Thursday, February 20, 2014

BODY: Rexona Women Whitening Stick Deodorant

I am motivated to write this after reading Elle and Jess's blog about the same product.

Currently I’m using this deodorant way before I read their blog. 
I usually use different deodorant but it was now empty and didn't get the chance to buy the same product and I realized that I still have this one in stock. 
So in the term of saving money, I don't buy a new one, instead I’m using this one. 
I also bought this because I forgot to use deodorant and i was already on my way to class, so I make a quick stop to buy this. 

Probably same like many other girls out there who had problems with body odor and dark skin under arm. 
I used to have bad body odor when I was younger, in high school perhaps, 
it makes me so uncomfortable. 
I've tried so many deodorants and none of them seems to work well. 
I've used this before but at that time it doesn't help me with my body odor. 

So skip the story, 
As i'm getting older, my bad body odor problem just simply gone but come with the new problem.
Because of trying too much deodorant, my underarm skins got darker. I didn't realize it before because I never really actually give attention to it and i'm also not a big fan of wearing sleeve-less shirts. 

But the truth is after knowing this, it became a problem for me. 
I just try some whitening deodorants and it didn't give any satisfied result. 
So, I decided to give this product another chance (I have no choice either), because I bought this without any purpose of anything. 

After a few months of usage, I actually never realize this, again, 
but after reading Jess's blog, what they review is actually true. 
But the fact I don't see she has dark skin underarm. 
You can read it here

I'm not going to show you how it is because I’m too embarrassed!! 

Rexona Women Whitening gives you:
- Dry protection through out the day
- Underarm skin will get brighter after 2 weeks*
- Help to soften your underarm skin
- With Sunflower Seed Oil

My opinion and results:
1. It's actually works on my skin as it gets brighter, but it took more than a week or 2 for me to see the results.
2. It helps get my underarm skin brighter, but not completely, like, 100% whitening. 
3. It does give smooth effect to my underarm skin. 
4. It smells good though I kinda dislike it at first.
5. Yes, the dry protection works very well.
I'll probably gonna use this for a while now because it has done so much good things for me. 
I really like this product so much.

Here, I'll give you some cleaning routine you can do to help you get your skin at least brighter,
And for those who have body odor this I think can help too.
1. Try not to apply too much deodorant. 
I know you might think the more you use the less the odor, but I don't think that's the case. For example, in the 'How To Use' part, they told you to apply 4 until 6 times, 3 times is the max for me, I don't want to smell nice from my deodorant, it's weird and can also darken your skin.

2. Wash off your deodorants under skin every time you're at home and going to bed.
when you're at home you don't need to use any of that. You need deodorants when you're going out but when you're at home try not to use it, let your underarm skin be free from deodorant for a while. 
Try to rinse it clearly before going to bed, why do you need to use deodorant when you're about to sleep? 

3. Use body lotion instead to help you smooth it out. 

4. Scrub gently with body scrub, don't use your nails to wash it off. 

This is what I do to help me get my skin brighter and also with the help of Rexona itself. 

 1. Everyone has different kind of skin types, so this product may help or not at all. 
2. Deodorants it self can be one of the cause of dark underarm skin. 

So I hope you have a nice experience using this product.
(First time reviewing deodorants, never imagine I’ll do this)
You can find it easily, it's like everywhere here in Indonesia. haha

Thanks for reading❤

Deedee Young


  1. nice review :)
    setuju banget sm cleaning routine cc :D hehe

    1. Thankyouuu dear!!
      hahaha glad you agree with it! :)

    2. XD
      followed your blog :) mind to follow back? <3

  2. Sharing saja kalo ingin cari deodorant bisa dapatkan di

  3. Aku juga pakai ini lho~ Tapi yang aerosol-nya, baru aja aku ngomongin di blog aku <333 Kapan2 mampir ya~ <333

    BTW, aku fans barumu~ OOT dikit, gara2 liat ombre hairnya XDD~


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