Friday, April 25, 2014

DIARY: Maid Cafe Photoshoot!

Hello guys! 
I'm so excited today because I was having Meido photoshoot for my freelance job on May 9-11.
It's an event from Lyto called Ragnarok 2 Festival. and i'll be in the maid cafe section, make sure to stop by and let's meet up! 
I met new friends too (Vheii, Felix, Kei, Verly, Seline) and not to mention I met Ci Gita again after long time no see (our last meeting was when Ci Gita took photos of my dogs).

So, here a few photos of me. 
I didn't take a lot with my phone and camera because I was kinda shy to go selfie. 
Though I've prepared and brought my camera for this but i didn't take a lot of photos but i manage to get few :)
Sorry for the blurriness, my camera is sometimes not shake-prove. haha.
I feel so thin though i'm actually not. 
So happy to experience to be a maid, this is my first time cosplaying as a maid! need to learn more! >.<

 Me with so-very-cute-and-adorable Vheii
While she became cute bunny, I became mature kitty. 
please don't see it in a wrong term, it's just my makeup shows more 'mature' rather than 'cute'. 
but still kawaii right??

after make-up, haven't change my clothes yet. I do my own make-up. 

My Eye-Makeup. A simple natural gyaru! :)

well, actually I got enough photos :P
really enjoying my time doing this. I just can't wait till May 9-11, 2014.
Located in Mall Taman Anggrek, Atrium Utara, Lower Ground. 
at 11.00-15.00 and 16.00-20.00

I hope I can see you guys there!! >.<
I'm already excited about it!!
see yaa❤

Deedee Young


  1. Wahhh I want to attend it! TA is very near with my place. But I'm overseas during those days ;O; want to see you!! <3 I love your blog, has always been reading your posts, you're so cute! Mature in cute way :) xoxo

    1. AA that's too bad >.< you're going for vacation? well then maybe we can meet another time :)
      thankyouuu so much for your support and everything, it means alot to me and i feel so happy :)

  2. dee~~~~
    apa aku yang miss atau emang kamu belum nyantumin yaaa ini di T.A event apa kamunya pake kostum meido begini ~~~ huwaaa kawaii banget coba aku di indonesia aku dateng ke TA nanti (⑅˃◡˂⑅) maaf baru mampir lagi ke blog kamu~~~ wifi ku baru dipasang T__T udah lama mau liat review lucidol kamu *lalu habis ini meluncur*

    anyway follow2an yuk dee :3 hehehe

    Sherry from ♕ SheemaSherry ♕ blog (

    1. belomm, aku lupa nyantumin acara apa, cuman nyantumin tanggal.. ahahaha..
      Ini aku kerja di Maid Cafe buat acara Lyto's Ragnarok 2 Festival dan kebetulan di TA..
      ahahaha makasiiii yahh Sherry.. iyaah coba km disinii..
      ahahaha gpp.. sip aku follow :) ❤

  3. Cantiknya kamu dee ^_^
    Aku nominasiin kamu Sunshine Blogger Award ya cantik ^_^

    1. aaa makasiii ce Lucii..
      okee nanti kalo udah aku post aku kasih tau cece :)


Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤