Thursday, July 7, 2016

Introducing "THEDEEHAIR" + GIVEAWAY!!!!!

Hello Bunnies❤

I bet you guys knew that I'm starting my own small business and it's getting as serious as it can be.
I decided to separate my work from my own personal thing.
For some of you who didn't know, It's been my dream since for as long as I can remember, to be a hair colorist! I just love coloring other people's hair.
At first it might be for helping them at low cost but nowadays, everything has cost!
As much as I want to make it free for you guys I can't because the product itself aren't cheap.
Instead since I demand such good stuff and good result, it cost me alot of quite expensive product too.
and since I want this to be a serious business for me, I have to handle it well.
That's why I charged higher but still lower than most of salon.

So I decided to name my work as THEDEEHAIR.
I have made it its own instagram account so it'll be easier for you guys to see all of my works without looking at my personal stuff. You could check here:

And just to say Thankyou and as a token as appreciation for all of you who have supported me from the beginning until now, I have this First Mini Giveaway for you guys!

IT'S GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!!! To celebrate @thedeehair account and as an appreciation, I want to give you all a lil gifts! Everyone can join my lil giveaway. I'll be giving out 2 Manic Panic Classic which are Virgin Snow and the other one will be your choice for 1 winner. So for those who wants to join this giveaway, just follow these rules: 1. Follow @thedeehair & @deedeeyoung_ . Please do not unfollow (I check) or else you won't be able to join my other giveaways. 2. Repost this photo with hashtag #thedeehairgiveaway and don't forget to tag @thedeehair 3. Share this post to those who loves hair too, make sure they notice it by tagging them. (As many friends you can remember) 4. Like this photo and Comment down below what Manic Panic Classic color you want. Easy right? Make sure your instagram isn't private or else i wouldn't be able to see you. This giveaway will end on July 15 so you'll have a month to spread the word. Fee pengiriman ditanggung pemenang😘 Happy reposting❤ #manicpanic #giveaway #thedeehair
A photo posted by The Dee Hair (@thedeehair) on

If you're interested, please join my giveaway!! I hope i can spread my wings even more, So I can have more giveaways to come! 
Thankyou for everything!!

For hair appointments and questions:

Deedee Young

1 comment:

Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤