Wednesday, December 13, 2017

EYES: X2 Sanso Clear Sponsored Review

Hello Bunnies♥

I'm back again with new review for you guys. I'm gonna use Bahasa for this time.
Jadi dalam review kali ini aku bakal ngebahas softlens.
Yes! Yes! I know udah lama banget since last time aku review tentang softlens.

Softlens yang akan aku review kali ini adalah...

If you guys know me, aku sangat-sangat ga pernah pake lenses yang clear, karena apa?
aku ga pede dengan mataku. I have big eyes yes, but lingkaran hitamku sangat kecil jadi kebanting banget sama mataku yang besar ini. That's why aku selalu cari yang ada dark ring and colored biar kasih efek membesarkan bola mata dan pas proporsi nya dengan mata ku.

Friday, December 8, 2017

My First Visit to GASTROMAQUIA

Hello Bunnies♥

Review kali ini aku pake Bahasa juga yah. Aku agak deg-degan karena ini pertama kali aku review tentang makanan. Aku adalah tipe yang suka sama makanan, jadi kalo itu either biasa aja tapi enak or enak banget aku bilang enak. Jarang banget aku bilang makanan ga enak.
But karena kali ini aku mau share sama kalian aku mencoba menjadi agak lebih objective yah!

Okey, now, have you ever heard about GASTROMAQUIA?
It's a modern Spanish restaurant which located at Senopati.
Aku sempet nyasar gitu kesana, maklum yah walaupun aku lahir di Jakarta, aku gede di Tangerang, jadi Jakarta itu sangat asing buat aku. Lokasinya di kelilingin perumahan gitu.
Pas sampe aku ngerasa ini kayak bukan restoran biasa >.< kaget gitu tempatnya very homey, beda dari restoran yang ada dibayanganku kayak resto-resto biasa.

Friday, November 24, 2017

FACE: BENTON Cacao Moist and Mild Cream

Hello Bunnies♥

How are you guys? 
I've been good myself. Been having hard times dealing with breakup and some emotional stuff that's been going on, but besides all of that, I'm actually fine and happier.
That's why I also dyed my hair my favorite color, which is PINK!

Now talking about something pink, I just got package from Elsyoung that because it's in pink, I couldn't wait to try it out. 

Friday, October 27, 2017

Hair Beauty Dating Event with Natur x Female Daily

Hello Bunnies♥

I was invited to Hair Beauty Dating Event with Natur and Female Daily. I was so excited because it's Natur! I've been using their products ever since i got major hair fall due to some detox tea I used to drink like a year and a half ago. Now my hair is super healthy, thanks to Natur!
Back to the stories, turns out alot of my bloggers friends are there so we were like reunited and yes I met new friends also which was so awesome!
The point of that event was to introduce us to Natur's new product, which is Natur Shampoo for colored hair. Natur knew that women these days love to color their hair. So Natur take initiative to help us, ladies, to keep our hair healthy and stay awesome tho it may be damaged due to the coloring process.
It's important for us to know great products to maintain our hair healthiness, and i believe Natur has it! That's why I'm so happy to try out their new product ♥

Sunday, October 8, 2017

REVIEW and UNBOXING: GARNIER Pure Active Matcha Series

Hello Bunnies!

Back again with me! It's been quite some time since my last post >.< again, sorry about that.
Kali ini aku mau review new skin care product from Garnier!
You guys pasti udah tau Garnier kan? Tapi kalian udah tau belum Garnier ada serangkaian skin care baru yang pastinya ga kalah kece, yaitu Garnier Pure Active Matcha Series.

Aku dapat paket box dari Garnier, and I was super excited to know what's inside!
Siapa yang suka matcha? Jujur aku sebenernya ga suka matcha when it comes in the shape and taste of ice cream, bread, latte and else but I do like unsweetened matcha tea! 

Pas dibuka >.< isinya banyak!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

LAURA HAZEL French Red Clay Armpit Detox Review

Hello Bunnies!

Kalian pernah dengar Armpit Detox? Jujur ini pertama kali aku denger juga.
but do you have any slightest idea about what it is?
Kalo denger kata Detox, apa yang muncul di pikiran kalian?

Yup! Detox itu pembersihan, kali ini yang akan di detox adalah underarm aku.
Kalo kalian ga tau, apapun yang berhubungan dengan armpit itu selalu yang pertama buat aku, karena aku trauma dengan yang namanya ketiak hitam, ketiak bau, dan apapun yang jelek tentang ketiak.

Aku emang udah lama sebisa mungkin stop pemakaian deodoran, karena waktu itu aku lagi proses pemutihan ketiak. dan berhasil! Tapi it doesn't really stop the bad odor.
Aku tetap ga pake deodoran kok, cuman cari cara gimana biar walaupun ga pake deodoran, ketiak ku ga bau.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

My First Lash Lift Experience with BrieStudio

Hello Bunnies!

Ever since I know that there's this Korean Lash Lift, I'm eager to try it out. But that time I still have my lash extension on for 2 months, which is way longer than I expected it would stay.
But oh well, after it's all gone, I notice that most of my lashes are gone, which is that my lashes isn't as full and thick as before. So What I did is applying generous amount of Castor Oil, almost everyday, so it will fasten the growth of my lashes so my lash will be ready for its next treatment, which is Lash Lift.
Just when I'm about make an appointment, I got the news from Clozette that I could try Lash Lift at BrieStudio, and when I check the place, it's very very very close to my home! I couldn't say no!
So I'm excited about it!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Japanese Perm at One Piece Hair Studio

Hello Bunnies!♥
Back with me! Recently I post a photo of my new hair on my Instagram. It's been several months now from the first time i decided that I want my hair to be permanently permed. 
And yes, God answer my prayer! I was given a voucher to be used at One Piece Hair Studio. So I decided to have Japanese Perm! 
Remember I used to work at One Piece Hair Studio Mall Kelapa Gading?
I made friends with all the workers there and they have become a good friend of mine!
When I first arrived there, I felt very welcome by them. So no awkwardness! That's good!
I decided to perm my hair with Detty-san, she was just started her career as stylist last year, and I entrusted her with my hair! Notice, I never really trust people when it comes to chemical. but if it's just cutting, well hair grows back and I wouldn't even mind tho at first I might feel down that my hair isn't the way I want.
If you want to do this, it's best for you to make an appointment first just to be safe that you'll get your turn. I'll put all the information down below

Monday, May 15, 2017

Mi.Piel Body Scrub "Brightening"

Hello Bunnies❤

Siapa yang suka body scrub? I know I do!
Karena ga cuman wajah kita aja yang butuh di exfoliate but also our body. 
Body scrub bermanfaat untuk mengangkat sel kulit mati beserta daki-daki, tapi at the same time mencerahkan juga.

This time I will give a review of Coffee Body Scrub I got from mi.piel. There are I think 3 types of mi.piel Body Scrub which are Acne-Free, Brightening and Moisturizing. Mine was Brightening. 
I choose Brightening because I have no problem with back acne nor moisturizing, because I often use  body lotion that it moisturize my skin enough, but I need to brighten up some areas which are my underarm, my knee and elbow, and some other parts too.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

AVENE x Galeries Lafayette Event Report & Products Review

Hello Bunnies❤
Couple of weeks ago, I was invited to Avene x Galeries Lafayette at Pacific Place, Jakarta by Clozette. It was my first Avene event. So I was quite excited about it.
Ini dia tempat acara nya. Simple but yet nice!
Event kali ini agak berbeda dengan event Avene yang sebelumnya yah, karena event kali ini kita diajak langsung untuk ikut Live Demo Makeup (yang ga cuma sekedar acara perkenalan biasa) yang di praktekan especially by professional makeup artist, Jerry Pravda, dan modelnya, ga kalah kece yaitu ka Radhini! Amazed banget dia punya suara super bagus!!

Monday, April 3, 2017

HAIR: L'OREAL Hair Spa Treatment at POINTCUT Salon By IRWAN TEAM

Hello Bunnies❤
This probably the first time ever I review hair treatment at salon, just because I barely do hair treatment at salon, I usually do it by myself at home. So i'm super excited with this.

Sebenernya untuk rambutku sendiri ga bermasalah namun beberapa hari belakangan ini, kulit kepalaku gatel-gatel, sangat! ga tau kenapa tiba-tiba aja gitu.
When I know I got the chance to try hair treatment di POINTCUT by IRWAN TEAM, jujur aku seneng banget, Aku langsung buat appointment sekalian konsultasi singkat tentang kondisi ku.
Dan disaranin lah L'OREAL HAIR SPA for sensitive scalp.
When I told them I got itchy scalp, they suggested that one maybe because my scalp is in fragile state. Dan aku pun oke dengan itu, karena treatment lain itu kalau ga buat rambut yang habis di color/perm/smoothing or yang buat perbaikan rambut rusak dan kering atau rontok. Sedangkan aku lagi ga dalam kondisi itu semua. This probably the first time I try L'oreal Hair Spa for Sensitive scalp. 

Untuk aku yang tinggal di Tangerang, ke salon ini butuh perjuangan sih. POINTCUT Salon lokasinya di Bendungan Hilir. yes, it's so far from my house. But that's okay.
Waktu aku sampai, aku suka design salon nya yang aku bilang keren dan khas Irwan Team banget!

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Hello Bunnies❤

This probably my most embarrassing post because I've always have this insecurities about this.
What do I mean by "this"? Sesuai dengan title kali ini, yup! My Acne!
I've been struggling with Acnes since God knows when and more than I could ever remember.
Sampai muka ku dan acne ku nyampe batas climax yang dimana aku udah nangis pun ga bisa juga sembuh. Aku nyerah, don't know what to do. I've done alot of remedies alot of research, diets for acne skin, none of it seems to work.

It was October 2016. 
pipi kanan, jidat, pipi kiri

yeah, separah itu and worse! menjalar sampe leher. super ngeri!
I know that time ini udaah ga bisa aku tanganin sendiri, jadi akhirnya aku terpaksa harus ke dokter muka. Awal aku ga mau ke dokter muka karena biaya sih, pasti mahal.
tapi aku ga mau karena biaya, aku jadi ga kedokter, malah jadi parah terus bolong-bolong. 
Duh ngeri banget deh! That's why I decided finally aku ke dokter ga peduli how much it cost. I just knew that I need to go there.

Ini waktu aku pergi ke acara Tresemme Runway Show di Senayan City. I use so much makeup to cover all up! Bisa kalian lihat yah walaupun udah di cover makeup ttp keliatan jerawatnya. padahal udah super tebel and coverage banget!


Now March 2017
pipi kanan, jidat, pipi kiri

Notice the differences? Major change? I think so yeah?
I feel way way way more confident than before. Sekarang even kalo pake makeup pun ga aneh karena ga banyak yang berjendol-jendol, kulit mukaku pun jauh lebih sehat, lebih glowing even without makeup.

Ini waktu tanggal 18 Maret kemaren abis pulang dari acara BeautyFestAsia 2017
I'm not even trying to put too much makeup karena takut jadi jerawatan lagi.
But to be frank, I love how my skin looks now! It looks so much and way more healthy than before.
But aku ga akan boong, yes, butuh uang banyak untuk bisa dari kondisi mukaku bulan October 2016 jadi sampe ke kondisi mukaku bulan Maret 2017. But it's the price i'm willing to pay.

Now that I've shown you my before and after treatment.
Karena aku bingung apa yang harus ditulis saking banyaknyaaaaa yang ada di otakku.
Jadi aku nunggu kalian nanya di comment box below yah! 
Aku jawab lengkap plus semua additional info yang bisa aku tambahin.
I'll be waiting for your questions! Please ask me alot!!


Deedee Young

REVIEW: CARING by Biokos Automatic Eyeliner #Black and #Brown

Hello Bunnies❤
How have you been? I've been good so far. I'm back this time with a new review of a product that I received from CARING by BIOKOS Martha Tilaar. Kalian pasti udah tau dong Caring by Biokos?

I'm beyond happy to receive this package! Who wouldn't? Aku jadi bisa coba makeup baru yang aku ga kepikiran bakal coba. And the next thing you know it might become your new holy grail!
apakah ini akan jadi my new favorite eyeliner? but first, let me do a review of it!

Monday, February 13, 2017


Hello Bunnies❤
How are you girls doing? Aku super baik nih, agak sibuk dengan thedeehair but that's a good sign right?

Kali ini aku mau UNBOXING HERMO BOX yang akhirnya datang juga setelah ditunggu-tunggu. Gak lama kok, bentar doang! Tapi aku nya aja yang ga sabaran.

Packaging nya oke banget! Semua di bubble wrap jadi super aman!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Kulit Sehat dan Lembut dengan REDWIN Sorbolene Moisturiser

Hello Bunnies❤

Kali ini aku mau review sesuatu, tapi sebelumnya aku pengen cerita nih!
Waktu itu aku ditanya tau Redwin ga?
jadi gini ceritanya..
Redwin, ya?
Sejak aku mencoba Redwin Sorbolene Moisturizer untuk diriku sendiri, aku jadi ga mau coba yang lain. 
Ga pake bohong tapi aku jujur karena ada yang special yang cuman bisa aku dapetin dari Redwin.

Bermula dari awal 2015, dimana sebagai seorang blogger, aku sering membaca blog-blog yang dibuat sesama blogger. Saat itulah aku pertama kali membaca review tentang Redwin Sorbolene Moisturizer. Jujur awal aku tidak tertarik, karena aku pikir semua moisturizer sama saja (karena selama ini aku rajin pakai moisturizer agar kulitku lembut dan halus) belum lagi harganya yang tergolong cukup mahal untuk aku waktu itu yang belum ada penghasilan sendiri.

Sampai akhirnya aku mendapatkan pekerjaan yang aku pikir aku inginkan, ternyata membuat tanganku kering parah, jadi kasar dan luka-luka, terutama di bagian atas tangan, merah-merah sampai aku tidak bisa mengepalkan tanganku, karena kalo aku mengepalkan tanganku, kulitnya langsung tertarik dan gampang robek, sehingga membuat tanganku bila terkena air sangatlah perih. 
Ya! Separah itu!
Untung banget waktu itu aku foto, jadi dulu kayak gini tapi agak lebih parah.