Monday, March 5, 2018

Ultimate 'Me Time' Experience at UMANDARU SPA

Hello bunnies ♥

How have you been? I had a very very busy February that I don't remember I had the chance to have some me time because well, I have too much to do. If i have even spare time, I use that time to go to sleep, coz I lack one!

Now that February has past and yes it was an amazing month ever! I finally got the chance to have me time, thanks to Clozette! My body so stiff that I really need some massage pronto! So I visited UMANDARU SPA which located at Bintaro (It's not that far away from my home, so that's good)

It's my first time to visit there just because I've never heard of it and tho it's in Bintaro, I never really go to that area, coz there's alot of places here in Gading Serpong and near it.
I went there with my sister, it was an easy way to go to, and I didn't get lost either maybe because the driver knows the way.

So there, I arrived! And I instantly feels like home, why? See it for yourself, shall we?

Can you see it? Can you feel it? I instantly feel like home, it has this atmosphere of homey feeling, that you feel relaxed the moment you enter the room.
Now here is the back area. which is the area of all body treatments.

The services that they offer are a lot, from head to toe which are Facial Treatments, Body Treatments, Hair Treatments, Hand and Foot Treatments even Waxing. 
I choose Body Treatment because that's what they offer and yes just so in the time when I need it!
Body Treatments itself has alot of choices, which are:

Shanti Spa 275k
Duration: 120m
Lulur kuning, yang ga pake masker badan. Biasa Shanti Spa dikhususkan untuk mereka yang mempunyai kulit bermasalah, seperti biang keringat, jerawat, dll.

Inara Spa 310k
Duration: 150m
termasuk steam, massage, scrub, masker, dan berendam air hangat. Untuk pilihan maskernya ada varian Susu, Kopi dan Coklat

Ranthya Spa 310k
Duration: 150m
Spa untuk mengurangi rasa cape. Menggunakan jahe untuk menghangatkan badan. Khusus treatment ini tidak ada berendam, karena takut kepanasan karena udah ada ginger.

Borehan Spa 145k
Duration: 30m
treatment nya terdiri dari Steam, Masker dan Scrub, tidak ada berendam air hangat juga.

Maharani Spa 340k
Duration: 135m
Lulur kuning, yang ga pake masker badan, bedanya dengan Shanti adalah Maharani Spa ada Ratus.

Nirvana Spa 450k
Duration: 150m
Spa Aromatic, prosesnya seperti Inara. Ada 3 pilihan, untuk Sensual, Selulit dan Whitening.

Harsha Body Massage 160k, 225k, 280k
Duration: 60m, 90m, 120m
Body massage yang menggunakan Olive Oil

Sandhana Body Massage 200k, 240k, 280k
Duration: 75m, 90m, 120m
Body massage yang menggunakan aromatic.

dan masih ada lagi, kalian bisa lihat disini.

Jadi, I was confused before because of the name, but after they explained it to me, aku jd ambil
 yang Nirvana Spa. I need more than just body massage so I take this treatment. dan aku ambil untuk yang pilihan selulit  >.<

Aku dibawa ke back area dimana ruangannya aku paling ujung. aku di bimbing sama Mbak Evi.
Mba Evi ini yang jadi therapist aku, She's so nice and didn't feel disturb when I was busy with taking photo of the area. Too bad she didn't want to take pictures with me, but worry not! I tag her on my instagram post! So you can easily spot her.
And this is the room and what's inside the room.
 the massage bed

Steam place

the Bathtub >.<

and the Shower area.

Nah prosesnya jadi waktu udah masuk, jangan kaget or malu kalian akan disuruh buka semua baju, which mean you're totally naked but they gave us paper pants for us to use so we're not totally naked.
that's how it works right? and ga usah kuatir karena only women allowed!

After I took off all of my clothes, Mbak Evi told me to get inside the steam place. I didn't count the time about how long I sat inside, but it's really hot. I sweat like crazy but I like it. I've always wanted to try that out but don't know where, so i'm glad they have it.
After a while, I got out of the steam place. Mbak Evi suruh aku tengkurep.
Jadi setelah di steam, step berikutnya itu massage!

You have to know, my body is very very stiff due to I rarely exercise and udah berbulan-bulan ke pijit, jadi itu urat kalo kata Mba Evi, ngerengkel semua. Tapi bayangin yah, Mba Evi pijitnya lumayan kenceng, karena aku ga suruh ringanin, jadi lumayan sakit tapi aku bisa tidur loh!
I have medium pain tolerance tapi sakit tapi aku bisa tidur!
Itu karena massage nya Mbak Evi enak banget!
Aku ga suka juga pijit yang ga sakit soalnya ga guna deh, jadi ga buat lelah nya ilang.

After that, lanjut ke Scrub.
Aku orangnya sebenrnya rajin scrub pake kopi, tapi selalu masalah orang yang scrub sendiri adalah punggung ga kena scrub! jadi aku ga sabar banget di scrub biar punggung nya bersih dari dead skin cell.

Abis dari scrub, lanjut ke Body Mask.
di Body Mask ini aku dipakein masker rasa ada lemon-lemon rempah-rempah yang wangi nya enak banget dan relaxing banget. Wanginya aku pernah cium tapi lupa apa.

dan setelah Body Mask, aku langsung berendam!
OMG dasar emang aku ga punya bathtub dirumahku yang sekarang jadi rindu berendam padahal cuman gitu doang tapi buat aku sesuatu banget sih >.<
Tadinya busanya masih banyak tapi aku malu keluar ambil kamera karna Mbak Evi masih ada di dalam ruangan, aku tunggu Mbak Evi keluar ruangan, trus aku keluar, aku ambil kamera aku trus baru bisa foto deh hahaha.
Actually, I brought my sister with me but she stayed outside where there's chair and table, she's doing her thing so she couldn't really help me in this.

Setelah cukup berendam, aku akhirnya mandi. Waktu mandi aku di kasih pake sabun dari Dewi Sri Spa yang wanginya bau rempah-rempah tapi calm.
Setelah itu aku pake lotion dari Dewi Sri Spa juga.
it makes me remember I've used to use Dewi Sri Spa's product before. Now it makes me want to try to use that again.
Total waktu treatment ini adalah 150 menit.

Yang aku rasain setelh treatment emang beberapa ototku agak sakit tapi setelah sehari, udah ga sakit lagi. Aku langsung fresh lagi dan tidurku jadi nyenyak banget. Badanu bersa enteng karena massage nya Mbak Evi bener-bener on point yang bikin badan relax lagi.
Ditambah Mbak Evi baik banget bikin aku pengen balik lagi, dipijit lagi sama Mbak Evi.

Setelah Spa, Mbak Evi tawarin mau minuman apa, aku pilih teh anget manis, it's just perfect!
Anget-anget enak!

Dan foto dulu di wall favorite aku :)

Nah Kebetulan bulan ini Umandaru Spa lagi adain promo ini loh! Buat kalian yang mau coba lumayan lagi ada diskon.

Dan turns out Umandaru Spa has this reward program for their loyal customers.
I plan to go back there so someday I could use this reward points!

Just want to thankyou Clozette and Umandaru Spa for having me there. I had such a great time spending there. Thankyou juga Mbak Evi, aku suka pijitannya dan definitely aku kalo balik mau sama Mbak Evi lagi.
Buat kalian yang suka Spa, you should try this one out! karena kalian ga akan nyesel!


You can book your appointment here:
021-7357355 or Whatsapp at 081284250158 
Instagram: Umandaru Spa
They open daily at 09.00-19.00
Jalan Mandar Utama Blok DC1 no 19 Bintaro Sektor 3, Pondok Karya, Pondok Aren, Pd. Karya, Pd. Aren, South Tangerang City, Banten 15225


Thankyou for reading my honest review. I hope this review helpful for you. 
See you on my next post.
If you guys have any question you want to ask about this, just comment on the comment box below

Deedee Young

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