Friday, November 24, 2017

FACE: BENTON Cacao Moist and Mild Cream

Hello Bunnies♥

How are you guys? 
I've been good myself. Been having hard times dealing with breakup and some emotional stuff that's been going on, but besides all of that, I'm actually fine and happier.
That's why I also dyed my hair my favorite color, which is PINK!

Now talking about something pink, I just got package from Elsyoung that because it's in pink, I couldn't wait to try it out. 

I'm very sure you've heard about Benton, but not this product? well you come to the right place.
I'm gonna give as much informations I could give. 
a lil bit information about Elsyoung, they are official Benton Seller in Indonesia. they sell 100% original products only. Each of Benton products has each own product code and official sticker. So you don't have to worry about any fake products because Elsyoung didn't sell any.

But before going further, there's something I need you to know. I have awfully sensitive skin and it's acne-prone. I can't actually use just any products since it will cause more acne to my skin.
I easily get redness due to having sensitive skin (I can't even laugh to much or smile to much without having my face red). And I have oily skin. 
I'm not entirely stop using cream from my doctor, but I intend to stop it, so I guess this could be a start while I still have few creams left before totally stop using it. So it won't get rebound.

The Code and Official sticker is on top of the box.
The packaging is very simple, it's also in pink pastel.

In the side and the back of the box, there's some Ingredients list and precaution statement you could check before using. I'm sorry I couln't read korean so I'm just gonna show you the English one.
And you could see, it's CRUELTY FREE. It's the plus point of this product already.

Main Ingredient of this Benton cream is Theobroma Cacao which is rich with minerals and nutrients, so it could helps moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Here's what's inside the box.
it's also in tube for 50g. Not saying this is travel friendly size but it's okay because it's not too big. It's not heavy to bring around. It came in flip cap, it's quite efficient and hygiene for me.

What Skin Types Benefit:
- Dry and Tight skin
- Skin with oil-water imbalance
- Skin that wants mild and hydrating formula
- Skin easily sensitized by external stressor
- Skin that wants light, non-sticky moisturizer
- Rough skin that need nourishment.

This Cacao Moist and Mild Cream is slightly acidic (pH 6)

Every new product is sealed like this picture below, make sure your product has its sealed.

Let's talk about the cream.
It has white color, less scent which is very nice and soft scent. The texture of this cream is quite watery and very light, which I love so much. I don't really like thick and oily cream for my face but I do like that kind of cream for my body. 
It's amazingly absorbed to the skin very fast.

I'm truly amazed with it. It doesn't caused me any breakouts, any irritation or redness (becase I have very sensitive skin). It's very lightweight to the skin, like I feel don't wearing anything tho but I'm actually wearing it. This suites anyone who likes non-sticky and light cream moisturizer.
It does help hydrating and nourishing my skin. Just because I have oily skin that doesn't mean that my skin is hydrated. It controls my oil imbalance a bit, not much. Maybe I should use it more often to get better results. But I'm loving it so far.
I''m quite scared at first tho, but it proves me wrong. I'm not even scared of using only this cream this week, because it gives my skin better and natural treatment, which what my skin needs.
I wish it has SPF but it's not so you need to use sunscreen if you want to go out.

I'm super thankful to Elsyoung and Benton for giving me the chance to try it out. Or else, I might never know.

The price is very affordable for me. You can have this for only IDR 151.00
Where to buy?

You could check other of BENTON products there.

Thankyou for reading my honest review. I truly love this product tho I'm kinda doubt it at first.
I hope this review helpful for you. See you on my next post.
If you guys have any question you want to ask about this, just comment on the comment box below

Oh, and you can check my friends review for more information about this product:


Deedee Young


  1. Good for sensitive skin, noted ! Punya wajah yang sinsitif emang mesti hati - hati yaa sis, akupun kalau salah dikit bisa langsung breakout ngambek mukanya.

    1. yes! sampe sekarang aku pake rutin tiap pagi, dan sama skali ga breakout! seneng aku akhirnya dapet moisturizer yang cocok. sama banget kitaa >.<

  2. Lihat bentuk krimnya jadi keinget lotion-nya Cosrx yang Birch-sap, gitu juga soalnya mirip. And somehow I can imagine how light it is :)

    1. indeed! super light and moist tapi ga bikin breakout! makanya aku seneng baget pake ini

  3. Nampak cepat meresap dan ramah untuk kulit berminyak ya 😍😍 aahhh.. jadi tertarik mau cobainnn...

    1. ayoo cobaiinnn sophieee!! enak banget pakenyaa. :)


Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤