Thursday, August 28, 2014

SPONSORED REVIEW: B.Liv by Cellnique "Off With Those Heads" Blackheads Sebum Gel

Hello sweet bunnies.

I have to be honest that I'm very surprised that I've been contacted from Malaysia that they want to send me a product which I never have heard before because it is not yet available in Indonesia. Once I got contacted I instantly went to google and youtube to look for it.
it has a lot of great reviews about it, so I said yes and I want to try it out. 
It would be so great to have less blackheads around my nose. 
So here I am, and this is my review. 

But... before that let me give you a quick information about B.Liv.
Cellnique is a skincare brand from Malaysia and it was in 2006, they introduced world's first beauty-salon-formulated blackhead and whitehead remover gel "Off With Those Heads" under new skin care line B.LivB.Liv provides a lot of skincare products for all skin problems.
"Off With Those Heads"is a light cooling gel that promises to easily remove stubborn blackheads and whiteheads in just 7 days of daily application. It keeps excessive oil secretion under control while preventing future irritation and breakouts. It is the most un-painful way to clear out your blackheads and whiteheads. 
I've been trying out some products that could help me removes all blackheads and whiteheads but none of them seems to be really working. Believe me I do have blackheads and whiteheads though probably it doesn't really shown because I cover it up with concealer and foundation but it will be awesome to have nice clear nose, free of blackheads and whiteheads, don't you think?
So yeah, I gave it a try. 

The Ingredients:

• Removes blackheads and whiteheads 
• Keeps acne under control 
• Controls oil 
• Unclogs pores 
• Provides a gentle exfoliation 
• Has soothing and hydrating properties

How it works:

How to use:
I always use this after cleansing my face and daily. I apply it on my nose mostly, because it has more blackheads and whiteheads. 
So after I wash out my face, dry it out with towel, I apply the gel on T-zone areas (mostly nose), then after that I'm using lotion and other daily skin product. 

When I first apply it on my face I felt that stinging sensation because I have sensitive skin, and it also has this mint smell which is a bit refreshing, amazingly, for me. After awhile, I barely felt that stinging sensation. 

Before & After:
You can see the blackheads is fading away. 
What I feel the most is that my nose part is more smooth and it's nice to touch it. 
before: August 11, after: August 28.

I love this product, because it give benefit in helping me removing blackheads. 
It smoothen out my nose part. It works so much in minimising pores too. 
But, it didn't really prevent me from having breakouts, too bad. :(
If there's a change, I will make an update.

I have to say i'm kinda surprised with the price because it is so expensive.
for 15ml cost $39.00 (IDR 456.00)
for 30ml will cost $49.00 (IDR 573.00)
for 45ml cost $63.00 (IDR 736.00)
For me it's over budget, but then again if it helps so much, I think it's kinda worth it. (ps: the price in IDR can change overtime)

Make sure to stop by and check them out!

Thankyou for reading

Deedee Young


  1. Wah kamu breakout pake product ini? Ceritain detailnya dong! Ditunggu updatenya hihihi

    Sweet Therapy by Ririe Prameswari

    1. Ririe, ternyata aku breakout karena pake sunblock, bukan karena produk ini. aku coba stop sunblock dan terusin malah emang prevent breakout. :)

  2. Aku kmrn liat ini Dee di Sasa Hong Kong! inget kamu review ak buru2 liat. kmrn smpt liat yg review di fb ibb tp blm baca detailnya. Aku pgn deh coba tp ada efek ketergantungannya ga yaaa... :(

    Sherry from ♕ SheemaSherry ♕ blog (


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