Sunday, July 21, 2019

FACE: LACOCO Watermelon Glow Mask & Cosvie Woman Hygiene Treatment Essence Review

Hello bunnies ♥

How long has it been since I last write? it's been to long.
I've been caught up with works yang sangat menguras tenaga. But here I am to give you another new review!

Have you heard about LACOCO?
Keren ga sih? Another local products!
And I'm super happy to finally try this one out! Everybody's been hyped about these certain products.
Thankyou Clozette and Lacoco for this goodies for me to try em out!

So, without further a due,  Ini dia 2 produk yang aku dapet
Lacoco Watermelon Glow Mask & 
Cosvie Woman Hygiene Treatment Essence

Aku sangat penasaran dengan watermelon glow mask ini. I've used sleeping mask before and in love with it and to finally try this one out lebih exciting lagi. I heard alot of good reviews about it!


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

HAIR: L'Oreal Professionel SerieExpert Hair Products Review

Hello bunnies ♥

Back again with me!
Kali ini aku ada review special tentang produk produk andalan L'Oreal Professionel Paris SerieExpert yang aku dapet dari The Shonet (Thankyouuuuuu very mucha) well but I can't really say it's a review since I haven't got the chance to use it for more than a week, I'm just gonna give you my first impression on all of the products I've got.
Thankyou L'Oreal, Thankyou The Shonet!

L'Oreal Professionel Paris SerieExpert ini beda dengan L'Oreal Paris yang bisa kalian temuin di supermarket and drugstores, you can only find this one online or di salon yang kerja sama dengan L'Oreal. dan yang pastinya, seri ini lebih bagus lagi dibanding yang lain karena mereka memang for professional use dan sesuai namanya Serie Expert!

Friday, May 3, 2019

FACE: AVOSKIN Miraculous Refining Serum Review

Hello bunnies ♥

it's been such a long time! How are you guys?
Kali ini aku balik lagi dengan review terbaru aku yang ga jauh-jauh dari skincare untuk kulit bermasalah seperti jerawat, large pores, hyperpigmentation and redness and scars.
Aku ga sabar untuk share ini sama kalian.

Jadi udah mau sebulan lalu aku dikirimin serum dari all famous Avoskin yaitu
Jadi Avoskin launch product terbarunya mereka yaitu Miraculous Series.
Seri ini terdiri dari Toner dan Serum aja, di seri yang ini hadir dengan bahan-bahan premium AHA + BHA yang baik untuk merawat kulit agar lebih bersih, lebih cerah, dan lebih sehat, selain itu Avoskin juga menghadirkan produk komposisi terbaik dari alam dan mengandung beragam ekstrak alami yang bermanfaat untuk memberikan hasil ajaib pada kulit.

Aku personally belum coba Toner nya, aku baru coba serum nya doang.
Now let's see what in it, shall we?

Avoskin Miraculous Refining Serum is the latest serum from Miraculous Refining Series. With AHA content, BHA, Niacinamide, Ceramide, and other supporting ingredients that make this serum work effectively to helps the process of exfoliating dead skin cells and trigger skin cell regeneration so the skin becomes more bright, even, and smoother skin tone.

Jadi dalam Serum ini terdapat kandungan utama 10% Alpha Hydroxyl Acid (AHA - Glycolic), 3% Beta Hydroxyl Acid (BHA - Saliclic Acid), 2% Niacinamide, dan Ceramide yang bekerja secara efektif sebagai eksfoliator untuk kulit lebih bersih, ditambah Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Vera dan Carot

All benefits from this Serum:

Here's a bit info about the main active ingredients in this Avoskin Miraculous Refining Serum:

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

FACE: ACNOC Acneser Spot Gel

Hello bunnies ♥

Happy March! 
OMG, udah maret aja, kayaknya kemarin baru ganti tahun sekarang udah masuk bulan ke 3.
Time indeed flies so fast, right?

In this opportunity, I want to share with you my new acne weapon which you could really try. I've been trying it for a more than a week now, but even just a day of usage it's giving instant result.
so don't go anywhere, and continue reading

the new acne weapon is called 

Before going there, ada yang udah pernah denger ACNOC sebelumnya? 
I haven't until they reach me out. I'm kinda excited since it will be my first time trying ACNOC product. So here's a lil of ACNOC that you might want to know.

ACNOC is a Thai brand with a complete and complex range of skin care for acne prone skin.
Thailand is also known for its rich and exotic nature besides being famous for tourist attractions.
the tropical climate makes fertile land to grow most of the natural ingredients enriched with vitamins that can be used in cosmetic formulations.
Dengan Motto Boost your confident, Change your LIFE.  ACNOC juga hadir dengan produk alami, aman, dan sangat efektif agar semua orang dapat memiliki kulit yang sehat dan bebas dari jerawat.

So that's it! Sekarang kita lanjut review Spot Gel yang aku dapet yah!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

My First Visit to Derma V Clinic, Gading Serpong

Hello bunnies ♥

Finally my first post in 2019!
I've been missing out a lot, cos I got caught up in my sister's wedding and my hell of a jobs (new one especially) Buat aku ga bisa have some spare time to do blog, karena biasanya aku pake buat istirahat.
But well, enough with the chit-chat, aku langsung bahas apa yang mau aku bahas di post kali ini.
This time it will be about skin. As you guys know, I've been dealing and fighting acne for so long now, that my skin still and I'm not sure until when will always struggle around acne and redness.

Then one day, not sure if you remember it, I used to say that I went to the doctor to help me with my skin like 2 or 3 years ago, the doctor's name is Dr. Lusiyanti but I called her Dr. Lulu, She opens up her own clinic and it's near my house. Super excited to hear that Dr. Lulu has her own clinic now!
and the amazing part is that she invited me to visit her clinic.
so here it is!