Thursday, March 29, 2018

Sharing Seru Investasi Jaman Now with Pegadaian x CChannel

Hello bunnies ♥

Haii! balik lagi sama aku nih! 
Sebelumnya aku minta maaf yah kalo di post kali ini aku lbh banyak pake bahasa.
Sesuai dengan judul! Yes aku bakal bahas tentang investasi jaman now yang sebenernya udah harus dilakukan dari jaman kapan sih, karena semakin investasi semakin kitanya dapat keuntungan yang banyak! Apa sih? 

Minggu lalu aku diundang oleh CChannel dan Pegadaian untuk ke acara Sharing Seru Investasi Jaman Now dan disana kita ngebahas tentang investasi yang bisa dilakukan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik untuk para Blogger. dan ga cuman untuk blogger lebih tepatnya untuk semua, termasuk mahasiswa, ibu rumah tangga dan semua nya yang mau punya pegangan masa depan.
Investasinya yaitu Emas atau Logam Mulia!

Acaranya diadakan di Jakarta Selatan, bertema kuning dan hijau.
Aku dateng paling pagi karena rumahku jauh yah, aku naik shuttle bus yang jam brgkatnya jam 7.40, nyampe sana jam 9 kurang dikit, ternyata masih kosong. Better early than late menurutku.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

FACE: Fujifilm Astalift Jelly Aquarysta Review

Hello bunnies ♥

How are you guys?
I’m okay but well, I have to get up and couldn’t stay sad forever right?
I’m back with new review about skincare product I got from Clozette that I’ve added to my skincare routine. I have to say it’s, ehm not my favorite, but udah ga bisa kalo ga pake itu dalam skincare routine aku. It doesn’t work like magic but it does shows some changes to my skin. a better one of course.

Here it is!!
Who's heard of this before?
Truth be told, I never heard of this before. All I know is that Fujifilm is a camera? So I'm quite amazed with this. I'm not sure what to expect either since I never heard or read a review about it before. Cuman berharap ini ga buat aku jerawatan.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

THE SOCO Products Review

Hello bunnies ♥

How are you guys doing? I've been having quite a rough week. I have a terrible mood swing, not to mention my laptop is kinda breakdown and I think it's because viruses or idk so I'm afraid to plug in my hard disk to it, so i'm using my sister's macbook.
emang paling convenient pake macbook, ga ribet >.<

So, let's start to today's review!
Last 2 weeks, aku dikirimin homemade and natural skincare products from THE SOCO. The SOCO ini made in Indonesia loh girls! Kalian bisa langsung klik untuk cari tahu lebih tentang THE SOCO.
I got the chance to try out some of their best sellers products which are:
- The SOCO's Calming Lavender Hand and Body Lotion
- The SOCO's Natural Lip Balm in Peach flavor
- The SOCO's Natural Heel Balm

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Heavenly Blush x CChannel ID Event Report

Hello bunnies ♥

How have you been? I've been super busy this February but I'm glad I could be that productive so I could at least distract my mind to something else.
Last week, I got the chance to come to this gathering yaitu
Heavenly Blush Greek Secret Gathering 
by CChannel and Heavenly Blush. It was such an amazing event to go to and I got the chance to meet a lot of my fellow bloggers.
Aku excited banget karena aku suka yogurt walaupun jarang makan yogurt and I love Heavenly Blush. Tujuan dari event ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan kita (all of us) about the benefits of High Protein Greek Yogurt yang bikin kita kenyang lebih lama.

Heavenly Blush adalah yang pertama dalam memperkenalkan Greek Yogurt di Indonesia sejak 2015, yang resepnya langsung dapat dari Greek. Greek Yogurt Heavenly Blush di buat agar konsumen Heavenly Blush dapat hidup lebih baik dan lebih sehat.

Nah ini acaranya bertempatan di Jakarta. Ini dia suasana tempat dan event.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Ultimate 'Me Time' Experience at UMANDARU SPA

Hello bunnies ♥

How have you been? I had a very very busy February that I don't remember I had the chance to have some me time because well, I have too much to do. If i have even spare time, I use that time to go to sleep, coz I lack one!

Now that February has past and yes it was an amazing month ever! I finally got the chance to have me time, thanks to Clozette! My body so stiff that I really need some massage pronto! So I visited UMANDARU SPA which located at Bintaro (It's not that far away from my home, so that's good)

It's my first time to visit there just because I've never heard of it and tho it's in Bintaro, I never really go to that area, coz there's alot of places here in Gading Serpong and near it.
I went there with my sister, it was an easy way to go to, and I didn't get lost either maybe because the driver knows the way.

So there, I arrived! And I instantly feels like home, why? See it for yourself, shall we?