Wednesday, January 10, 2018

FACE: Shiseido Senka Perfect Whip review

Hello bunnies ♥

I'm back again with new post! 
This time is about that face wash that just recently available in Indonesia, yang bisa kalian beli secara online melalui Sociolla
Yes, that's Shiseido SENKA PERFECT WHIP
I was so excited when Sociolla sent me this goods. I finally able to try this hype facial wash.

SENKA PERFECT WHIP is from Japan and it has been no. 1 facial wash in Japan for 8 years (their claim). It said to be a gentle and deep cleansing facial foam. Formulated with naturally derived silk essence and extracted from natural white cocoons to create rich and refreshing foam that protects the skin's natural moisture barrier. Double hyaluronic acid compound will keep your skin hydrated and moisturized.

I didn't know it was manufactured by Shiseido Co. Now I know, it's no wonder why this product is so good! Bisa kita liat, packaging nya sangat simple. Ternyata facial foam ini punya 2 size. 120ml (full size) dan 40ml (travel size untuk mempermudah kamu bawa kemana-mana jadi ga berat)
Cukup banyk sih isinya, kalo kata temen-temen aku yang udah pernah cobain mereka pake ga abis-abis dan berbulan-bulan. So I assume 1 tube ini bisa dipake selama 3-4bulan or more (tergantug pemakaian)

Ada penjelasan tentang kegunaan, cara pemakaian serta peringatan.

Here's the ingredient list. Kalian bisa baca dulu sebelum pakai incase ada ingredients yang ternyata ga cocok sama kalian.
Nah, kalo kalian beli di Sociolla, your tube will have the description in bahasa. So we easily understand it rather than we have to translate it first from Japanese to Bahasa or search it first on the web.

A for this product pH, it said to have pH level 8. I haven't got the chance to dig a bit deeper about this matter, or is it good for the face? I might as well research about it soon and make an update later.

Aku suka packaging nya karena dengan gini kita bisa lebih mengatur seberapa banyak produk yang kita ingin keluarkan, terlebih lagi cukup higenis.

Texture dari Facial Foam ini cukup thick, bisa kalian lihat dari foto diatas yah. Thick but not sticky yang kayak gimana. it comes in white color cream. Because of this, it's able to create full and thick foam. Not to mention the floral scent is super refreshing. 

How I use it, is that I pour out 1-2 cm of the cream to clean hands. Make sure your hands are clean when you want to wash your face.

Add a bit of water, just enough for us to rub it in each hands, so it will be able to create foam.

And yes, With minimal product poured out you can get thick and full foam.

Then rub gently to your skin, don't massage too hard but gently. Let the foam do it's job in taking and cleaning out the dirt. Then wash with water.

Aku pake ini udah kira-kira 2 minggu, Dan aku ga liat reaksi or efek negative (like breaks out, irritation, redness, dryer skin) Instead of all that, my skin improves alot like it's more subtle, it makes my skin smoother, clean as well and also moisturized.

It doesn't give the skin squicky clean effect after cleansing, which I heard is good, because you don't want the skin barrier to be gone, our skin needs its own oil to make our face not too oily or too dry.
It's really refreshing for me to use, despite of my acne prone skin and sensitive skin that couldn't actually just wear any kind of facial foam. Ga ada efek ketarik or kering or perih sejak pemakaian. 

So far, I'm loving the result to my skin. I probably going to repurchase this after it runs out.
I just love the smell of it. it's really really good.
Oh I forgot one thing, Make sure you've clean out your face with makeup remover or miscellar water before washing. It's not gonna clean out your skin perfectly if you still have makeup on. 
so far, itu satuu-satunya hal yang aku sayangin sih, but that's okay! Kita jadi belajar harus menjaga kebersihan wajah kita lebih lagi biar wajah kita flawless macam ciwiks-ciwiks Jepang yang muka nya so bikin iri yah!

Nah untuk kalian bisa beli dimana, Kalian bisa beli ini di Sociolla
dengan harga:
IDR 27,00 untuk ukuran 40gr
IDR 65,00 untuk ukuran 120gr

Yup! I think it's the perfcet price already, karena di tempat lain pasti lebih mahal.

Jangan lupa Kalian bisa gunakan code aku saat check out pembelanjaan kalian di Sociolla.

Thankyouuuu Sociolla❤

Thankyou for reading my honest review. I hope this review helpful for you. See you on my next post.
If you guys have any question you want to ask about this, just comment on the comment box below


Deedee Young


  1. Syuka ssama facial ini dee. Nyaman yah, aku sih senengnya karena dia non-SLS tapi kok bisa sebanyak itu busanya. amaze hehe

  2. iyahhh kan, enak banget, makanya aku suka. cuman aku agak worry nya nih pH level nya tinggi.

  3. Lucu banget busanya banyaaak ahahaha


Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤