Thursday, March 27, 2014

DIARY: Soundcloud Covers

I love to sing, but I always feel like I'm not really a good singer.
but still I keep tracks of it by recording my own voice and listen to it.
I think that's the best way to know your own voice and to get better at it.

Here are some of covers I did a while ago.
I actually just record Safe and Sound cover and so excited to show you guys but turns out the voice didn't come out. and I lost it! Baaaah >.<

also, singing my, still, one of my favorite songs "Right There"

and here, I present it to you, Daisy❤

Now, tell me what you think on comment box below! I would really really love to read your comments.

Deedee Young


  1. ud follow soundcloud mu dee <3

    1. aaa makasii ci, maaf baru bales, nnti aku follow back! :) thankyouuuu cici cantikk!!

  2. waaaa you have such a beautiful voice, such a pro ^^ XD envy you


Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤