Tuesday, March 18, 2014

GIVEAWAY: Jennyfer Michiyo's Giveaway!!

So I'm joining another giveaway by Jennifer Michiyo, @pasjelindonesia, and @kissindo
Have you heard about Pasjel, Kiss or even Naked 3?
well make sure if you want to get one of those for free go join her giveaway!


Now, What I want from this giveaway will be Kiss.
Why I want that?

here's my reason:
I've been battling with acnes ever since like I was younger.
It's getting annoying when every time you tried to do something that suppose
to make it better turns out to get worst. I've tried almost everything,
even went to the doctor but it just not work well,
instead it gave me more sensitive skin.

 I've been so insecure because I never have that flawless face like what I've always wanted.
I want to have flawless skin like Korean and Japanese or even Thailand girls.
as I got older, those acnes slowly disappear, but as you know,
when one problem finally gone, come the rest which is like 10 problems more.
I have no more acnes, but because of the acnes, I got scars that's hardly to be blemished, black heads and white heads, even my skin becomes dull, which is not what I expected it to be.

well if you see my post and you don't think i have skin problem
then i'm only good at lightning and picmonkey (photo edit),
but I don't want to be only good on photos only,
I want to have healthy flawless skin too.

Then I saw Kiss product and their review,
I saw some that has almost the same problem like mine and
I love the result after few times usage, and I was wondering if it will work for me too.
That's why when I saw Jennyfer Michiyo's giveaway about Kiss product,
I said to myself that i have to join, and I do hope I win this gift.
I really really wanna try Kiss. so I hope i could win this,
and let me prove to you guys that I can have that flawless skin just like what i've always wanted!

so what are you waiting for? come and join!

Deedee Young


  1. Good Luck Dee ^_^
    Saingannya Dewie nih haha, untung gak pilih Naked 3 tar saingan sama aku Dee wkwkwk

    1. Good luck juga cece!! :)
      Iyah nih saingannya ka Dewie..
      aku tadinya mau Naked 3 juga cuman lagi pengen perawatan kulit dibanding make-up jadinya aku pilih KISS deh hehe

  2. Good luck! love that youre being so honest about your facial problems! hope you win! X-D , anyway, salam kenal hehe - Sherry



Hello Bunnies❤
Just wanna say THANKYOU for visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I love reading all of your comments, no worries, I will reply it all too :)

If you have question you would love to ask me privately, you can email me deedeeyoung92@gmail.com and I'll answer you there.

Thankyou for your understanding! Have a lovely day bunnies❤