Tuesday, November 24, 2015

SPONSORED REVIEW: CowStyle Milky Body Soap

Hello Bunnies❤ 
I know it's been a long time since I last wrote. 
If you follow my instagram, I now currently working at One Piece Hair Studio, which consume all of my times that I can't write anything. I have only one day off and it's on Tuesday, which is today. 
I usually did nothing but watching TV and just having a time for myself because I'm too lazy to do anything, and I'm tired too. So here I am, trying to get up and motivate myself from all the laziness to actually write again. I know it's a sponsored post but I hope you'll read this as much as I put my effort into it. Happy Reading :)

I'll be reviewing about this liquid body soap I got from CowStyle and Kawaii Beauty Japan 
CowStyle Milky Body Soap

I choose Relax Floral. Why?
I bet you can guess it. First, because it's in PINK! Secondly it has floral scent, though actually I'm more of a fruit-scent lover but this one is an exceptional.