Sunday, March 30, 2014

HAIR: 3-Colors Rainbow Dipdye/Ombre Hair (UPDATED - 7/4/14)

Not trying to be narcissistic, haha but I do love my own hair creation. 
Another Hair Project Succeed!!

I've been wanting to do this for a while but back then my hair was too short and I can't hide my hair if I colored it. So I patiently waited until tonight, I can't stand it! I feel like I have to do it now.
I can't stand my hair being plain ombre. 

I was inspired by The Beauty Department Hair Tutorial and DIY
It was for bright hair though, while mine is medium bright brown, so yes I have to bleach it blonde again so I can have to color I want!

It's like 2 years ago when I saw TBD's blog about this hair, that time I didn't know where to get the color. As time passed, I kinda forgot about it, until I saw Qiu-qiu's hair on her instagram, and then it struck me back, I want that hair!!!! 

So, I kinda slip off from plain blonde ombre and do more. You know how much I want to be different from others, since I haven't found someone doing this kinda hair-do in Indonesia, I JUST HAVE TO BE THE FIRST (or the second if there's someone have done it already) haha..

Here's Mine!!

I only use 3 colors which is Blue, Pink and Purple.

I'm happy to see my hair full of color.

Now, what hair colorant products did I use?
-Miranda's Permanent Hair Color in MC-13 Rose Purple
-Miranda's Permanent Hair Colorant in MC-5 Pink
- Sasha Professional Hair Colorant in S-3.41 Dark Blue

It's my first time using Sasha's hair colorant, because I always thought Sasha isn't that good for colorant but well I should just give it a try, I wouldn't know if I never try.
And at that time, I couldn't find any blue color from Miranda, so yeah I take Sasha.

1. I did have bleached hair on the tip of my hair, but it's not bright/blonde enough for me to put the pink/purple/blue colorant. So I bleached again to have bright/blonde color.
- If you have bright/blonde hair, it will be so much easier for the color to fit in, in my case pink-blue-purple.

2. Prepare the hair colorant. NOTE! if you're using Miranda's or Sasha, you have to mix up the colorant cream and developer. The color itself is not final, like Manic Panic or others. You have to mix it yourself, add conditioner if you have to have more bright color instead of dark color. So different amount of mixture will result in different colors at the end. Make sure you achieve or get the color you want by swatching little amount of the colorant that you've mixed in your hand or paper, wait for atleast 2-5mins, usually the colors from the mixture will show. If you want more brighter color, just add more conditioner.

for the mixture, I never measure how much the cream colorant and developer I used, but if you are a precise person and you don't want to make any mistakes then you could use plastic spoon to measure it. Don't use steel or metal, I don't know why but let's keep out from any unwanted result. 

Here's the mixture result. This isn't bright enough though i've used alot of conditioner, make sure if you want to have brighter, add more and more of conditioner.

3. ehm, this step is totally up to you. but mine, I divided my hair not side to side but upper part and lower part. I started out with my lower part, taking lil strand of hair, then apply the color. Make sure you apply it evenly.
After you're done with the lower part, untie you upper hair, and continue coloring.

4. After you done with it, wait for 15-30mins. but I only wait for prox. 25mins. This part is also up to you, for me 25mins is enough for the color to be on my hair. 

5. Washed out, Rinsed, Conditioned! 
Conditioner is the most important thing here if you don't want your hair to get more damaged, then use ALOT of conditioner.

And... you're done! 

I haven't achieve the colors I want but so far, I'm quite happy with the result. 

You can buy the hair colorant in Giant, Hypermart, Carrefour. 
They sell Miranda and Sasha. 
Miranda is more expensive than Sasha, but they both still cheap!

Here some clips I made. 

So I hope you're enjoying my blogpost
If you have any questions please do leave it on the comment box below.
BUT please, don't be anon, I feel like you don't appreciate me if you're anon. 
Thankyou loves!

So guys, it's probably almost a week and the color is gone already.
Few things you need to know:
1. I didn't really bleach my hair to light blonde, so you better bleach your hair to light blonde
2. I also did left the color for like only less than 20mins where I should leave it for 30-40mins. 
3. If you want the color to last longer, don't shampoo your hair everyday, instead do it like 2 days 1time. 
4. Use less hair mask and creambath!
5. use color protection shampoo instead of regular shampoo.

So I hope this help :) 

Deedee Young


  1. bagus bangettt ceeee wkwkw <3 love the colourrr so badlyy!

    1. hahaha Thankyou Janice!
      me too, I love the colors too. hahaha❤

  2. Baguss bangett.. ♥♥ u're too cutee(^3^)(^3^)

    1. Thankyouuu Ellenn!! >.< aaa km juga cutee abiss!!

  3. rambut kamuu.. bikin ngiri banget! kereeeen!! jadi pengen bikin juga hahaha XD

    1. ahahaha Makasiiiiiiiiii >.<
      ayo bikin.. bikin!! :)

  4. Love how you can made pastel color from cheap hairdye :3

    1. yeah, with alot of experiments, trial and error, learning about the color.
      thankyouuu dear Devii <3

  5. Omg itu lucu bgt kak warnanya ><
    Btw thanks bgt infonya aku baru tau kalau conditioner bisa bkin warnanya lebih terang soalnya aku pake cat turquoise tapi krna kurang bleaching jadi ijo huhu :(
    Nice blog!

    1. ahahah makasii yah!! :)
      iyaah ditambahin conditioner aja untuk lebih muda wrnanya.. cuman untuk pas di apply ke rmbut, wrna rambut harus bener2 terang even sebenernya yellow gitu wrnanya masih ga gitu masuk, apalagi coklat.. jd harus blonde, really blonde biar warna pastel yg masuk juga bagus.
      thankyouuu dear :)

  6. Audiii.. that looks cute <3 aku jadi pengen warnain rambut, but i dunno what color and whether it'll suit me or not :3 suggestions?

    1. Ayo Wandaa, warnain!!!
      ehm, When I see you, I feel pastel purple will suit you. dark blue also. hihi

    2. that sounds bold and very Katy Perry yah :3
      i'll consider though, kalo udah lebih berani mau warnain :p

    3. ah now that you mentioned it, I just realize it! haha.. iyaah so very katy perry. Is it your whole hair wanda? or just ombre? if ombre that's the color I recommend, but if whole hair, you're perfect with black hair, or kyk cat black/blue aja, jadi kalo kena sinar ada wrna blue nya but still black.

  7. Kak Audi pake sampo apa biar warnanya awet? ^^

    1. dulu aku pake shampoo Bigen kalo ga salah namanya udah lama banget itu pokoknya botolnya warna kuning, labelnya merah ada di farmers market, itu shampoo khusus rambut di cat, siapa tau itu bisa bantu, dulu rambutnya cat coklat gelap jadi ga gitu keliatan pengaruhnya, sekarang sih pake tresemme itu ga ngebantu jaga warna haha..
      trus biar wrna awet jgn keramas tiap hari, dan jgn sering-sering masker dan creambath ternyata itu ngelunturin warna..
      ini aja belom seminggu wrnanya udah ilang total, cat murah sih :)

    2. sorry bukan bigen tapi hoyu namanya, trus bisa juga pake VS Sassoon, di jual di hypermart juga :) Hoyu itu ketemu nya di farmers market :)

  8. The color fade so fast, ya.. Hm.. Dulu aku pernah pake marimar yg blue sih.. Terus jadi kering gitu rambutku. Padahal aku nggak bleach lho... Setelah warnanya ilang rambutku jadi medium to light brown gituuu... Rambut kakak nggak feel dry after you dyed it so many time?

    1. yeah, ilangnya cepet banget!!
      tadinya malah pengen coba marimar katanya lebih tahan lama yah.. wah gitu yah..
      iyaah sih biasa klo ngecat emg sedikit ngelunturin warna asli.
      sejauh ini ga kering, mungkin emang tipe rambutnya tipe yang susah kering, dan aku selalu abis keramas selalu pake hair lotion walaupun jarang hair spa sih.. gitu.. mungkin km bisa coba hair treatment yang biasa aku lakuin, ada di post sebelum-sebelumnya tentang hair treatment yang aku lakuin. itu ngebantu banget loh.

  9. Hello there, nice post! Aku mau tanya dong, "If you want more brighter color, just add more conditioner." warnanya akan jadi pastel apa lebih mencolok? then, conditioner apa yang bagus untuk dicampur sama hair colorantnya? thankyou :)

    1. hei, sorry for late reply..
      the color will be more pastel and lebih muda. tapi akan jadi cepat pudar.
      any condi will be find as long as it's white.. kalo mau cari condi yang bau nya enak yang km suka jadi rambutmu bakal wangi condi nya. :)

  10. Saya ingin ombre wrna coklat, ajrin donk say..
    kira2 hrga nya bleaching powder brp y??

    1. kamu mau pake bleach apa? klo sasha and miranda dibawah 10rb kok..
      untuk tutorialnya gmna, nntn ini aja, km tinggal cari bleach aja..

  11. hoo, gorgeous :O
    i learn alot from you,
    i wont ever give up >,<

  12. Kakaakkk..pake miranda warnanya bisa hilang kan? Soalnya ak sering bosen, jdi pengen ganti2 warna hahahaa. Dan kalo hilang, warna bleaching nya brubah ga? Kyk jdi coklat atau tetep terang gitu hehe


Hello Bunnies❤
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If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤