Sunday, July 24, 2016


Hello Bunnies❤
I'll use both language for this post :)

Sekitar sebulan yang lal, someone came to me and asked whether I could do ash brown kayak Jennifer Bachdim, Nih aku kasih lihat contohnya (yang kanan)

Since it's my job as an Hair Colorist to know all about this stuff, I felt an instant panic!
Karena apa? guys!! warna ini ga sembarang loh!! 
You have to go through alot of hair process to get this color! Ga bisa cuman bleach trus timpa color.

Back to the story, I said yes but probably ga sama tapi kira-kira mirip. Karena products yang dipake jelas beda!
Akhirnya tiba saatnya dimana TODAY aku ngecat warna itu! I feel confidence tho.
Cos before I do this color, I run some test first on my cousin's hair and the result was amazeballs!!
maksudnya amazing! Like this:

Aku udah post juga di @thedeehair, kalian bisa check.

Nah ini rambut "Before"nya dia.
Kalian bisa lihat disini rambut dia udah pernah di cat sebelumnya. She forgot what color she use but there's some red tone. Aku sedikit nethink that her hair bakal jadi tipe rambut yang susah!
But turns out ga, well, ga terlalu sih.

In the end, Aku selalu coba dan berusaha untuk kasih yang paling terbaik buat para customers ku. 
If it makes them happy, it makes me happy.
Dan inilah hasil dari proses hair transformation selama hampir 7 jam

Emang warna nya ga sama kan kayak si Jennifer Bachdim but mirip-mirip kan?
Bener-bener susah loh guys warna ini tapi aku seneng banget ngerjainnya karena klien ku ini sabar banget dan nyanti banget, all in a good atmosphere, dan hasilnya pun memuaskan juga.
She couldn't even hide her smile that was shown from ear to ear.
That makes me very very happy! Hard work payed off!

 Tell me what you think about this on the comment box below!
See you on my next post!
For hair appointments and questions:

Deedee Young


  1. selalu langsung ngiri kalau lihat postingan ombre hair service mu :((

    1. Hhahaha, ayo km ikutan juga di cat sinii sinii :))

  2. Bleaching apa aja sama mnrtku sih yg pasti bleach wrna biru.. Aku ini campuran sndiri, ga pake pravana or mp..
    Km bleach sampe seterang yg km bsa, ntr bisa bantu pake purple shampoo or mp virgin snow untuk toner.. semoga membantuuu❤

  3. Heh kok coloring biru??
    Bleach kan ada 2 macam, wrna biru sama putih, cari yg warna biru, bukan coloring biru dear >.<


Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤