm, mungkin yang warnanya gak masuk semua emang km bleachnya ga rata? karena klo bleach emang susah. walaupun pake foil juga, itu kan bukan buat ngeratain, cuman pembungkus.
      kalo udah keset mau ga mau mending potong aja, karena kalo km bleach lagi itu rambut km bakal gosong yang dimana udah ga bisa diapa2in lgi cuman bisa di potong.. itu efek bleach, bikin rambut rusak. tapi kalo km ga mau potong, udah jgn bleach lagi, biarin aja, kasih perawatan intensive ke rambut km yang rusak. hair mask, pake hair serum, pkknya yg perawatan buat rambut rusak.
      semoga menjawab yah :)

  18. Haiii ci. Gue mau nanya, kl pake foil rambutnya taruh sedikit2 / bs lgsg banyak? Trs cara bungkusnya, asal bungkus aja apa gpp? Trs apa kudu dipanasin pake hair dryer sgala ci? Kl iya, kudu dipanasin brp lama ci? Sori ci gue bawel. Hehe xie2

    1. ehm, hahaha gpp, itu banyak juga yang nanya kok :)
      ehm.. kalo bisa foil dikit2 aja.. bungkusnya sih ga ada teknik tertentu, bungkus aja biasa, asal rambutnya kebungkus.. kalo dipanasin pke hair dryer itu aku baru denger, jujur aku ga pake hair dryer.. cuman diemin aja ampe dpt wrna yang di mau.
      semoga menjawab :)

  19. hi aku juni ! Love your ombre hair .

    aku mau nanya. kamu dibleaching berapa kali ? dan tahap"nya gimana untuk jadi ombre di foto kmu yg oktober 2012 ?

    1. Hai Juni, thankyou :)
      Km lgsg line aku aja yah karena panjang jelasinnya.
      Line: deedeeyoung

  20. REALLY LOVE YOUR POST! and love your ombre hair <3

  21. REALLY LOVE YOUR POST! and love your ombre hair <3

  22. Cii . bisa minta tolonf buatin kyk gni ga yaa ? Bagus dehh

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. keren rambutnya,, curly n ombre... :D
    itu cuma dikepang aja bisa jadi curly kyk gtu?

  25. Bleaching rambutnya berarti engga dalam sehari yaa? Mau tanya juga dong didieminnya brp lama tiap section trs gmn caranya supaya section bagian atas yg deket sama rambut hitam bleachnya bisa nyaru sama rambut asli kita jadi natural gtt, tolong dijawab yaaa thankyouuu

    1. Iyah aku bleachnya ga dlm sehari tp klo km mau dalam sehari jg gpp.. itu kan krna aku jg msh baru blm tau ombre seharusnya gmna.. makanya bertahap..
      Normalnya 2x bleach kalo rmbutmu cpt luntur.. klo ga then more than 2 smpe km dpt warnanya..
      Bleach pertama cuman 20-30min tergntung warna rmbut udh sesuai dgn yg km mau apa ga.. klo bleach ke 2 lamaan biar lbh light..
      Klo itu jgn klmaan bleach yg bagian km mau nyaruin itu jd rmbut yg di bleach jd coklat dlu.. itu atur waktu bleaching aja.. normalnya kyk yg aku sebut diatas tp tergantung rmbut mu klo udh mau wrna itu ywda cuci. Gituu..
      Semoga menjawab yah :)

  26. halo ~
    bagus bgt rambutnya, aku mau nanya ya, aku sih blm mau ombre sekarang tapi kepengen blonde streak
    1. kamu pk cat rambut merek apa untuk warna pirangnya? apa untuk gradasi warnanya, warna dyenya beda beda?
    2. ak aga bingung dgn term bleaching disini soalnya km keliatan bleaching banyak bgt. mungkin mksd km dyeing, stlh bleach, dye, bleach sekali lg, terus dye. ak blm nonton videonya >.<
    3. pirang kamu ga terlalu brassy, ga orange ga apa, pdhl ga pk toner, sebel juga blm masuk toner ke indo. tipsnya apa?

    makasih ya ^^

    1. why you have to anon???
      like i don't know the person who i'm sharing more information to.. and it's like you don't appreciate me or trust me enough to let me know who.
      ehm okay, just email me ( with the same question, I will let you know the detail you're asking.
      no anon this time! thankyou!

  27. hiiiiii, anyway where did you buy hair chalk? and did you use toner after bleach your hair? because your hair not turn out like brassy orange or yellowish tone. i'm indonesian too and i don't know where i can get hair toner. thanks :)

    1. Halo Fahma Sarira,
      I bought my Hair chalk at my campus when there's a bazaar. but you could check in paperclip or staples. don't go buy online, they are so very expensive. I bought Reeves 36colors for only IDR45, also in paperclip last time i checked it's around 50-60 I kinda forgot.
      and for the toner, I didn't use it, I'm also searching for a good toner. and if i find it I will put it in my post, but i didn't use any toner, the color just came out that way after bleaching.
      my hair isn't virgin black, it's very dark brown and very easy to get any color on (except pastel and bright colors, i have to be super blonde)
      hope this answers your questions :)

  28. I love your hair, it's so pretty as you!
    I always wanted to bleach my hair to get the colour that I want. but I'm too afraid to do it. and I found your blog and this is so helpful. gonna try it today and I wish the result will be good as yours! thank you soo much! x

    1. Sorry for the late reply. thankyouu for your message dear :) I'm so glad that my post was useful to you.
      with alot of practice I bet you can get better than me :)
      Yourwelcome dear ❤

  29. kakak, aku suka banget sama rambutnyaaa <3
    aku pingin juga, tp aku takut jadinya malah aneh. mau nanya-nanya dikit nih...
    1. warna rambut aku hitam pekat. will it works if i only bleach my hair?
    2. nah after bleaching itu takutnya malah jadi brassy gitu, itu gimana ya kak?
    3. did you dye your hair after bleaching or you only bleach it?
    maaf banyak nanya kak, rencananya habis kelulusan aku mau nge ombre. thanks alooott :)

    1. Dear Theresia, aku ada faq ttg ombre hair. Dan pertanyaan diatas udah aku jawab disana.. coba km baca aja dlu nnti klo ga ngerti or msh bingung boleh tanya lagi aja. Makasi yah udah mampir di blogku :) have a lovely day ♥

  30. Halo kak! Aku suka banget rambut ombre nyaaaa >.< aku pengen coba dirumah nih,hasil lebih bagus kalau pake foil atau gak? Dan beli foil nya dimana ya? Thankyou❤️

    1. sebenernya ga masalah sih pake foil apa ga dan waduh aku bukan supermarket berjalan dear. hahaha foil mah dimana aja bisa kamu temuin.. banyak indomaret alfamart berserakan. :)

  31. Hai, ombre mu bagus banget. Aku mau nanya, utk ombre dengan warna ngejreng seperti biru, hijau, atau ungu itu baiknya pakai produk apa dan dimana aku bisa dapetinnya?? Thanks :)

    1. Hai, maaf baru bales yah. untuk cat warna gitu bisa beli online namanya manic panic. itu yang menurutku paling jelas. aku belum coba sih, tapi ada juga miranda cuman yang sepertinya cuman tahan dua minggu. :) bisa cari kalo emg niat ke pasar baru.

  32. Thx inspirasinya kakak :D Aku udah berani ngecat rambut .. Cuma warnanya belum terlalu berani .

    Hehehe, makasih.

    1. wah.. glad i could be your inspiration!! it's okay, baby steps. but for you to be out of your safe box, itu awal yang bagus :)

  33. terimakasih atas postyingannya..
    kalo untuk kulit yang berwarna gelap baiknya menggunakan warna apa dengan apa sih sist?
    terimakasih ;)

    1. untuk basic ombre sih dari black, brown, ke light brown. tapi menurutku klo kulit warna gelap cocok warna netral sampai blonde. kurang cocok untuk warna ungu pink biru. ini menurutku sih, tp kalo emg berani mah tabrak aja, toh udah banyak sekarang. be brave!! be different!!

  34. sebelum pewarnaan rambut harus mengerti caranya agar mendapatkan hasil maksimal

  35. hai kak boleh tanya ga, misal mau d ombre warna"pastel gtu caranya gmn ya? base rambutnya uda d bleaching.mksi

  36. Haduh sukaaaaaa banget ama ombre-nya~ aku pingin deh dibikin purple2 gitu, tapi gak berani kalau ngelakuin sendirian, kalau ke salon mahal #diseplak XD~ Boleh gak ya aku ke rumahmu terus minta dibenerin #dibunuh BERCANDAAA~ XD

    1. aku buka ombre hair service kok kalo mau dengan harga murah. :)

  37. Ci, klo di bleaching gt rmbut bs patah ga? kyk tbtb putus kyk digunting gtu?

    1. kemungkinan besar bisa.. but so far I didn't experience it :)

  38. Itu foto yang oktober 2012 cuma pake bleach doang ? Terus abis ngebleah kasar banget engga rambut kamu, aku ngebleach 20menitan udah kasar gtu. Oh ya kalo abis ngehitamin pake l'oreal terus pengen ngebleach bisa masuk engga ya warnanya ?

    1. yes, aku ga pernah cat, semua pure bleach :)
      Thank God udah bleach berkali-kali rambutku bukan tipe yang gampang kasar, jd mgkin tipe rambutmu yang ga kuat kena bleach.
      kering sih iyah tapi that's where you have to treat your hair with all the vitamins your hair needed, itu bantu ngurangin hair damaged.
      dari experience aku, apapun cat hitam yg dipake akan buat bleach lebih susah ngelunturin wrna rambut.

  39. Haii, mau nanya dong. Aku mau ngewarnain rambut full. tapi gamau terlalu keliatan soalnya ngeri juga nanti senior ribut hehe. Jadi aku beli loreal yg copper mahogany dark blonde dan aku ga pake di bleach juga, kira2 jadinya gimana yaa? makasihh kak. Btw aku suka bgt sama rambut kakak, berhasil bgt ombre nya, aku mau ombre takut. takut sama senior hahaha. Sorry nih bawel, thanks before kak ;)

    1. maaf baru bales yah..
      menurut experience aku juga, kalo rambutmu hitam banget warna akan lebih susah masuk, jadi mgkin hasilnya yah ga akan terlalu keliatan dirambut. tp pas dibawah matahari akan kliatan warna cooper nya.. tp ga kentara, bilang aja emg gitu warna asli rambutmu.. tp kalo km udah sering cat and emg biasa masuk wrna nya, mgkin akan lebih keliatan bedanya..
      aku ga bisa kasih jawaban pasti karena rambut org sungguh bermacam2..

  40. lucu ih jadi pengen digituin tapi sayangnya gak bisa..

    sekalian klik ini juga

  41. ci, aku udah 2kali ngecat di salon tapi gapernah puas. Bilangnya ombre tapi gajuga. Btw, ada line ci?bleaching itu gmn ya ci? skrg my hair wrn violet mahogany brand miranda. pingin kayak rambut cici😢😂

    1. Ternyata masih sampe sekarang ga semua salon tau ombre yah.. ehm, padahal udah seharusnya salon tau loh.
      ada kok, deedeeyoung, add aja..
      bleaching itu gimana maksudnya gmna?

  42. Hai kak mau tanya , aku uda bleaching 2 kali , yg prtma 1 box bawah , 2 hari setelahnya 2 box atas bawah, nah aku gk prnh pke srung tngan plastik hari prtma tngn ku gk kena karna aku oles tpis pke sikat dan untuk mnahannya aku pke foil hari kedua kan aku coba untuk bnyakin ke rmbut soalnya yg kmrn wrnanya gk terang" bnget stlh aku cuci aku bru tau jari telunjum sma jempol ku sblh knan berubah wrna putih tp gk mnyeluruh, apa jariku gpp? Aku smpet olesin minyak kyu putih untuk hilangin tp gk ilang (recommended blog lain). Ini tanda alergi lah? Apa cman krn tertindih bleachingnya yg nempel ? Klo gatel dn panas sih enggak

    1. Haii dear♡
      Aku waktu itu pernah kejadian sama kyk km, tp di telapak tangan. Sbnrnya bukan gpp or knpa2 sih yah klo dipikir klo knpa2 brrti ga blh kena kulit kepala dong?
      Bukan alergi kok, asal udh dicuci diemin aja bbrp hri udah ilang.. aku dlu jg gitu..
      Smga membantu♡

  43. Sis, saya mau tanya saya udah pernah di bleach (6bln yg lalu) dengan warna pirang, kalo sekarang saya ingin semir warna biru tua, kelihatan birunya nda ya? Perlu di bleach lagi apa nda usah? Dan semir produk apa yg hasilnya awesome?Thanks :)


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