Tuesday, December 20, 2016

ZAP Photo Facial Treatment Review

Hello Bunnies❤

I'm finally back! it's been a while right? Kinda busy managing my baby (read: thedeehair). Now I got the chance to back writing.
Jadi aku beberapa minggu yang lalu berkesempatan untuk mencoba for the first time treatment dari ZAP yaitu Photo Facial. Kalo kalian ikutin instagram aku psti notice aku dan beberapa blogger kece lainnya mengikuti ZAP blogger gathering akhir November kemarin. Maka itu akhirnya aku dapat kesempatan untuk coba Photo Facial.
Nah kalian pasti udah tau ZAP yah, udah ga asing lagi pasti. tapi apakah kalian udah tau apa itu Photo Facial? jeng jeng jengggg...
Jujur aku sebenernya udah tau ZAP udah lama, pengen coba uderarm hair removal nya tapi waktu itu jauh banget dari rumahku, dan aku males banget ke Jkt karena macet >.< alhasil I never really get the chance to try it. Even sebenernya udah lama buka di Alam Sutera (yang deketnya lumayan banget) itu pun tetep ga kesampean! mungkin alasan doang kali yah. haha.. Tapi untuk Photo Facial ini aku belum pernah denger, the term facial scares me abit karena diotakku facial itu dipencet2. tapi... ternyata beda loh kalo di ZAP! Ga ada pake di pencet-pencet. Penasaran kah?
oke lah aku jelasin dulu yah!

ZAP's Photo Facial Treatment adalah treatment wajah yang terdiri dari 3 langkah yaitu Face Toning, Face Rejuvenation dan Oxy Infusion.  Photo Facial Treatment bermanfaat untuk: 
1. Meratakan warna kulit, 
2. Memperbaiki tekstur permukaan kulit, 
3. Mengurangi jerawat dan bekas jerawat, 
4. Mengurangi pigmentasi & flek, 
5. Mengurangi kerutan halus & Mengecilkan pori-pori, 
6. Merangsang regenerasi kolagen sehingga kulit lebih halus dan cerah.

Aku jelasin lebih jelas lagi yah apa itu Face Toning, Face Rejuv dan Oxy Infusion.

Oh iyah, Photo Facial ini ga disarankan untuk kalian yang masih punya jerawat aktif, or jerawat yang masih benjol-benjol. I'm not under face medical treatment from my doctor because I have severe acne yang aku ga bisa cure sendiri, dan akhirnya aku harus mau ga mau pake perawatan dokter. Jadi aku sempet konsultasi dulu sama dokter ku apakah aku boleh melakukan treatment ini atau tidak. Luckily my doctor said yes, asal ga di pencet-pencet. 
Setelah selesai 3 steps ini udah selesai kok. Treatmentnya kira-kira 30 menit. 

Nah kita lanjut ke pengalaman ku pertama kali ke ZAP yah!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

EVER WHITE Smooth Axillary Cream with Chamomile Extract REVIEW

Hello Bunnies❤
Sorry it took longer to post this but here it is! anddd... Yes! Aku kembali lagi mau diskus tentang yang masih belum ganti topik yaitu cara buat ketiak jd lebih putih dan cantik. Last month, aku baru aja ngepost gimana cara aku get my underarm lighten, dan produk-produk apa aja yang aku pake, (kalian bisa baca disini: How I Lighten My Underarm)
dan di akhir post aku ada bilang aku lagi mau coba 1 produk yang lagi booming banget and that's

EVER WHITE Smooth Axillary Cream with Chamomile Extract
Aku putusin beli karena sekalian buat coba dan review pas juga produk yang dulu aku pakai udah abis. So shall we start?
EVER WHITE is formulated in Korea. It's already been standardized, clinically tested, safe and have a great quality. Sudah ada Ijin dan Sertifikat BPOM ya juga, jadi kalian ga udah kawatir kalo mau pakai ini. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

FACE: MABUK ORGANIK Green Tea Face Mask | Sponsored Review

Hello Bunnies❤

How are you guys doing? I've been well but a bit busy that's why it took so long to write again.
I'm back with another review. Kali ini tentang masker wajah. 
Siapa yang suka maskeran dirumahh?? Aku suka banget maskeran cuman karena sibuk emang jadi jarang sih but kalo ada waktu aku pasti maskeran.
Probably almost 2 weeks ago, I got the chance to try on this masker bubuk from Shopastelle and I just couldn't wait to try it on.
Have you heard anyting about MABUK ORGANIK?
MABUK ORGANIK adalah masker bubuk untuk wajah yang terbuat dari 100% bahan organik.
Since I have acne-prone skin dan sedang berjerawat, owner dari Shopastelle menyarankan untuk mencoba yang flavor Green Tea, karena bagus untuk yang punya kulit seperti aku (Berjerawat, pori-pori besar, dan komedoan)

Sunday, October 9, 2016

TRESEMME the Runway 2016 Event Report

Hello Bunnies❤

Last Saturday, I was invited by Fimela and Tresemme to celebrate a night of inspiration and to witness all 100 Tresemme Runway Finalists walked on the stage to prove themself to be the next Tresemme Face 2017. It was an honor to be there! Not only I enjoy watching those finalist, I was very grateful to meet up with my fellow bloggers and also get to know new fellow bloggers as well.

Alright, without further due, let's start!

The event was held on October 8th, 2016 on Senayan City Main Atrium (the place where there's heels escalator). The place was gorgeously decorated, i'm overwhelmed! well, It's kinda my first time seeing a real catwalk show and as special guest too!
This is how it looks like!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Underarm Essentials | How I Lighten My Dark Underarm | Underarm Care Routine

Hello Bunnies❤

I've been preparing this ever since the beginning of the year but it took me almost a year to finally post it just because I'm not comfortable enough to show you guys my underarm and So I have to lighten it up first that I could have the courage to actually share it with you guys because I SUCCEED in making my armpit brighter!!
Jadi guys, stay tune! Disini aku bakal kasih tau produk apa yang aku gunain dan bagaimana cara bisa dari aku yang sebelumnya punya ketiak hitam sampe jadi well.. bukan putih mulus banget kayak cewe2 korea or artis2 puya ketiak yah.. but it surely gives me the confidence to actually wear sleeveless clothes!
Let's see.. Product apa aja yang akau pake untu putihin ketiak aku yah.. *drumrolls*

Thursday, September 29, 2016

BODY: Shinzu'i Body Lotion | Sponsored Review

Hello Bunnies <3
How are you guys doing? I’m super great, and i’m back with new post to review. Before we go to that point, aku mau nanya, kalian pasti tau dong Shinzu’i? Lightening product yang terdiri dari sabun mandi (body cleanser), body lotion, facial wash, dan body scrub.

Yes, they sent me that much right when i’m searching for body scrub and body cleanser. Aku suka pake sabun mandi dari Shinzu’i karena wanginya yang unik yang ga ada disabun lain.
Nah, kali ini aku bakal review tentang Body Lotion nya. Aku tau mereka ada Body Lotion tapi aku belum pernah coba sama skali body lotion dari Shinzu’i. Jadi i’ll take you with me in this first experience of Shinzu’i Body Lotion.

Shinzu’i Body Lotion

Friday, September 9, 2016

FACE: MAYBELLINE Super BB Cushion SPF29 PA+++ 02 Light REVIEW

Hello Bunnies❤

I know it's kinda late but better late than never, right?
Aku sebenernya udah prepare this post udah lama cuman biasa.. ga kepegang dan lupa! mumpung inget dan pas ada waktu lowong, aku mau review ini buat kalian.
This is my second BB cushion. I was so excited when Maybelline finally have their own first BB cushion, and I could't just wait to try it on. Until I did try it on for few times.
Since my skin is still under acne-treatment, aku jadi bisa kasih lihat honest review di kulit yang ada redness and acne scars (I know, ga semua orang punya fair and flawless skin kayak orang-orang kore situ)

Tampak depan box packaging nya. Warna glossy gold yang cukup elegan.
I chose shade 02 Light.

"Super BB Cushion is our first advance BB Cushion: high coverage and yet still moisturizing!
For the first time, our soft cushion contains correcting minerals and moisturizing essence.
Now flawless-perfect skin look is just a tap-tap away."

Monday, September 5, 2016

FACE: WARDAH C-Defense DD Cream 01 Light REVIEW | Sociolla Freebies

Hello Bunnies❤

Back again with me in this very first September post! 
Semoga kalian belum bosan (mungkin jangan 'belum' tapi 'ga' bosen)
Aku baru dapat product lagi dari one and only Sociolla tercintaaa.. and this will be my last Sociolla Freebies post. But without further due, Let's start with this product review!!

DD cream itu apa sih? DD adalah singkatan dari Daily Defense atau Dynamic Do all Cream. Biasanya DD cream ini memiliki tekstur yang lebih ringan dibanding BB cream, dan dapat memberikan kelembaban extra pada kulit. Di claim dapat membantu menyamarkan noda karena warna yang menyerupai kulit jadi pas diapply ke wajah, warna nya akan merata.
Dan ternyata DD cream ga cuman bisa buat wajah tapi buat bagian tubuh lain juga bisa.
Kalo perbedaan nya apa dengan BB Cream dan CC Cream, kalian bisa tanya Mr. Google karena banyak penjelasan disana.

Details from Wardah:
Wardah C-defense DD Cream dengan Hi-grade Vitamin C:
- merupakan krim dengan tekstur lembut dan nyaman di kulit. 
- Merupakan kombinasi lightening, tabir surya, dan antioksidan untuk kulit tampak bercahaya. 
- Mengandung vitamin B3 yang membantu membuat kulit tampak cerah. 
-  Dilengkapi vitamin E sebagai antioksidan serta Allatoin yang membantu regenerasi alami kulit. 
- Terdapat SPF 30 yang membantu memberikan perlindungan optimal terhadap sinar UV. 
Hasilnya kulit tampak lebih cerah dan halus dengan rona merata.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

FACE: MAKEOVER Camouflage Cream Face Concealer REVIEW

Hello Bunnies❤

Maaf yah baru bersuara lagi, lumayan sibuk dengan usaha yang lagi aku bangun sekarang ditambah my boyfie will be far away for probably a year because he's going to continue his studies abroad and I couldn't come with him :(
But well.. we won't be talking about that, di post kali ini aku bakal review tentang MakeOver color corrector palette I got from Sociolla.
Selalu suka packaging nya Sociolla karena warna pink dan beneran ada pretty things inside.
Pas juga aku lagi butuh ini karena I'm upgrading my makeup tools to another level, which means I need to buy more stuff for it. That I got this, itu beneran pas banget aku lagi butuh.
Nah, ini dia.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

OMBRE HAIR SERVICE: Creative Image Adore #71 Intense Red Review

Hello Bunnies❤

I'm back with more hair work and colorant reviews!!!!!
Disini aku bakal ngenalin kalian ke colorant product yang baru yang bisa kalian jadikan alteratif kalo kalian ngerasa colorant lain (yang well.. you know dan aku ga sebut nama yah) agak kemahalan, karena this one is cheaper than them.
Dan, Aku mau kasih liat juga proses pengecatannya kayak gimana serta before-afternya.
But!! The question is.. is it as good as them? We just have to find out.. Dibaca sampe abis yah!

Creative Image Adore!
Jujur aku belum pernah denger ini tapi sounds promising. 
They have alot of color variations which you could choose dan color nya oke oke banget!
Nah, I got the chance to try it out to my client and well, she's gladly to use this instead of other colorant. Size nya: 118ml

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Things You Need To Know about DIY Hair Coloring

Hello Bunnies❤
Aku udah lama banget ga post yang berhubungan dengan rambut yah (except my hair service),
so now, I want to share to you about things yang kalian harus tau sebelum kalian ngecat rambut sendiri dirumah. The truth is, ga ada salahnya kok ngecat sendiri dirumah kalo kalian emang bisa, ga harus disalon karena emang lebih mahal kan?
DIY hair coloring emang lebih rempong dibanding orang yang ngelakuin dan kamu tinggal terima jadi. So this is what I usually do!


Monday, August 1, 2016


Hello Bunnies❤

Last week, I got the chance to attend this sweet event by Fimelahood x Tresemme at Beauty Bar: Hair and Nails. It was my first time attending event like this, so I was excited. 
I decided to go because I thought it will be a good moment to go out and meet new friends (other blogger) that I only know by their names >.<
I kinda love the decoration though it's white and black which I don't really dig the most.
When it comes to Tresemme, we know that it's about hair! So we were invited to discuss more about how to style our hair without damaging it to much with the help of products from Tresemme.
Nowadays, lot of girls bleached and colored their hair but still love to style their hair using either curling iron, hair dryer, flat iron and something that related with heat, which could make their hair get more damaged.

btw, here's my look for that event!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Dealing with Acne, Redness and Scars

Hello Bunnies❤
Happy Monday! Today I'm trying to be very very productive, 
dimana maksudnya aku akan post new blog, which i'm doing right now.
As you guys know, I've been acne-fighting for as long as I can remember, bukan karena aku jarang atau males cuci muka, karena hormon dalam diri aku yang terlalu... terlalu. If you know what I mean. Yang paling parah, kalo pas lagi PMS >.< I can't hndle it, muncul kalo masih 1 or 2 gpp yah, ini bisa banyak banget yang ampe bikin stress, padahal stress sendiri bikin jerawatan juga! 

Setelah berbulan-bulan, bertahun-tahun mencari jawaban (note: going to the doctor is never my option because I'm traumatized of what happen back then), akhirnya i'm stick to all of these products that could help me 'slowly' cure my acne. 
Aku pikir ga perlu ke dokter lah selama aku masih bisa handle ini. Aku ga mau pake terlalu banyak something-something di muka aku yang buat nanti kulitnya jadi rentan.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


Hello Bunnies❤
I'll use both language for this post :)

Sekitar sebulan yang lal, someone came to me and asked whether I could do ash brown kayak Jennifer Bachdim, Nih aku kasih lihat contohnya (yang kanan)

Since it's my job as an Hair Colorist to know all about this stuff, I felt an instant panic!
Karena apa? guys!! warna ini ga sembarang loh!! 
You have to go through alot of hair process to get this color! Ga bisa cuman bleach trus timpa color.

Back to the story, I said yes but probably ga sama tapi kira-kira mirip. Karena products yang dipake jelas beda!
Akhirnya tiba saatnya dimana TODAY aku ngecat warna itu! I feel confidence tho.
Cos before I do this color, I run some test first on my cousin's hair and the result was amazeballs!!
maksudnya amazing! Like this:

Friday, July 22, 2016

OMBRE HAIR SERVICE: Manic Panic Classic Blue Moon Results

Hello Bunnies❤
How are you? I'm great!! Sorry I've been quite busy with job and anything about it.

Last week I got the chance with new color from Manic Panic which I never ever try on someone's else before. People prefer using After Midnight or Bad Boy Blue but not this one.
It's called Blue Moon. From the looks of it, it was quite some electric blue.

I was quite excited to try this on.
This was her hair, it's a virgin hair since she never colored her hair for few years now.
She has very dark dark brown hair almost black, but not pitch black.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Introducing "THEDEEHAIR" + GIVEAWAY!!!!!

Hello Bunnies❤

I bet you guys knew that I'm starting my own small business and it's getting as serious as it can be.
I decided to separate my work from my own personal thing.
For some of you who didn't know, It's been my dream since for as long as I can remember, to be a hair colorist! I just love coloring other people's hair.
At first it might be for helping them at low cost but nowadays, everything has cost!
As much as I want to make it free for you guys I can't because the product itself aren't cheap.
Instead since I demand such good stuff and good result, it cost me alot of quite expensive product too.
and since I want this to be a serious business for me, I have to handle it well.
That's why I charged higher but still lower than most of salon.

So I decided to name my work as THEDEEHAIR.
I have made it its own instagram account so it'll be easier for you guys to see all of my works without looking at my personal stuff. You could check here:

And just to say Thankyou and as a token as appreciation for all of you who have supported me from the beginning until now, I have this First Mini Giveaway for you guys!

IT'S GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!!! To celebrate @thedeehair account and as an appreciation, I want to give you all a lil gifts! Everyone can join my lil giveaway. I'll be giving out 2 Manic Panic Classic which are Virgin Snow and the other one will be your choice for 1 winner. So for those who wants to join this giveaway, just follow these rules: 1. Follow @thedeehair & @deedeeyoung_ . Please do not unfollow (I check) or else you won't be able to join my other giveaways. 2. Repost this photo with hashtag #thedeehairgiveaway and don't forget to tag @thedeehair 3. Share this post to those who loves hair too, make sure they notice it by tagging them. (As many friends you can remember) 4. Like this photo and Comment down below what Manic Panic Classic color you want. Easy right? Make sure your instagram isn't private or else i wouldn't be able to see you. This giveaway will end on July 15 so you'll have a month to spread the word. Fee pengiriman ditanggung pemenang😘 Happy reposting❤ #manicpanic #giveaway #thedeehair
A photo posted by The Dee Hair (@thedeehair) on

If you're interested, please join my giveaway!! I hope i can spread my wings even more, So I can have more giveaways to come! 
Thankyou for everything!!

For hair appointments and questions: the.deehair@gmail.com

Deedee Young

Sunday, July 3, 2016

FACE: MAYBELLINE White SuperFresh Liquid Powder spf 50 PA+++ REVIEW

Hello Bunnies❤ 
I'll be posting a lot of Maybelline products just because I recently buy some of their products.
I'm going to review about this liquid powder I bought few moments ago and regret it!
Why? I'll let you know down there..

I first bought this because at that time I need new coverage for my face. Something that's not too thick and can be use daily. I've searched an d searched and finally came to this point where I found this one and did a lil research about it as well before buying it.
As i was digging more about this product, the more I realize that alot of people said that this stuff is good and worth the try, and i'm that kinda person who doesn't really scared to try new things, and there goes my money to buy this.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sociolla's Beauty Box: VITACREME B12

Hello Bunnies❤ 
How are you guys doing? I've been great and been busy because I had this church event going on.
But thank God it's over! Now I'm putting my head back to my blog and thedeehair

For most of you who followed my instagram, you must have known that I've received sweet beauty box from Sociolla. It was my first time receiving beauty box from Sociolla and I was alo excited to open it and to try it on!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

FACE: PERIPERA Watery Face Pride Up! Cushion Pact in #2 Vanilla Beige

Hello Bunnies❤ 
How are you guys doing? I'm great as usual, now that I could actually blog as much as I want. 
This time I'm about to review my first cushion pact ever! 

PERIPERA Watery Face Pride Up! Cushion Pact
I get the Frozen limited edition one. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

OMBRE HAIR SERVICE: Variety of Blue Highlights

Hello Bunnies❤

Last Saturday I got the chance to finally do highlights on guy's hair. I mean if you see overall I always do girls' hair but not guy's yet! So I'm kinda excited and so very happy about it.

He's a friend of mine, and turns out he's also a friend of my other friends. Such a small world.

He never dye his hair before so he's the first timer, but I make sure that he'll get a great first experience.

and so he did! 

This is his 'Before' hair.
He has quite long fringe that makes it easier for me to do the highlight.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

OMBRE HAIR SERVICE: BeautyLabo Rasberry Pink

Hello Bunnies❤
This happens recently, like i think a week ago, when my sister decided that she didn't want to blonde anymore for some reason. She wanted to have another hair color, so she chose Beauty Labo Rasberry Pink. I help her, as a sister and as a hair colorist, color her hair, at night >.<

This was her hair before.

OMBRE HAIR SERVICE: Purple-Blue Galaxy Ombre

Hello Bunnies❤
Yup, I'm going to show you my latest work, again >.<
I've been receiving alot of clients because I want to make this as serious as it can be.

So let's just get to the topic.
She was and old client of mine. Not old as in age, as in I did her hair few times already now!
see her hair journey here: Reddish Blonde Ombre and Late Blog Post of My 2 Latest Work (for the 2nd client).

Her last mermaid hair has faded that now she decided to take on a new journey. She decided to be a Galaxy Hair Mermaid. This was her 'Before' hair..

EYES: Makeup Revolution Redemption Eyeshadow Palette Iconic 3 REVIEW

Hello Bunnies❤ 
How are you today? 
I'm about to review my first 12 eyeshadows palette ever from MAKEUP REVOLUTION.
I'm sure you've heard about this before though it's kinda hard to find it in Indonesia but I managed to get this from TWLcosmetics. So thankyou so much for selling this❤ 


Why I chose Iconic 3? because it has the most pink and rose gold. 
They said it's the dupe of Naked 3. I'm not sure it's true because I don't have Naked 3. Though I would like to try that one sometimes❤

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

LIPS: ULTIMA-II ProCollagen Lipstick REVIEW

Hello Bunnies

I’m going to review these amazing lipsticks from ULTIMA-II called ProCollagen Lipstick.
If you’re a lipstick junkie, I’m sure you guys must have heard about this product and you have to have these, girls! I’m telling you, you won’t regret having this one.

Well, before answering that question, let me ask you some questions.
-do you feel like everytime you use lipstick you see fine lines?
-or those or that lipstick makes your lips dry and greasy in some way that makes you uncomfortable instead?
These are few reasons why I hate using just any lipstick. I want that lipstick that makes me confident wearing it, or at least comfortable without worrying that people could see the fine lines.
I have chapped lips, and I have tendency to bite my lips, so that’s also one factor why I rarely use lipstick, you could obviously see it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

OMBRE HAIR SERVICE: Late Blog Post of My 2 Latest Work

Dear Bunnies,
I wanna show you my latest (well it's kinda few months ago) work. Since last time I didn't really had the time to update my blog coz of my job, So i guess there's no 'Late" in sharing your work.

So few months ago, I got the chance to do 2 ombres. One was my new client and the other one was my previous client. I was so happy that she decided to remake her hair again with me.

Here's my first client's 'Before' hair.
She had virgin black hair, and you know how I love virgin hair because it's fun to play with!!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

4 Essential Products on My Bag

Hello Bunnies! 
I know you all probably wondering why I haven't post anything yet. I'm sorry for the postpone.
I'm about to prepare things when suddenly I got Dengue Fever (Demam Berdarah)
turns out it took longer than I predicted. I'm still in recovery, so i'm not heal yet.

All of my plans kinda messed up and I don't know how to fix it. It should be my comeback.
but oh well.. I can't force my body too much yet. Instead of having me sick again, I'll postpone my giveaway. I'm sorry >.<

In this great opportunity, I'd like to show you more of my upgraded skin care and makeup products. 
I don't usually do this but I guess now that i'm 24 now, I have to be more prepared in anything and well, be 24. 

These are the 4 products I always carry out with me whenever i'm out, now I just can't leave without it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

My Dear Fellow Bunnies..

I'm writing this to you guys to personally apologize for the hiatus for this last few months.
I wasn't able to write new post due to some reason.
Some of you guys might know it, but some of you haven't. 
I'm currently working in an international hair studio, dreaming that I could actually achieve my dream to become hair stylist.
But sacrifices needed, and this blog is one of it.

But due to few and other reason, I'll be back blogging this April to show you guys more of HAIR stuff that I've learned from this past few months.
So, for those who stays as my loyal reader, i'm very very very grateful. 
I can't wait to be back...


I'll throw a welcome back giveaway for my reader.
and yes! it's about hair!!!! 
well, who knows, maybe I might giving free ombre service? (who agree and disagree about this idea?)
So be patience bunnies..

I hope you all the best!

btw, I'm still giving ombre hair service, for those who truly wants a hair makeover,
go make an appointment with me at the.deehair@gmail.com.
(I'm kinda branding my 'work') 
You could check my Instagram and find my latest work under this tag #thedeehair, but i'm sorry for now I have to make my account private due to some reason. Please don't hesitate to follow to check it out.

Much Love!
Deedee Young
Find me on: Fasyen (deedeeyoung)