Wednesday, March 2, 2016

My Dear Fellow Bunnies..

I'm writing this to you guys to personally apologize for the hiatus for this last few months.
I wasn't able to write new post due to some reason.
Some of you guys might know it, but some of you haven't. 
I'm currently working in an international hair studio, dreaming that I could actually achieve my dream to become hair stylist.
But sacrifices needed, and this blog is one of it.

But due to few and other reason, I'll be back blogging this April to show you guys more of HAIR stuff that I've learned from this past few months.
So, for those who stays as my loyal reader, i'm very very very grateful. 
I can't wait to be back...


I'll throw a welcome back giveaway for my reader.
and yes! it's about hair!!!! 
well, who knows, maybe I might giving free ombre service? (who agree and disagree about this idea?)
So be patience bunnies..

I hope you all the best!

btw, I'm still giving ombre hair service, for those who truly wants a hair makeover,
go make an appointment with me at
(I'm kinda branding my 'work') 
You could check my Instagram and find my latest work under this tag #thedeehair, but i'm sorry for now I have to make my account private due to some reason. Please don't hesitate to follow to check it out.

Much Love!
Deedee Young
Find me on: Fasyen (deedeeyoung)


  1. waiting impatiently for new blog posts :)

  2. ombre service kayaknya keren, cuman ga bisa ya dibungkus aja dikirim ke solo jasanya wakakaka :D

  3. **menunggu dengan setia** >__<v


Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤