Saturday, March 25, 2017


Hello Bunnies❤

This probably my most embarrassing post because I've always have this insecurities about this.
What do I mean by "this"? Sesuai dengan title kali ini, yup! My Acne!
I've been struggling with Acnes since God knows when and more than I could ever remember.
Sampai muka ku dan acne ku nyampe batas climax yang dimana aku udah nangis pun ga bisa juga sembuh. Aku nyerah, don't know what to do. I've done alot of remedies alot of research, diets for acne skin, none of it seems to work.

It was October 2016. 
pipi kanan, jidat, pipi kiri

yeah, separah itu and worse! menjalar sampe leher. super ngeri!
I know that time ini udaah ga bisa aku tanganin sendiri, jadi akhirnya aku terpaksa harus ke dokter muka. Awal aku ga mau ke dokter muka karena biaya sih, pasti mahal.
tapi aku ga mau karena biaya, aku jadi ga kedokter, malah jadi parah terus bolong-bolong. 
Duh ngeri banget deh! That's why I decided finally aku ke dokter ga peduli how much it cost. I just knew that I need to go there.

Ini waktu aku pergi ke acara Tresemme Runway Show di Senayan City. I use so much makeup to cover all up! Bisa kalian lihat yah walaupun udah di cover makeup ttp keliatan jerawatnya. padahal udah super tebel and coverage banget!


Now March 2017
pipi kanan, jidat, pipi kiri

Notice the differences? Major change? I think so yeah?
I feel way way way more confident than before. Sekarang even kalo pake makeup pun ga aneh karena ga banyak yang berjendol-jendol, kulit mukaku pun jauh lebih sehat, lebih glowing even without makeup.

Ini waktu tanggal 18 Maret kemaren abis pulang dari acara BeautyFestAsia 2017
I'm not even trying to put too much makeup karena takut jadi jerawatan lagi.
But to be frank, I love how my skin looks now! It looks so much and way more healthy than before.
But aku ga akan boong, yes, butuh uang banyak untuk bisa dari kondisi mukaku bulan October 2016 jadi sampe ke kondisi mukaku bulan Maret 2017. But it's the price i'm willing to pay.

Now that I've shown you my before and after treatment.
Karena aku bingung apa yang harus ditulis saking banyaknyaaaaa yang ada di otakku.
Jadi aku nunggu kalian nanya di comment box below yah! 
Aku jawab lengkap plus semua additional info yang bisa aku tambahin.
I'll be waiting for your questions! Please ask me alot!!


Deedee Young

REVIEW: CARING by Biokos Automatic Eyeliner #Black and #Brown

Hello Bunnies❤
How have you been? I've been good so far. I'm back this time with a new review of a product that I received from CARING by BIOKOS Martha Tilaar. Kalian pasti udah tau dong Caring by Biokos?

I'm beyond happy to receive this package! Who wouldn't? Aku jadi bisa coba makeup baru yang aku ga kepikiran bakal coba. And the next thing you know it might become your new holy grail!
apakah ini akan jadi my new favorite eyeliner? but first, let me do a review of it!