Tuesday, November 24, 2015

SPONSORED REVIEW: CowStyle Milky Body Soap

Hello Bunnies❤ 
I know it's been a long time since I last wrote. 
If you follow my instagram, I now currently working at One Piece Hair Studio, which consume all of my times that I can't write anything. I have only one day off and it's on Tuesday, which is today. 
I usually did nothing but watching TV and just having a time for myself because I'm too lazy to do anything, and I'm tired too. So here I am, trying to get up and motivate myself from all the laziness to actually write again. I know it's a sponsored post but I hope you'll read this as much as I put my effort into it. Happy Reading :)

I'll be reviewing about this liquid body soap I got from CowStyle and Kawaii Beauty Japan 
CowStyle Milky Body Soap

I choose Relax Floral. Why?
I bet you can guess it. First, because it's in PINK! Secondly it has floral scent, though actually I'm more of a fruit-scent lover but this one is an exceptional.

I'm okay with the bottle, I got the full size of it. But I love the design, which suitable with the name of the scent. It's classy and very pink >.< Too bad the words is in Japanese, and I don't understand Japanese >.<

 But thankfully, they add an explanation in Bahasa, so I don't have to translate all the Japanese words for you cos really it will take such a long time for me to translate it because truly, I don't understand Japanese >.< I wish I do.

CowStyle is a personal care brand from Japan. All of CowStyle products produced in Japan (Made in Japan). CowStyle Milky Body Soap could help our body especially skin feels more clean, fresh and relax with their four variants types, which is: 
Mild Soap
Relax Floral
Refresh Citrus 
and, Happy Fruity
All flavors has their own characteristics, So you can choose which one suits you.

Not to mention that it produced alot of creamy foam which has benefits too, that it could maintain our skin to stay moisturized, smooth and soft. It contains 3 types of moisturized milks
- Milk Ceramide (Sphingomyelin)
- Milk Powder (Skim Milk)
- Milk Protein (Hydrolyzed Casein)

This bottle has pump cap, which is quite efficient that you don't have to take the whole bottle to pour it out to your hand, you just have to pump it. It's easier to measure how much soap you want to use.

The soap has quite thick liquid texture and it's in white.
 Because of its thick texture, one pump is enough for my whole body. So I could say it's quite economical (depends on the usage)
 I usually use one pump and pour it out on shower puff, add small amount of water then just squeezed the shower puff.
It will produced a lot amount of creamy foam, that still feels like soap rather than just foam, so it could still cleanse out all the dirt on your body. 

 look at how much foam produced with half pump. I believe it could produced more than this if I squeezed the puff more.

Let's talk about the smell.
I don't really like the strong scent of the floral, at first. Like when you open the cap and you smell what's inside the bottle. I was almost disappointed with how strong it is. Because i thought it's supposed to be relaxing, I expected it has more gentle scent.
It all change when I go to shower and use it the way I've explained it above with the shower puff. 
The scent becomes soft and gentle and relaxing. I was quite surprised. 

One this I love about this product (maybe I love this more than the cowbrand soap I've reviewed before), is that the fresh scent of the floral sticks throughout the whole day. This makes me surprised too. I didn't expect for it to stick that long when I thought it will be the same as any other soap turns out it's not! I'm quite happy and thankful to have the chance to try this out and share my experience with you guys.

So, I'll give this product ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ .5 / 5

Check out their other products:
Website: cow-style.co.id

Thankyou CowStyle and Kawaii Beauty Japan

I hope this help you decide when you're looking for body soap because I really recommend this one.
Tell me, which one is your favorite?
I'll see you on my next post.

here's another portrait of Vodka❤ 

Deedee Young
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Find me on: Fasyen (deedeeyoung)


  1. I love floral scent. I think this product worth to try.
    Btw, thanks for sharing :)


    1. Yes, It's worth the try! just choose whatever scents that suits you the most..
      Thanks for reading :)

  2. Yaampun kelincimu lucu bangeeeeettttt xD

  3. tertarik beli jadinya :D tapi busa banyak banget gitu buat kuli kering ga ya? thanks before

    1. Ayou dibelii.. dibeliii..
      Ga kok di aku malah ngebantu banget untuk moisturized my skin, apalagi aku udah mulai suka lupa untuk pake lotion >.<


Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me deedeeyoung92@gmail.com and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤