Saturday, November 24, 2018

FACE: How I Treat My Acne part 2 | ft. Dr. Hsieh

Hello bunnies ♥

So i'm writing this part 2 karena kulitku udah jauh mendingan dan tinggal bekasnya saja.
kalo kalian mau tau gimana aku treat my acne kalian bisa langsung cek di sini

Aku mau update aja sih gimana kondisi kulitku sekarang.

Kemarin aku ada dikirimin lagi sama Dr. Hsieh, kali ini aku dapat produk khusus untuk membantu menghilangkan bekas bekas jerawat. Jujur, selama ini aku ga pernah bisa bener-bener ketemu produk yang bisa ngebantu menghilangkan noda bekas jerawat itu. Jadi waktu dikasih lagi aku penasaran banget! Coz I've tried out their Acne series products and it works very very amazing.

Nah sebelum lanjut, aku kasih hasilnya foto perubahan dari review part 1 aku yah! biar pada inget dan bisa lihat perubahan nya gimana.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Welcoming KOSE COSMEPORT to Indonesia!

Hello bunnies ♥

Back with me! 
just a couple of weeks ago aku ngehadirin launching event Kose Cosmeport yang akhirnya officials di Indonesia. Acara nya di Four Season hotel Jakarta. I got so excited sekarang product jepang yang dulu cuman bisa beli lewat PO sekarang bisa dibeli gampang dimana aja di Indonesia, terutama Jakarta. Ada di Watson dan Guardian.

Nah buat kalian yang belum pernah denger Kose Cosmeport, gpp! No need to worry coz I'm going to explain it abit about it here, jadi jangan kemana-mana dan baca sampe abis yah :*
 Kose Cosmeport ini adalah Cosmetaries ternama dari Jepang dan merupakan bagian dari Kose Group dan menghadirkan banyak produk-produk perawatan seperti rambut, wajah dan tubuh khususnya untuk wanita (tapi bukan berarti pria ga bisa pake yah, sangat bisa juga kok)

Nah ini keseruan dari acara Kose Cosmeport waktu itu.
adanya talkshow nya menghadirkan speakers yaitu dr. Edwin Tanihaha, Sp.KK, DIP. AAAM, MH.Kes, FKCCS dan Yuanita Christiani, model and presenter, dan Nomura Yasushi sebagai General Manager in Oversea Sales Department - KOSE Cosmeport Jepang dan Mba Nurhayatini sebagai Product Manager PT Radiant Sentral Nutrindo (pemegang lisensi KOSE Cosmeport)

dr. Edwin Tanihaha menjelaskan pentingnya perawatan kulit bagi wanita. Kulit sehat adalah kulit yang elastis dan lembut, mempunyai 1 color tone, ga ada redness/inflammation and no pimples, dan tidak ada rasa gatal, dan discomfort. 
Menurut dr. Edwin Tanihaha perawatan dasar yang paling penting adalah Cleansing milk/oil, cleanser, Toner and Lotion bagi yang memakai makeup. bagi yang tidak memakai makeup cukup dengan step cleanser dan toner serta lotion. 

proper skincare dimulai dari pembersihan (Clean) bisa dengan cleansing oil, cleansing milk, facial wash and facial toner. lalu lanjut ke Moist dimana ada Serum and daily/night Cream. Waktu siang bisa pakai Sunscreen. ada juga Others itu bisa termasuk Face Mask or Sheet Mask and vitamin pills. 

Kalo kita sudah punya proper skin care, ada hal lain yang perlu diperhatiin, yaitu Proper Lifestyle.
dimana kita harus punya waktu tidur yang cukup, harus minum banyak air, tidak boleh terlalu stress, harus makan makanan yang sehat dan bergizi, dan tidak mengkonsumsi drugs, no smoking and alcohol, and last but not least, OLAHRAGA!
aku ketampar banget ini yang bagian olahraga ya ampun karena aku males banget olahraga.

Kose Cosmeport officially memperkenalkan 4 best categories which are:
- Softymo (Pembersih wajah)
- Clear Turn (Masker Wajah)
- Suncut (Pelindung Sinar Matahari)
- Je L'aime (Perawatan Rambut)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

HAIR: Helen Seward Fortifying Shampoo and Filler Mask

Hello bunnies ♥

Haiii! You're back with me!
This time this post will be about hair! As I promised, I'll share you my latest hair treatment that I use for these couple weeks.Aku tapi jujur karena belum color rambut aku lagi jadi lagi super males treatment rambut jadi aku sangat amat terbantu dengan product Helen Seward yang aku dapet dari Beauty Dept
Karena kalo kalian ikutin aku, kalian tau aku perawatan rambutnya agak ribet dan yang pasti natural. but there are times yang aku mau nya simple karena emang belakangan ini aku agak lebih sibuk.
So, I choose this 2 products from Helen Seward as my treatments.

Helen Seward ini asalnya dari Milan, Italy. Company nya sendiri udah lama banget sejak 1969.
Helen Seward ini emang khusus untuk perawatan segala type rambut dan permasalahan rambut, even sampe untuk coloring, bleaches, treatments, shampoo, scalp serum, hair mask, hair serum, for hair styling product and many others. Akhirnya masuk Indonesia dan dijual khusus oleh Beauty Dept.
Go check Beauty Dept for more of Helen Seward products.

abit about my hair condition, my hair has been bleached 7 times but with a span within a year, jadi ga langsung 1 hari aku bleach 7 kali yah. per jeda per bleach itu sekitar 3-4bulan jadi aku ada waktu buat treatment and making my hair back to a normal condition dulu. 
rambut ku sekarang ga rusak banget, most of my fellow bloggers told me that my hair is just dry but not damaged. well, you know hair is my specialty right? so without further ado,
Let's discuss each of them, shall we?

Friday, November 2, 2018

COLGATE Naturals Pure Fresh and Real White REVIEW

Hello bunnies ♥

i'm back with new review! Ini bakal jadi pertama kali aku review pasta gigi.
Aku diundang oleh JDID and SpaceTV untuk Exclusive Launching COLGATE NATURALS event.
Aku memang biasanya pake Colgate juga jadi seneng banget bisa hadir disana dan bisa nyobain Colgate Naturals ini. Banyak banget yang aku dapet dari event kemarin, and I can't wait to share it to you guys

Colgate Natural Extracts Ultimate Fresh Lemon Toothpaste is inspired by the tradition of Asian ingredients for healthy teeth and gums. Exclusively formulated with natural extracts from unusual plants and minerals for everyday oral care protection.
Colgate Naturals combines the goodness of nature’s best ingredients with Colgate’s oral care expertise, for healthy smiles inspired by nature. Colgate Naturals has only 2 variants. That are: 
Colgate Naturals Pure Fresh Lemon and Aloe Vera
Colgate Naturals Real White Seaweed and Crystalline Salts

Let's start with my fave!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

FACE: How I Treat My Acne | ft. Dr Hsieh and Mila D'Opiz

Hello bunnies ♥

I know it's been a long time. I'm back with another review but before going to that, aku akan lebih banyak pake Bahasa yah dibanding English, Since I owe it THAT MUCH for my indonesian readers.
Dulu banget aku ada janji buat blog tentang gimana cara dapatin kulit wajah lebih bersih bebas jerawat but udah ilang kelelep. 
Nah kebetulan aku kemarin jerawatan parah lagi, hampir nyerah mau balik ke dokter lagi but then I got sponsored for this post! Tenang, walaupun sponsor aku akan sangat jujur dalam review ini (dan begitu juga di sponsored review lainnya). Jujur aku sangat bersyukur aku banyak di approach brand-brand but brand kali ini aku yang pilih because I trust my friends yang udah rekomendasiin ke aku untuk coba. I couldn't thankyou enough!! 
YUP! so let's start!

Jadi, awal mula nya nih, aku pas bulan september awal, aku pakai face mask vitamin c dari korea yang ga akan aku sebut namanya karena aku lupa dan udah kesel banget gara2 itu mukaku jd break out parah apalagi bagian jawline. 
aku udah ga pernah pake makeup lagi kalo ga ada acara banget dan biasa aku bodo amat tetep ga pake makeup karena aku ga mau nanti makin parah. 
Aku pake skin care aku yang biasa aku pake ga mempan, secara juga skin care yang lama itu lebih ke mencerahkan dan ga ada untuk mengatasi masalah jerawat. Pake acne gel spot yang booming banget dari jepang itu pun udah ga mempan! Karena ini udah parah banget emang. Means aku harus banget ganti skin care routine. 

So I ask my friends through IG Story about what products I should use yang sesuai dengan kondisi aku. Lalu Gabby, langsung inisiatif kontek aku dan dia suruh aku coba ampoule Mila D'Opiz untuk acne care. Aku pernah review Mila D'Opiz juga sebelumnya bisa cek disini: 
Begitu juga Winda, yang memperkenalkan aku sama Ignas, yang akhirnya letting me try Dr. Hsieh Acne Skin care series. 

Maaf aku bukan blogger yang baik, aku ga baca ingredients and anything else dulu langsung pake saking desperate nya. until, I SEE SOME CHANGES WITHIN COUPLE WEEKS OF TRY!
pas ngeliat ada perubahan baru aku liat ingredients and everything else I need to know.
Now, I'm going to share it to you, Aku sangat berharap ini juga bisa membantu buat yang punya masalah acne sama kayak aku.

Jadi aku add this 4 new products ke skincare routine aku, which are:
1. Dr. Hsieh Mandelic Acid Anti-Acne Fasial Wash Mousse
2. Dr. Hsieh Mandelic Acid 20% Home-Peeling Liquid
3. Dr. Hsieh Mandelic Acid 30% Anti-Acne Spot On Gel
4. Mila D'Opiz Purrifying Ampoule

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

FACE: Eileen Grace Rose Jelly Mask & Black Jelly Mask

Hello bunnies ♥

Back again with me with another skincare review!
Yes, please jangan bosen yah kalo aku suka review skincare sekarang, 
cos the more I aged, the less makeup and the more skincare I could think of.
Aku jadi ga gitu tertarik dengan makeup. To be honest, menurutku kalo kalian lebih memikirkan kesehatan kulit, trust me, you don't need alot of makeup! Karena kalian akan sangat PD dengan kulit kalian sendiri. Apalagi yang pake makeup cuman untuk cover your flaw.

Nah, in this post, I'm going to review Eileen Grace 
I've never tried this mask before since I'm that type who prefer sheet mask over jelly mask, but I've heard a lot of great things about this jelly mask, so I can't wait to try it on!

"Eileen Grace present a new innovation that will fulfill women's overall desires. With a technology that has been tested globally, Eileen Grace does not only want to create one type of product that can solve many skin problems for women, but also wants to provide quality products that are able to compete with international brands in the market."

Jadi Eileen Grace sendiri banyak macam skincare nya untuk banyak macam jenis kulit dan masalah kulit. Thanks to Beauty Blogger Tangerang and Eileen Grace I could try one of their best seller products. So, let's start this review! 
Oh before that, if you want to know more of Eileen Grace product you could just click every Eileen Grace word, since I link it directly to their website so it's easier for you to look at.

So here it is!

Monday, September 24, 2018

BODY: JELLYS Body Care Review

Hello bunnies ♥

I hope you're not bored yet, but here I'm going to do some review of Body Care products that I received from Sociolla, Beauty Journal and it's from Thailand called JELLYS
 JELLYS dikenal luas saat ini dan diakui di seluruh dunia, seperti Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Laos, Kamboja, Filipina, Singapura, Arab Saudi.
Jelly is committed to providing not only good but great skin care products. 
A selection of natural ingredients to obtain the standard quality of their skin care products. Jellys is a safe products and it's a high quality products, that people all over the world shouldn't be worried about using it.

So JELLYS has total of 9 products yang udah ada dan available di Indonesia.

dua nya lagi, produck nya JELLYS yang baru keluar dan ini khusus untuk wajah, that's Pure Face Bluefin Tuna Cream untuk mencerahkan wajah, menutrisi dan mengembalikan lagi energi kulit sehingga lebih mulus, glowy dan lembab.
dan satu lagi Pure Face Mask Power Soap yang dapat mencerahkan wajah juga, mengecilkan pori-pori, mengangkat minyak berlebihan, serta kotoran dan sel kulit mati. 

I got 3 body care products from JELLYS which are: 
JELLYS Pure Soap
JELLYS Pure Lotion with SPF 60
JELLYS Pure DD Cream Sunscreen SPF 100/PA+++

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

FACE: Mila D'Opiz Vitamin C Ampoule and The Skin Whisperer Cream

Hello bunnies ♥

I'm back with another SKINCARE review!
yash! coz for me, 2018 is about skincare and less makeup!
I want to upgrade my skincare product coz i'm no longer young as you can see. I'll be 30 in about 4 years. And I don't want to be late to take care of myself than regret later. I'm not sure if I have my mom's genes of staying young passed on to me or not, so better start now than late. 

So, this time, aku kesempatan untuk coba skin care dari SWISS yang mau masuk ke Indonesia! Yaitu,
Have you heard about Mila D'Opiz? Jujur sebelum di tawarin aku ga pernah denger Mila D'Opiz sebelumnya, Jadi nih aku perkenalkan dulu Mila D'Opiz ini.

Informasi ini bisa kalian dapatin di websitenya Mila D'Opiz

Friday, September 14, 2018

FACE: MEDIHEAL x Beauty Journal Face Masks + Event Report

Hello bunnies ♥

I'm Back! I hope aku ga ilang terlalu lama yah. I'm back with another review (yes kalian bisa liat dari title nya), that is MEDIHEAL Face Mask!  You guys must have heard about Mediheal, it's a Korean Brand Face Mask. and it's not an ordinary face mask, I've heard alot of good things about this face mask.

"Mediheal adalah merek sheet mask no. 1 di dunia yang dapat mengembalikan kesehatan dan meningkatkan kualitas kulit Anda. MEDIHEAL menjadi merek unggul dalam industri kecantikan dan telah menjual lebih dari 100 juta produk masker sejak 2009. Reputasinya baik karena dikembangkan oleh sekelompok ahli kulit & dermatologis yang berdedikasi untuk terus berinovasi dalam menemukan masker yang dapat memenuhi semua kebutuhan kulit secara efektif. serta aman digunakan. Semua produk telah diuji secara dermatologi & hypoallergenic"

Kalo kalian liat di Instagram aku, I was invited to Mediheal Launching Event, that was coordinated by Beauty Journal and Sociolla last weeks. I was so excited cos I HAVE NEVER even once TRY OUT THIS MASK! why? I don't know! I must have been so blind. Now, I'm gonna use this more often, wanna know why? Baca sampe abis yah.

Friday, August 24, 2018

FACE: SKEYNDOR Thermal Cleansing Gel and Thermal Concentrate Water

Hello bunnies ♥

Last July, I was contacted if I was interested in trying new product. I was contacted by SKEYNDOR.
I received their Aquatherm line which are Thermal Cleansing Gel and Thermal Concentrate Water.
now, before going further, how many of you ever, i tell you, EVER HEARD of this brand?
Jujur aku juga belum pernah sama sekali.
No wonder why, because they only introduce this product for professionals only (such as doctors and beauty clinics), that's why alot of us never ever heard about this. No worries, I'm here to tell you guys as much information I could give about SKEYNDOR for you guys.
So without further ado, let's start this review, shall we?

SKEYNDOR ternyata sudah ada lebih dari 10 tahun di Indonesia. SKEYNDOR sendiri product yang berasal dan di produksi dari Spain. SKEYNDOR didirikan pada tahun 1966 oleh Pablo Puente dan Juan Morcillo. Mereka mulai melakukan ekspansi ke seluruh Spain pada tahun 70an. Awal diluncurkan SKEYNDOR juga hanya bagi professional. Tahun 2002 SKEYNDOR mulai melakukan ekspansi internasional sampai saat ini.
Dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk memperkenalkan produk ini bukan hanya untuk professional tapi untuk masuk dalam dunia retail which are department store and drug store.
and for this very reason, SKEYNDOR and myself has worked together to slowly make that dreams come true. Yes, I'm one of the luckiest ever! I got to try one of Spain famous skincare products.

As I've said before above, I got their Aquatherm line which are Thermal Cleansing Gel and Thermal Concentrate Water. As it said on their website, this line is best for hydrating our skin. This line also suitable for sensitive and irritated skin, and skin with too much redness.
Kebetulan, pas banget itu kulit aku! plus aku punya skin yang acne-prone and a bit dehydrated.
This line of skincare helps reducing irritation and giving your skin instant freshness and also tenderness.

it's formulated with thermal water from the Sailes-De-Bearn spring (France), a mineral-thermal water with the highest proportion of ion magnesium (837mg/litre) within the world. it also contains a large amount of salts and more than 25 essential trace elements.

it has its advantages:
- Stimulates the wound healing process
- Increase skin resistance or barriers
- Accelerate skin regenerations
- Maintain skin pH balance
- Fight bad bacteria

Guess that's all I can give about this line!
Let's now review these 2 products that I've received.

Monday, August 20, 2018

CORINE de FARME: Makeup Remover Wipes with Micellar Lotion

Hello bunnies ♥

Jadi kalo kalian notice, minggu lalu aku diundang sama Sociolla and Beauty Journal pergi ke Launching Event of  
new product that are Makeup Remover Wipes and Micellar Cleansing Lotion.

nah kebetulan, I got the chance to try Corine de Farme Makeup Remover Wipes untuk aku coba sendiri di rumah. 
As you guys know, sebagai cewe yang cinta banget sama makeup, kalian harus juga cinta sama makeup remover karena itu sepaket. Kebersihan kulit itu penting, makanya makeup remover or cleansing products itu sangat penting. If our skin are clean, we will have a nice and great skin. 
Tapi emang kadang membersihkan kulit itu sangat rempong apalagi buat cewe-cewe yang super males, maka itu Corine de Farme mempermudah rutinitas membersihkan wajah kalian dari makeup and also travel friendly dan yang tentunya juga dapat membersihkan makeup dengan sempurna, dengan adanya Corine de Farme Makeup Remover Wipes.

Ini dia Corine de Farme Makeup Remover Wipes with Micellar Lotion.
Make-up remover Wipes ini mengandung lotion dengan
teknologi micellar yang terdiri dari butiran molekul aktif micelle yang secara efektif mengangkat dan
membersihkan kotoran (make-up waterproof sekalipun) di permukaan kulit wajah dan mata tanpa

Thursday, August 9, 2018

CLINELLE Thermal Spring Water and Hot Body Shape Cream

Hello bunnies ♥

I'm back with another review about Thermal Spring Water and Hot Body Cream from Clinelle
I got this package from Clozette, am so excited to try this out. Thankyou Clinelle and Clozette.

Aku rasa kalian udah tau dan pernah dengar Clinelle. Clinelle spread their wings now and they've launched new product series which is Thermal Water and Hot Body Cream.
I bet you've heard about Thermal Spring Water? but what about Hot Body Cream?
Aku baru tau ini Hot Body Cream nya, it makes me wonder if it works just like what the claims said?
Well, Let's see!

So first let's talk about the
Clinelle PureSWISS Thermal Spring Water
PureSwiss Thermal Spring Water is not just an ordinary water that has been tested (dermatologically tested), it's formulated with RX3 Mineral Action (Repair, Refine, Reshield) provides natural ability of the earth to maintain and restore the health of your skin. PureSwiss Thermal Spring Water protect and revive your skin from head to toe with 25 extraordinary efficacies. walaupun namanya swiss tapi Spring Water ini formulated in France.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

HAIR: How I Dye My Hair Pink | Pulpriot Lemon, Blush & Cupid | THEDEEHAIR

Hello bunnies ♥

as you guys know (buat kalian yang udah ikutin instagram aku), that my hair is PINK!
Alot of my @thedeehair followers wanted me to make a video of how I dye my hair pink, what colorant used and my hair routine after color.
Instead of answering them question one by one, which is alot, so I decided to make a video about it.

So here's my video! 
Aku coba untuk menjelaskan se-detail mungkin. But maybe I missed some information. If I do, Please leave comments down below atau langsung di video nya juga gapapa. Any where also.

I hope you enjoy my video. I made it with heart of course!
and I also hope it'll be useful for you.

Thankyou for watching my tutorial video. 
See you on my next post.
If you guys have any question you want to ask about this, just comment on the comment box below


Deedee Young

Friday, June 22, 2018

FACE: COSRX is finally Official in Indonesia!!

Hello bunnies ♥

I'm so happy to announce that last June 5, COSRX was finally official in Indonesia!
Yes! You don't have to go through all the trouble to buy it. Thanks to SOCIOLLA for making it happen! 
Aku belum pernah pake COSRX sebelumnya, but heard alot of great things about this product ever since, especially for troubled skin like mine. My skin type is Oily, Acne-Prone, Sensitive and quite Dehydrated for while but I think i've taken care of this dehydrated problem.

Monday, June 18, 2018

FACE: Senka Perfect White Clay Review

Hello bunnies ♥

How are you guys?
A week ago I got an invitation from Senka Indonesia, Sociolla and Beauty Journal (arigatougozaimasu❤️) since they're launching their new product!
Yes! I'm super excited about it!
Here are the hampers that I got from their event.
With their new motto #HelloBrighterYou.
Introducing, SENKA Perfect White Clay facial foam❤️

Monday, June 11, 2018

EYES: Dermalogica Stress Positive Eye Lift Cream Review

Hello bunnies ♥

How are you guys? I'm finally back!
Sorry that I've been missing out coz I've been living my life and start a new relationship. That's why I need a bit break from social media and get to know myself again and my boyfriend and everything.
Now that it settles down, for now, I'm ready to share to you my new post!

I was Invited to Dermalogica Skin Bar Party at Plaza Senayan last month by Sociolla, Beauty Journal and Dermalogica itself. It's my first time joining Dermalogica event, so I'm so happy when I got the invitation. It was such a great moment that I also got the chance to meet my friends after so long. We were introduced to their newest product which were Stress Positive Eye Lift. Here's some photos of what we did there.

We got to see Skin Care Demo by Dermalogica using their products.
Here, the model is using the Stress Positive Eye Lift Cream.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

BODY: Ratu Organik Moisture Rich Bath Cream

Hello bunnies ♥

I'm back! i've been avoiding all of my social media, just because i'm enjoying my real life way too much. But now i'm back, since blogging is my escape.

This time, aku mau review tentang sabun mandi nih, yes, masih dari Ratu Organik yang ownernya baik abis! This one called 
Moisture Rich Bath Cream 
with their Chamomile, Honey, and Vitamin E formula from Thailand, to ensure your skin is smooth and moisturised through out the day.

Sesuai namanya, yes! ini organic, dan ga usah kuatir udah ada BPOM kok. Size nya 240ml
Suka banget design package nya! too cute :*

Ini adalah produk terbaru, dengan teknologi terbaru yang sangat membantu masalah kulit tubuh. 
Kulit yang sensitif, kusam, bahkan kering sekalipun sangat aman untuk menggunakan produk ini.
Di formulakan dari Thailand yang kaya akan kandungan bunga, khususnya chamomile yang akan membantu masalah kulit kalian.
- Kulit semakin cerah
- kulit yang lembab
- Kulit akan terhindar dari masalah kulit lainnya
and many more..

Saturday, April 14, 2018

FACE: Ratu Organik Peel Off Gold Mask Review

Hello bunnies ♥

How are you?
Aku kembali lagi dengan review tentang... yes! mask! skincare lagiiiii.
Aku suka banget sekarang sama skincare dibanding makeup. It's either i'm getting older that I think less of makeup or that I love how my skin glows after I use less makeup? Well both reasons seems reasonable.

Skincare yang akan aku bahas kali ini adalah Peel Off Gold Mask.
Mask kali ini bisa dibilang peel off mask pertama aku. Aku ga pernah coba sebelumnya soalnya, selalu sheet mask or bubuk yang di mix sama rose water setelahnya dicuci. jadi aku sangat penasaran sama ini plus ini GOLD!! I got this from Ratu Organik. Thankyou Ratu Organik for giving me the chance to try my first peel off mask!

Nah ini tube nya simple sih ukuran 50ml
ukuran nya pas banget, travel friendly juga ga berat. Aku walaupun lagi travel pasti bawa sih! 
karena namanya perawatan wajah itu penting jg kan pas jalan-jalan?

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Sharing Seru Investasi Jaman Now with Pegadaian x CChannel

Hello bunnies ♥

Haii! balik lagi sama aku nih! 
Sebelumnya aku minta maaf yah kalo di post kali ini aku lbh banyak pake bahasa.
Sesuai dengan judul! Yes aku bakal bahas tentang investasi jaman now yang sebenernya udah harus dilakukan dari jaman kapan sih, karena semakin investasi semakin kitanya dapat keuntungan yang banyak! Apa sih? 

Minggu lalu aku diundang oleh CChannel dan Pegadaian untuk ke acara Sharing Seru Investasi Jaman Now dan disana kita ngebahas tentang investasi yang bisa dilakukan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik untuk para Blogger. dan ga cuman untuk blogger lebih tepatnya untuk semua, termasuk mahasiswa, ibu rumah tangga dan semua nya yang mau punya pegangan masa depan.
Investasinya yaitu Emas atau Logam Mulia!

Acaranya diadakan di Jakarta Selatan, bertema kuning dan hijau.
Aku dateng paling pagi karena rumahku jauh yah, aku naik shuttle bus yang jam brgkatnya jam 7.40, nyampe sana jam 9 kurang dikit, ternyata masih kosong. Better early than late menurutku.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

FACE: Fujifilm Astalift Jelly Aquarysta Review

Hello bunnies ♥

How are you guys?
I’m okay but well, I have to get up and couldn’t stay sad forever right?
I’m back with new review about skincare product I got from Clozette that I’ve added to my skincare routine. I have to say it’s, ehm not my favorite, but udah ga bisa kalo ga pake itu dalam skincare routine aku. It doesn’t work like magic but it does shows some changes to my skin. a better one of course.

Here it is!!
Who's heard of this before?
Truth be told, I never heard of this before. All I know is that Fujifilm is a camera? So I'm quite amazed with this. I'm not sure what to expect either since I never heard or read a review about it before. Cuman berharap ini ga buat aku jerawatan.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

THE SOCO Products Review

Hello bunnies ♥

How are you guys doing? I've been having quite a rough week. I have a terrible mood swing, not to mention my laptop is kinda breakdown and I think it's because viruses or idk so I'm afraid to plug in my hard disk to it, so i'm using my sister's macbook.
emang paling convenient pake macbook, ga ribet >.<

So, let's start to today's review!
Last 2 weeks, aku dikirimin homemade and natural skincare products from THE SOCO. The SOCO ini made in Indonesia loh girls! Kalian bisa langsung klik untuk cari tahu lebih tentang THE SOCO.
I got the chance to try out some of their best sellers products which are:
- The SOCO's Calming Lavender Hand and Body Lotion
- The SOCO's Natural Lip Balm in Peach flavor
- The SOCO's Natural Heel Balm

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Heavenly Blush x CChannel ID Event Report

Hello bunnies ♥

How have you been? I've been super busy this February but I'm glad I could be that productive so I could at least distract my mind to something else.
Last week, I got the chance to come to this gathering yaitu
Heavenly Blush Greek Secret Gathering 
by CChannel and Heavenly Blush. It was such an amazing event to go to and I got the chance to meet a lot of my fellow bloggers.
Aku excited banget karena aku suka yogurt walaupun jarang makan yogurt and I love Heavenly Blush. Tujuan dari event ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan kita (all of us) about the benefits of High Protein Greek Yogurt yang bikin kita kenyang lebih lama.

Heavenly Blush adalah yang pertama dalam memperkenalkan Greek Yogurt di Indonesia sejak 2015, yang resepnya langsung dapat dari Greek. Greek Yogurt Heavenly Blush di buat agar konsumen Heavenly Blush dapat hidup lebih baik dan lebih sehat.

Nah ini acaranya bertempatan di Jakarta. Ini dia suasana tempat dan event.