Sunday, January 26, 2014

HAIR: Schwarzkopf Fresh Light in Champagne Pink

Hello again guys.
so if you see my Instagram, i cut my hair few days ago.

and when i got home, i just realize i cut it too short. not that i hate it, i actually like it but i can't dye my hair ombre for now. (picture above: i haven't dyed my hair yet)
because it's too short, if i dye it ombre then i can't hide it, since i'm working as teacher in private national plus school, they don't allow students to color their hair and the same rules also applied for all  teachers (except of course foreign teachers)

the i remembered that i still have one hair dye left. 
i was kinda unsure in coloring my hair, because it's such unsual color. 
i was afraid about how it will turn out.
but the heck, i want to color my hair so i did it!

I got this from @ulzzangify. She was holding a gyaru/ulzzang photocontest. 
in that photocontest, i got to promote her account as cute and as creative as i can be, then also uploaded my gyaru photo. i didn't win the photocontest because i don't get enough likes, but surprisingly, the owner loves the logo i design for her account, that's why i won as the second winner, and i got this box.

it was last year. 
i've waited until today to use it because i kinda buy another hair dye and used that first instead of this one! 
check here: 
so this will be the 3rd time i dyed my hair. 

here's my before hair. the roots growing so fast.

it's kinda ehm idk the word if i let it like this, i can't stand my hair. haha

okay, i have to be honest, the reason why I waited this long to color my hair with this because i read some reviews about this product, not specifically this color, also other colors. and alot of people said it's not really good. infact some says it's not even a good product because it makes your hair so dry and looks hay-like after usage. 

but since i'm a blogger i need to just try it myself. no matter what the consequences. even if i have to go bald, there's always a wig to help! hahaha. though i wish i don't have to go bald if it's really damaging my hair. 

so, i follow every rules stated, and here's the result.

natural bright lights (like outdoor)

with flash


what i think about this product!!:
+ i love the result in my hair
+ i love how it's amazingly easy to apply in my hair
+ the smell also not too bad (idk about you)
+ i love how my hair is still shiny and smooth eventhough some reviewers said it ruined their hair
+ though i didn't actually spread it evenly, the colors turns out to be even in all over my hair.

- i feel itchy all over my hair.
- seriously? there's not even a single pink stain in my hair. it turns out brown. how comeee??
- expensive (though i got this as my present)

i think i know why they said it gives dry effect afterwards. 
from all the reviews i've read, some of them had bleached their hair before, and they want to recolor this  in attention to got kinda strawberry blonde. 
but if you haven't bleached your hair, and you want to use this i think it won't be a problem. like me and my sister. 

no. i want to try other colors from other products :)

Thanks for reading!! :) 

Deedee Young


  1. aku pernah coba schwarzkopf yg ini >_< tp krn rmbutku panjang jd belang2 gt T_T
    bagus yaaa hasilnya di rambutmu ^^
    yg bubble hair color baunya lbh nusuk drpd yg ini :s

    1. hahaha.. iyah kalo rambut panjang mungkin lbh susah aplikasinya..
      iyah nih, aku juga suka banget hasilnya.
      yg buble aku belom pernah coba.. paling enak mah tony moly deh! wangi berry catnya..

  2. I like your color! It's very pretty and your hair is so shiny! But it's weird that it feels itchy though x)

    1. thankyouu Lucie! :)
      yes it is, infact my hair isn't dry just like what i've read on other bloggers review.
      yeah, it's very uncomfortably itchy. my previous hair coloring weren't itchy at all. idk why this one does >.<

  3. whooa mantap beb rambutnya, btw bagusan mana sih hasilnya yg cream atau buble yak? tp itu kamu awalnya rambut kamu udah warna jg ya. jd cpt masuk warnanya dikamu. rambutku kmrn cat item lg euy ._. mau pake yg buble takut gk keliatan warnanya.

    1. hahaha thankyouuu Nanami :)
      ehm, aku belom coba yang bubble sih, katanya sih lebih enak pake yang cream dibanding yang bubble. lebih gampang di aplikasi di rambut.
      root aku juga item kok say, tp ttp keliatan tuh. haha
      coba aja yang cream dulu :)

  4. Bagus hasilnya, rata & pinknya keluar, sama kayak di boxnya ^^
    aku dulu pernah pake yang bubble tapi kurang oke hehe pengen nyoba yg krim jadinya

    1. iyaah, aku suka banget sama hasilnya :)
      tp pinknya jadi kayak red brown gitu yah..
      aku denger yang bubble itu malah lebih susah diaplikasi dibanding cream.
      ayo boleh dicoba :)

  5. Aduh cakep bgt warnanya :( sayangnya byk yg bilang bikin kering rambut jdi takut mau nyoba :s

    1. Iyaah jess wrnanya hasilnya bagus. Ci suka. Tadinya takut juga untuk ngecat krna banyak yg blg gitu. Tp since I've proven it myself, it's not a bad product, and rambut ci jg ga kering. :)

  6. waah bagus warnanya ! aku sempet penasaran banget sama warna yg ini :D
    hmm kl pengalaman aku pake yg caramel brown aga bikin rambut ku kering sih :( huhu

    1. Iyaaah.. makasii.. aku juga penasaran, eh malah dpt hadiah. Iyah yg aku baca direview2 gitu bikin kering sih yah. Untungnya dirmbutku ga.. :)

    2. syukur deh kl ga kering di rambutmu :D hehe

    3. iyaah, aku jaga juga biar ga kering pkknya harus perawatan abis keramas :) jarangin pake hairdryer biar rambut juga ga cepet kering :)

  7. Replies
    1. iyah cii.. aku suka banget jatohnya dirambutku.. :)

  8. I tried this and my hair went BLONDE. Mungkin karena rambutku pendek banget, sementara catnya kebanyakan kali ya. But it should turn to be pinkish, not blonde, right? Huft.

    1. bisa jadi salah satu faktor juga, cuman seharusnya ga sampe blonde krna seharusnya malah redish pink, not blonde.


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