Sunday, January 19, 2014

FACE: PONDS Complete Solution Concealer

Hey guys, I'm back.
untuk post kali ini aku pake bahasa yah, yeah maybe a mix of both english and bahasa.

nah, I've been wanting to make a review about this product. 
I have a major problem with acne, been fighting for it since after high school. 
sekarang udah mulai membaik, tapi bekas jerawatnya susah banget ilang dan merah-merah dan it's really annoying. 
nanti kapan-kapan aku post tentang acneku. 

so all this time i'm trying to cover it with first, foundation (karena waktu itu belom tau BB cream), tapi kayak kalo buat sehari-hari foundation itu too much, i feel like a clown. sampai akhirnya ketemu BB cream, but same, kalo dalam ruangan sih gpp, tapi kalo udah outdoor, baaaahh kalo bisa ga usah liat kaca dah.
ya itu entah belum ketemu BB cream yang cocok atau gimana. 
aku suka yang natural, even in outdoor biar walaupun ngaca ttp oh i'm still okay. 
at the same time i want to cover my acne, to have that kinda coverage kan mesti pake yah macem-macem lah yang tebel.
(begini nih nasib muka acne)

Nah akhirnya aku liat Ponds keluarin untuk acne, ada concealer juga. 
pas tau itu udah dijual di Watson, langsung aku beli. 
aku pikir pasti ini udah di formulasi khusu untuk wajah berjerawat, 
so i won't have to worry that my face will get more acne. 

this is the explanation.

itu udah mentok segitu, pendek sih! haha

so how is it in my face.

this has been my daily coverage routine. because it covers well all the red spots, and i don't have to kinda use another BB cream for daily use, but of course i'm gonna use BB cream if there's big event. 
less makeup akan membantu penyembuhan jerawat kalian. 

1. it such a good coverage for red spots and acne. 
2. it's not liquid, it's a stick but it blends well after few minutes.
3. same tone as my skin color
4. aman untuk daily use especially yg berjerawat karena emg khusus acne. 
5. affordable and easy to buy everywhere.
6. it's small so it's easy to carry everywhere, dan ga menuh-menuhin my makeup bag. :)
7. it also controls oil in my face.

Don't like: 
i haven't found one.

this is my opinion, so if you have others please let me know what you think. 
because this is such a good product for my face, and i love it so much! :)


my bare face >.<

here's after prox 6-7hours. 
no retouch, i don't like wearing powder
no blemish effects, trust me i don't know how to use photoshop
the things that i edited only the effect of the lightning and the photo tone. 
i'm still fighting for my acne. all the scars and the red spots annoys me so much. 
so if you guys know any good products to reduce the red spots and yah, hilangin bekas jerawatnya, please share with me!! :) 

I'm Wearing: 
Ageha Icy Grey
Price: IDR 178.00
Available in normal 0.00 ~ -8.00
  Japan Softlens | Jual Softlens Warna Nyaman Asli Jepang♡

Blackberry PIN:  25a8140c
Mobile / SMS:  081-807-909033
Facebook:  Japansoftlens
Twitter:  @JapanSoftlens
LINE:  YuliaLusiana
instagram: @japansoftlens


Deedee Young


  1. hai, cantik photonya, btw aku mau tanya kalau dipakai sebanyak itu (tidak langsung pada jerawat) cakeky ga sih thx

    1. Makasii yah udh bacaa :)
      Cakeky mksdnya apa yah btw? Kyk ketebelan gitu kah?

      Kalo aku biasa beberapa menit seelah pakai itu lgsg nyerep, karena kadar oil ku jg lumayan banyak tp jd kyk cukup and blend in. Ga kliatan kyk pake bedak tebel gitu.. klo aku yahh..

  2. woaaahh, lumayan banget yah coveragenya, aku pernah liat supermarket, harganya pun lumayan murah, mau coba ah, hihihi thx for the review :D

    1. Iyaah banget banget coveragenyaa.. aku suka banget!! Haha.. cobaaa!! Pasti ga nyesell!!

      Thanks for reading too♥

  3. wah jadi pengen nyobaik juga >.< sama banget aku jg bnyk bekas jerawat yg annoying :(
    nice review ! thanks :)

    btw followed your blog ;)

    1. Iyaah cobain jugaaa :)
      Banget kan annoyingnya.. rese gituu.. mana susah ilang pula..

      Thankyouu for stopping by. :)
      I will follow you back when I'm on my laptop yah..

  4. wah ngecover banget ya ><
    jadi pingin nyoba :D
    thanks for sharing ce^^

    1. Iyah jess.. aaaa km mana ada jerawattttt? Hahaha mukanya mulus kinclong bgitu hahaha..
      Samaa2 jess.. and thanks for reading jess ♥


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