Sunday, March 2, 2014


I got another client who entrusted me to do her hair. I'm so excited this time, again.
I will always be excited every time someone ask my help to do their hair. 
And i'm happy to help.

Sorry I forgot to take a picture of before hair. But of course I took picture of the after hair.
Her hair is totally Indonesian black hair. You know what it means right?
Using magically 4 box of Sasha hair bleach was enough.
I bought like 10 box of bleach for stock, and luckily Hypermart give promo price. 

 I'm just glad she loves it as much as I do.
So here it is!!

I do appreciate girls who stands up from being ordinary to something unusual, in this case, TO BLEACH THEIR HAIR.
When most people are afraid to do it, this girl came all away to my home to get her hair done from black to blonde.
and how I love to see girls with guts like her. She, instead, dare to bleach her hair.
and again, IT'S OKAY to bleach your hair, AS LONG AS you give your hair EXTRA TREATMENT after shampooing. That way, your hair won't get major damage, only minor because of course it's a BLEACH.

Thankyouuu DIAH❤❤❤

I do accept do colored ombre or dipdye!
But make sure to satisfied your need, you bring your own colorant. 
for Ombre Hair Service:

Read my FAQ if you have anything to ask about ombre hair, 
if you have any questions you need to ask make sure you leave it on the comment box below..

have a nice day❤

Deedee Young


  1. Oh, so beautiful hair! :'3
    Have a great week dear!

    ❤ ✿ NEW POST ✿ ❤

    1. Thankyouuu Rinako :) you're so sweet.
      you too, have a lovely week❤

  2. Dee, naksir banget sama ash blondenya. itu kamu diemin berapa lama dan berapa kali bleach sampai bisa seterang itu di bagian ujungnya?

    1. Thankyouu, nanti kalo rambutku udah panjangan aku mau di ash blonde juga ceritanya :)
      untuk ini, aku bleach 2x, jadi dari item ke coklat. abis itu aku bleach lagi dari coklat ke blonde.
      ehm, aku ga ngitung jam waktu itu, jadi sambil proses aku liat aja udah cukup terang apa belom..
      nah ash blonde ga bisa cuman dari bleach, harus ada cat ash blondenya, itu sih clientku yang bawa catnya.

  3. Cool ombre hair. I love it but I still dont have the guts to do so :/



Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤