Hello bunnies ♥
I'm back with another SKINCARE review!
yash! coz for me, 2018 is about skincare and less makeup!
I want to upgrade my skincare product coz i'm no longer young as you can see. I'll be 30 in about 4 years. And I don't want to be late to take care of myself than regret later. I'm not sure if I have my mom's genes of staying young passed on to me or not, so better start now than late.
So, this time, aku kesempatan untuk coba skin care dari SWISS yang mau masuk ke Indonesia! Yaitu,
Have you heard about Mila D'Opiz? Jujur sebelum di tawarin aku ga pernah denger Mila D'Opiz sebelumnya, Jadi nih aku perkenalkan dulu Mila D'Opiz ini.
Informasi ini bisa kalian dapatin di websitenya Mila D'Opiz
Mila D'Opiz sendiri punya banyak macam product sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan permasalahan kulit masing-masing. It's a lot that I almost don't know what to choose when they ask me what I want. But they help me alot in picking up products that suits me skin problem at the moment, I'm trying to fina a product that could actually reduce the appearance of red spots caused by acne and redness and dullness. I want my skin to appear more brighter and clearer.
So I choose Vitamin C Ampoule.
and it was nice of them to let me try another product of theirs called The Skin Whisperer Cream in size 10ml.
Sekarang kita bahas lebih lanjut yah kedua product ini.
As you guys can see, ini bukan mini size. Ini size aslinya. emang kecil banget cuman 5ml.
but it's because it's a concentrate vitamin C ampoule which focus on brightening your face, helping in making your skin tone even, moisturizing and maintaining skin vitality.
But before going further, a quick reminder of what ampoule really is,
"An ampoule is a supercharged serum with higher concentrations of active ingredients that you're meant to use for a finite amount of time as a booster or when you're having a skin crisis of some sort."
It has pH level of 6.7 - 7.5
it's in yellow-orangey color. It has watery texture but not thick and not sticky and oily.
it has mild scent which I can't really describe, but it's nice tho!
Seperti yang aku bilang tadi ukurannya cuman 5ml.
Their claim:
- High concentration of Vitamin C
- Intensification of skin protection
- Activates skin regenerations
- Intensive moisturising effect
- Can be used at health cure products.
Its main ingredients are:
Vitamin C: High Skin Protection, combines with free radicals, promotes the formation of new cells.
Hyaluronic Acid: Immediate, effective and long-lasting moisturising effects, fills wrinkles, soothes and relieves irritation.
I couldn't get more information of the other ingredients.
Botol nya kaca, jadi harus hati-hati pegangnya juga, karena botolnya sangat kecil.
Ga ada pipet, cuman cap biasa. which is not convenient.
Tapi enaknya ampoule ini, bisa di integrate di semua basic skin care. Bisa juga dipake sebelum pake face mask, agar lebih maksimal resultnya.
Jujur aku ga pernah coba mix ini sama moisturizer aku, slalu pakenya terpisah.
So Ampoule used after Toner and Serum/Essence but before Moisturizer/Cream.
Setelah menggunakan toner, ambil 1-2 tetes di telapak tangan
Aplikasikan secara merata ke seluruh wajah
Pijat dengan lembut agar meresap dengan semua
Ampoule ini cepat banget meresap ke kulit tanpa menyebabkan efek lengket or berminyak, seperti yang aku bilang diawal. Texturenya bener-bener cair seperti air, jadi harus hati-hati waktu tuang
I wish it came with pipette so it's easier to measure how much should we use it. it's really hard to just pour enough amount, ada satu saat tanganku gemeteran hampir tumpah smua di tangan >.<
So I got this with me for almost 3 weeks, but I only able to use this for 2 weeks.
it works amazing honestly on my skin. It works on making my skin brighter, belum terlihat jelas untuk menghilangkan redness bekas acne nya. tapi keliatan samar wajahku mencerah dalam pemakaian ga rutin dalam waktu dua minggu.
Aku ambil foto kondisi kulit aku sebelum pemakaian (foto dibawah sebelum pemakaian) cuman sisa bekas jerawat aja, ga banyak kemerahan di wajah, cuman agak dull aja.
tapi aku lupa ambil foto setelah dua minggu dan waktu mau foto, kulitku kena masalah >.<
Minggu lalu aku ada coba face mask yang dikasih temen dari Korea, itu facemask yang ga akan aku sebut namanya karena lupa, vitamin c juga. Setelah pake, mukaku ga langsung bereaksi. tapi setelah dua hari, kulit ku bereaksi parah, I'm starting to break out, redness everywhere, visible pores yang parah, kulit gujrakan, dan worst, jerawat muncul dimana-mana.
Jadi in mean time aku cuman bisa pake obat iritasi dari dokter dan puasa dari skincare routine biasa aku termasuk Vitamin C ampoule ini.
My skin is getting better now, dan aku baru mulai lagi pake ampoule ini. which I do wish it could help me in reducing this redness, evening my skin color, reducing the acne and the appearance of acne.
Karena dari yang aku baca, ampoule ini concentrate vitamin C, I wish it could help me getting my skin back before the irritation because of the face mask. Nah jadi ini dia kondisi kulit aku sekarang sehabis iritasi. Aku mau coba lagi pake ini, yang nantinya setelah 2-3 weeks aku kasih update yah!
jangan kaget yah >.<
Forehead aku ga masalah sih tapi pipi kiri kanan abis >.< sedih liatnya.
AGAIN, iritasi nya bukan karena ampoule nya! karena aku udah pake dua mingguan and it works fine with me.
Nah kita lanjut ke produk kedua yang aku dapet.
The Skin Whisperer Cream in 10ml
Nah ini juga ukurannya ada dua. Ada yang 50ml dan 10ml. and in spherical jar.
Aku dapet yang 10ml jadi lucu-lucu kecil gini bentuknya. Cream dengan teknologi stem cell yang melawan tanda-tanda penuaan: Garis kerutan, kering, tekstur kulit yang tidak rata, flek hitam, kendur, kusam & pori-pori besar. Sekain melawan tanda tanda penuaan, cream ini juga menutrisi dan membantu proses regenerasi kulit aging.
Ini pertama kali aku pake sesuatu yang anti aging. Karena seumur-umur, bahkan sampe 26 tahun ini masalahku selalu minya berlebih dan J-E-R-A-W-A-T! Gimana bisa focus ke anti-aging kalo jerawat ini ga kunjung kelar saking sensitivenya kulit ku.
This cream can bu used as Sleeping Mask also.
it has pH level 5.5-6.5
Nah ini dia active ingredients nya:
Complex MDOintradermyxCom
Worldwide innovation in anti-aging formula. This high performance
complex helps conveying a message deeper in the skin for a rejuvenation
of the epidermis. It stimulates the production of collagen and the synthesis of elastin.
4 Stem Cells Complex
Improves skin Resistance, delay skin aging process, strengthens skin protective barrier, reduction of wrinkle depth, offers a youthful and vital appearance.
Grape Stem Cell: mencegah tanda tanda penuaan akibat sinar UV dari matahari
Argan Stem Cell: Menutrisi agar kulit tampak lebih bercahaya
Rose Alps Stem Cells: Memperkuat ketahanan kulit terhadap perubahan cuaca
Apple Stem Cell: Menjaga vitalitas sel regenerasi kulit, sehingga memperlambat proses penuaan
High-tech skin hydration performance, improves urea and water storage,
protects from urea and water loss.
Lipex Cellect
Supports skin barrier function against environmental stress and
premature skin-aging.
Precious Oils Complex
Accelerates regeneration, moisturising effect, rich in vitamin B and E,
soothing effect, strengthens skin barrier, antioxidant, healing properties.
Oils: Mango Stone Butter, Babassu Oil, Macademia Nut Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, and Shea Butter.
Sodium Hyaluronate
Immediately effective and long lasting moisturizer, wrinklefiller, calming.
as you can see from picture below, it is a cream and has broken white color.
I have to say I think they put perfume as one of the ingredients because it has strong scent but a decent one, not strong thick smell that makes you dizzy. I actually love the smell.
It has thicker texture, quite oily but not greasy.
mungkin karena kebanyakan orang tua kulitnya kering jadi makanya cream ini sangat moisturizing dan hydrating banget. Kalo diliat dari ingredientnya aja banyak banget active ingredientsnya.
How to use this Mila D'Opiz The Skin Whisperer Cream:
Nah ini ukuran 10ml dan 50ml
So, My thoughts on this product is that, It's not the right product for me right now!
They gave me the wrong series of skin care because this should be for someone above 40.
Di aku, kulit ku jadi over moisturized akibatnya jadi super oily dan sticky, dimana kulitku sebernernya udah sangat oily. I don't think I need this yet now.
Sejak hampir seminggu pemakaian udah langsung aku ga pake lagi karena bener-bener rasanya dikulit berat dan thick. Aku ga pernah pake moisturizer bentuk cream thick kayak gini, selalu disaranin yang jelly, gel or water based. it suits my skin better. I gave this to my mom coz she might need it more than I do.
Aku sangat saranin cream ini buat kalian yang punya kulit super kering, you don't have to be 40 to use this tho, coz this is very moisturizing. but aku ga recommend untuk mereka yang kulitnya oily kayak aku.
Untungnya ga buat aku jadi break out sih.
For The Skin Whisperer Series, there's not only cream but there's also the serum.
Abit about The Skin Whisperer Serum:
Konsentrat dengan teknologi stem cell untuk meregenerasi kulit agar kencang kembali.
untuk Mencerahkan, melembabkan & menutrisi kulit aging
untuk juga Meregenerasi sel sel kulit mati dan Mengurangi noda hitam
ukurannya 30ml
Some of the active Ingredients are the same with the cream but it has not 4 but 5 active stem cell complex. which add to the ingredients:
Snow Algae- Melindungi & mengaktifkaan kembali sel induk yang meregenerasi kulit
Serum ini dipakai sesudah toner dan sebelum Ampoule dan Cream/Moisturizer.
I'll be very Honest with you about the price. It's not just pricey. IT'S REALLY PRICEY.
Vitamin C Ampoule - 5ml: IDR 520,000.-
The Skin Whisperer Cream - 10ml: IDR 1,820,000.-
The Skin Whisperer Cream - 50ml: IDR 7,150,000.-
The Skin Whisperer Serum - 30 ml: IDR 5,070,000.-
Kalian bisa langsung beli di websitenya Mila D'Opiz
or cek Instagram Mila D'Opiz di
Thankyou so much for reading my honest review.
This is Sponsored review but I'm writing based on my experience, I'm always trying to be honest in every review I post. No matter how expensive the product was, but it's doesn't suit me or don't give me any progress or better changes, I will always let you guys know in a proper words.
I hope this review helpful for you. See you on my next post.
This is Sponsored review but I'm writing based on my experience, I'm always trying to be honest in every review I post. No matter how expensive the product was, but it's doesn't suit me or don't give me any progress or better changes, I will always let you guys know in a proper words.
I hope this review helpful for you. See you on my next post.
If you guys have any question you want to ask about this, just comment on the comment box below
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