Thursday, May 9, 2013


I'm a tall girl who really uncomfortable wearing heels. That's why i prefer wearing flats, it's also because I always use public transportation to go to my campus, mostly. that's why, it's not really suitable to wear heels, and it's because i think i'm tall enough so why wearing heels?

since then i've been collecting flats, flats apapun yang menurut aku bagus banged dan cocok untuk aku dan most of all, nyaman dipakai, don't care if it's expensive or cheap (biasanya sih yang murah yah), that's the one i'm going to buy!

Here it is. My Flats Collection. 
it's not much but this the one i really love!

1. St. Yves. I bought this one recently from Matahari Department Store. Waktu itu lagi promo, beli 3 flats gratis satu. so, i bought 2 other pairs, at first i bought the other 2: turquoise and orange for 2 sisters turns out one of my sister said she didn't like it and we returned it, and my mom was the lucky one since she got 2 in the end. Awalnya flats ini pas dipakai rada sakit karena keras, tapi setelah beberapa kali pake jadi nyamana banget.

2.  I bought this in Debenhams, Lippo Karawaci Mall for IDR 285.00. This is a really comfortable flats! never had feet-hurt when i wear this flats. i love symbolize shoes"
you can find it here:
or go check their facebook page: symbolize shop

3. Connexion Pink Ballet. I'm in love with this flats at first sight. That time i was crazy about having ballet shoes, can't find one, have looked everywhere but can't find that really catches my heart. Until i found this!! I bought this in Matahari Department Store. i forgot the price and it's like 2 or 3 years ago, so the skin is kinda peeled off, that what makes me sad! :(

4. Yongki Komaladi Round flats. I bought this also a year ago, i guess. it was on sale, buy one get one in Summarecon Mall Serpong or just called SMS. Last stock and fit my foot well and still in good condition. look at the leopard print inside, it's so cute! love it! bought it :)

5. The Little Thing She Needs. RED! i've never had red flats before, ever! so i decided to buy one which was also on sale that time. buy 2 for IDR299.00. Awalnya juga ga comfortable bagian depan kiri kanan nya suka lecet, tapi abis kelamaan pake udah ga lecet lagi. langsung enak banget dipakenya.

6. The Little Thing She Needs. THE MOST COMFORTABLE FLATS EVER!! Never regret buying this one. tapi bahannya tipis banged, kalau kena hujan langsung merembes kedalem. cuman enak banged dipake! ga lecet, ga sakit! bought this with the red one above :) sorry for the dirtiness!!

and last one!!
7. My mom bought me this as my birthday present! Love it! my choice :) it's from Noche. and it's on sale for 30% but it still kinda expensive. IDR 245.00 if i'm not mistaken. :)

actually there's another one, the purple one but i haven't cleaned it up and it's so dirty. so yeah. 

thankyouu for reading!!

Much Love

1 comment:

  1. Kebalikan aku ya, aku ini pendeeeeek, jadi dari dulu milih yang paling gak ada heelsnya gitu 3-5 cm hahaha...

    Tapi setelah punya buntut (anak maksudnya) sepatu olahraga adalah alas kaki yang paling nyaman karena bisa melindungi ankle, biasalah ya, jagain anak itu kudu loncat sana sini kayak training di gym gitu #lebay


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