Friday, October 27, 2017

Hair Beauty Dating Event with Natur x Female Daily

Hello Bunnies♥

I was invited to Hair Beauty Dating Event with Natur and Female Daily. I was so excited because it's Natur! I've been using their products ever since i got major hair fall due to some detox tea I used to drink like a year and a half ago. Now my hair is super healthy, thanks to Natur!
Back to the stories, turns out alot of my bloggers friends are there so we were like reunited and yes I met new friends also which was so awesome!
The point of that event was to introduce us to Natur's new product, which is Natur Shampoo for colored hair. Natur knew that women these days love to color their hair. So Natur take initiative to help us, ladies, to keep our hair healthy and stay awesome tho it may be damaged due to the coloring process.
It's important for us to know great products to maintain our hair healthiness, and i believe Natur has it! That's why I'm so happy to try out their new product ♥

There were a hair styling contest and we were divided to 5 groups, I can't believe that our group won!
here's how we style Tiffany Kosasih's super long hair

Pas di event aku kesempatan untuk hair and scalp check up
Baru pertama kali aku do Hair and Scalp Check up. 
Aku agak kuatir dengan hasil yang dikasih sih karena takut hasilnya jelek >.<
Tp ternyata, hasilnya sangat baik. My scalp is very healthy, since aku sering keramas.
Batang rambutku juga lumayan sehat walaupun aku ngerasa agak kering sehabis di perm.
cuman yang agak kurang itu pertumbuhan rambut aku yang sedikit terhambat, yang harusnya bisa numbuh 2-3batang di aku cuman 1-2 batang aja. 
eamng rambutku agak tipis sih, makanya aku belum berani ngecat dari akar lagi.

After the event, I got to try out these amazing products from Natur.

First Product that I want to introduce to you guys are

Natur Hair Tonic Ginseng Extract

Hair tonic sangat diperlukan bagi kalian yang punya rambut sering rontok dan ngerasa akar nya ga kuat. I do have weak roots, most of it, not all. So yes I use this 2x everyday, after shampooing in the morning and before going to bed. 
Fungsinya untuk memperkuat akar rambut kita dan menjaga kesehatan kulit kepala agar ga gampang rontok.

Natur Shampoo for Colored Hair

This is it! NEW PRODUCT from Natur!
Shampoo for colored hair. Wangi nya super enak, dibanding shampoo Natur yang lainnya ini wanginya beda, ga gitu bau kayak rempa-rempah obat gitu. that doesn't mean shampoo lain baunya ga enak yah! shampoo Natur ga ada yag ga enak baunya, wanginya enak-enak semua makanya aku suka :)
Fungsi dari shampoo ini untuk menjaga kesehatan rambut yang udah diwarnai, memberi nutrisi yang cukup agar rambut tetap baik kondisinya, tetap shiny dan tetap lembut.

last but not least
Natur Protection Treatment Serum

It's the hair serum I've been dying to try out.
My hair is dull due to the perm I did and I don't get enough hair treatment just because i'm lazy >.<
My hair gets shinier and softer and indeed healthier. So this is indeed a hair savior♥
Best used: After shampooing when your hair is at 70% dry, before drying your hair and use it again after styling your hair.
It's not sticky nor oily, at all. makes your hair smells nice too.
It could be use a hair protection from heat.

Oh and One more thing, this one is an addition, I haven't tried it out yet

Ini masker rambut untuk rambut yang sering rontok. Aku belum coba karena belum sempat >.<
will give you an update about this after I try it out!


I've been trying all of these 3 products out for almost a week, it works extremely well to my hair. I know, i know, my hair isn't colored but some of my hair are still damaged enough due to the perm i did few months ago, and on the event, they said even though your hair isn't colored this shampoo can be used also for non colored but damaged hair. So i tried it and the result is amazing. My hair is super soft and more shinier and very light. The most visible one is that i have less hair fall than before. This is amazing ♥
I couldn't stop touching my hair because it's so soft, it rarely get tangled. I'm so happy.

My korean makeup for the event ♥

Thankyou Natur, Thankyou Female Daily
Hope you find this information useful.

Thankyou for reading. See you on my next post.
If you guys have any question you want to ask about this, just comment on the comment box below


Deedee Young

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