Wednesday, November 20, 2013

HAIR: feeling BLUE much?

PINK is still my favorite color. 
but i'm not closing any opportunity and interest for other colors.
this time i decided to give a little of blue touch for my highlight

remember my pink highlight? you could check it out here
after i'm tired to recolor it, i decided to dye my hair with Tony Moly hair colorant.
you could also check it out here

and before that, while reading my post, i add a lil touch of music.
hope you enjoy it. she's one of my top favorite singers. Ari is THE BEST!!

let's get back to the topic..

then, i miss my highlight every time i slipped my hair with my hand on my left side of my head. 
so i started to bleach my hair again, exactly where i did the last time. 

I will skipped all the bleaching process cos i've shown you how before,
then let's go straight to after the bleaching part. 

I don't know how and why i wanted to have blue highlight this time, maybe it's true i'm feeling blue much. and i just can't explain as much as i want to i even confused how to explain it. hhh >.<
but i guess that's not the main reason too.. i love blue. i do.

I'm using Miranda Hair Colorant.
I bought it yesterday in Hypermart for IDR8
so there's a developer, colorant cream and color protectant and moisturizing cream.
what i love about Miranda's hair colorant is that you got that protectant and moisturizing cream, same goes for the bleaching cream.

so i use that amount of each cream. 
don't be surprised with the colorant cream, it's dark, yes, but you'll be amazed with the result. 
as i am loving my blue highlight. haha

Conditioner are added to get the color to be more lighter, the more conditioner you put into, the more lighter the color you'll get. 
but for me that amount of conditioner is enough.

i didn't have the exact cream measure, i was just guessing and well predicting as i only do this for the highlights so i don't need too much. 

mixed it up! see the color now isn't that bad, it will eventually change again..

so after application, i waited for almost 30-40mins to get the best result.
here's the look after i applied it and before i washed my hair.
it's not actually blue, it's blue-greenish something like that.
but liking the color so far,

then i washed my hair.

dried it..

here's the result..
under the bright lamp

without flash, indoor light.

 with flash

tried to braid it, and i love how it matches my brown red hair. 

i have to admit it's not evenly dyed, but i'm quite happy with the result,
loving my new blue highlight!!

What color do you think i should have next??
just love experimenting with colors.
if only my parents allowed for me to have pink hair >.<

again, thankyou for reading,
and please leave comment on how you think about this color and overall what do you think about my new highlight :)

Arigatouu ❤

Dear Bunnies
My sister suddenly had a change of heart. she decided to have blue ombre hair. 
i haven't really try full black to blue, because my last time pink ombre is actually a dip dye..
and since this upcoming december, i'll be having 2 clients who wants to get their hair done by me, since i also offer the service to change your hair ombre for reasonable and affordable cost 

(only for those who live in Tangerang and Jakarta only, it's because i don't have the guts to drive too far, but i'm not closing the opportunity for those who needs my help outside Tangerang and Jakarta, if you can go to my house instead)

so here's my sister's plain and long hair 
i will definitely show you guys the 'after'.. it's still on progress, she's so busy now with working and studying. 

Much Love


  1. Replies
    1. aaa thankyouu dewie.. aku juga suka banget jadinya sama birunya..>.<

  2. kamu cat sendri *_* lucu yaaaaaa >.< bagus hasilnya!!

    1. iyah kaa, aku cat sendiri ini..hehe >.< thankyouu ka.. aku juga suka hasilnya walaupun ga rata sih, tp nnti abis luntur aku mau cat lagi yang rapian hehe

  3. Lucuuu >.< birunya turqoise gituu... aku mauuuk... pdhl baru ngecat juga.. hahhahaa

    1. iyaah, lucuu juga ternyata hasilnyaaa, aku suka banget.. hehe..
      ka itu rambutnya keren banget.. merah ombre gituuu >.<

    2. Ahhaha, ntar klo uda luntur aku mau cobain ah cat sndri kyk km.. hihihi
      Makasii, km juga dong cobain merah ombre.. hahaha
      Btw aku uda follow km, mind to follow me back? :D

    3. seru ka ngecat sendiri itu, lebih seru lagi kalo punya semua cat warna, tinggal minggu ini mau wrna apa yah.. ganti deh.. soalnya ini yg miranda seminggu luntur kok ka.. :)
      aku lagi kerja jd guru di sekolahan ka, jd ga boleh terlalu dimacem-macemin, ini aja highlightnya ngumpet. itu alasan aku juga untuk potong rmbut panjangku >.<
      aku udh folback yah ka, maaf kukira udh ku follow sebelumnya ternyata belom, sekarang udh followw!! :)

  4. Aih pake Miranda ternyata.. kemarin aku cat pake Miranda juga kurang keluar, padahal udah bleach -___- hahahaha.. Emang rambutku suka susah kalo diwarnain. warnanya item banget. Tapi sekarang karena udah sering di cat jadi itemnya udah berkurang. Mau coba ah :D thank you infonya :D

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. aku gak pake conditioner say -____-v hehehehe aku malah pakenya pas bilas hahahaha. kemarin aku bleach cuma kurang terang jadinya, padahal aku tinggalin lama loh. mungkin karena dasar rambut aku yang susah buat lepasin warna awalnya kali ya? padahal rambutku udah beberapa kali di cat loh. btw kamu bleachnya pake miranda juga say? apa pake produk lain?

    3. Sbnrnya conditioner itu untuk buat wrnanya lebih terang kok. Klo sukanya biru gelap ga ush campir conditioner.
      Aku pake bleachnya sasha, lbh suka pake sasha punya dibanding miranda. Mgkn km coba dlu yg sasha.. tp seitem apapun rmbut km yg namanya di bleaching pasti luntur kok.. mgkn campuran bleachingnya aja yang kurang..

    4. kemarin aku pake sasha loh -____- ahahaha apa mungkin gak cocok atau gimana ya? kemarin aku pakenya sesuai aturan yg ada di boxnya. luntur sih rambutku tapi gak jadi pirang banget, masih coklat muda gitu jatuhnya~

    5. ehm, km pake berapa box? kalo bleaching mesti rata dan porsinya banyak sih.. >.< waktu awal aku coba bleach juga jdnya coklat klo km liat post aku ttg ombre.. hehe trus aku bleach 2 kali baru lebih terang.. bisa jdi krna rambutmu hitam skali mungkin.. kupikir km pake bleach miranda, udh pernah coba yg miranda?

    6. belum coba, mungkin sekarang aku mau pake miranda, semoga hasilnya bagus ya >< ohya, kalo mau bleach atau diwarnain bagusnya rambut dalam keadaan basah/kering? aku biasanya dikeramas dulu, tunggu setengah kering baru di cat.

    7. iyaah coba miranda deh, kalo sahsa kan biru yah, kalo miranda putih dan bubuknya lebih banyak. ah mungkin karena itu..
      klo bleach rambutmu jgn di keramasin dulu, dan harus super kering, bukan stegah kering, kalo ngecat wrna mgkn msh gpp tp klo bleach biar hasil mksimal harus kering :)

    8. thank you so much :) maaf ya bawel tanya2nya >w< hehehe

    9. gpp Lintang, aku seneng bisa ngebantu, semoga berhasil yah ngecatnya.. jgn lupa kasih liat hasilnya nnti, aku penasaran. klo km masih ada yg mau ditanya lagi boleh lgsg line aku aja :) ada di ig. hehe

  5. Halo sebelumnya makasih banget postingannya..bener2 ngebantu.
    Ngomong2 aku punya rambut hitam yang belum pernah diwarnain.. kalo aku mau daper hasil highlight kaya itu apa aku cuma harus bleaching rambut terus aku warnain atau aku mesti warnain rambut aku dulu jadi coklat? Supaya warnanya nyambung?
    Oh!my skin is tanned anyway, jadi apa ada tips khusus? Thx before~:)

    1. hai, sama2 and thankyouuu juga udah mampir dan baca post ku :)
      ehm, itu terserah kamu sih, aku coklatin dlu karena aku ga suka rambut itam soalnya, lebih suka coklat dan emg cocok buat aku ternyata. nah baru kepikiran untuk highlight biru.
      kalo km misal mau rambut coklat baru highlight juga gpp, or langsung dri rmbut hitam di highlight :) warnyanya sih pasti nyambung-nyambung aja haha..
      i don't think tanned skin is a problem, mgkin cari warna jgn yg terlalu jontrang yah, yg neon gitu2 yg warna nyala, karena nnti bakal standout banget, tp klo misal kamu berani kenapa ga? if you love soft colors just add some conditioner like i did up there. gitu aja haha..
      smga menjawab :)

  6. bermanfaat banget :) tapi aq mau nanya 2 pertanyaan nih gpp kan ? hehehe 1. miranda yg kamu pake kan blue tp di foto kmu hasilnya biru keijo"an gitu padahal di boxnya biru gelap kq bisa gitu yah ? trus yg ke 2. aku udh pake miranda yg blue black tanpa bleaching pas aq pake sekali gk keliatan ada biru"nya gitu masih kaya semula apa krn rambut aku item yah ? aq jg makenya gk dicampur conditionernya jg jd pakenya pas selesai bilas pake sampo ...

    1. i was hoping you're not anon though!
      1. I've explained that above. that i used conditioner to make the color lighter.
      2. yup, it's because your hair is black, cat warna ga akan bisa untuk rambut hitam. so you have to bleach your hair first, that's why i only apply this color on my bleached hair only.

  7. haiii, mau tanya dong developernya beli dimana ya? thanks!

    1. ga baca deh pasti -_-" itu udah ada dalam box nya, udah satu paket..

  8. kak, warna dasar kakak yang di cat itu blonde ya? kaya udah terang banget makanya warnanya agak pastel2 gitu?

  9. waah itu warnanya keluar >.> bikin iri aja
    kemaren2 aku niatnya bikin streak biru, udah dibleach pake sasha sampe pirang banget, kucat pake miranda juga, eh hasilnya malah item T^T
    kamu itu catnya ga dipake 1 box semua ya? humm.. mungkin karena aku pake 1 box buat rambut seuprit,
    sekarang aku keramasin terus, biar warnanya luntur T^T


Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤