Saturday, October 19, 2013

HAIR: a little touch of PINK!

Sorry for the lack of posting. i'm dealing with too many assignment i wish i never had!!
so, okay, as i promise, i'll be showing you guys my current pink highlight.

 had a long ombre hair before, i'm used to being different, and after i had hair cut, i feel like.. ordinary. no more ombre and such. i just want to be different again, just to express my self. 
but at the same time, i can't do much with my hair cos now i'm a teacher in one school that doesn't allow me to have colorful hair. that's the reason also why i can't have ombre hair and cut it. 

 i checked my hair bleach and hair colorant product stock. i still have the pink hair colorant from last time cos i didn't use all of it, and a new hair bleach i bought from supermarket. 

i'm using Miranda's Hair Bleaching

and one and only, Miranda's Hair Colorant in pink.

the inside:

okay, so since i can't really show the 'pink', i decided to keep it hidden but still can be seen.
i'm sorry it's messy, i just took out part randomly that not directly show the pink highlight but still can be seen. 
 for the mixture, i don't really count it. just pour out evenly, the powder and the developer.
what's interesting about this bleaching, the powder is in white while Sasha's in blue. 
i don't do it from the roots. 
leave it like 45-50 minutes :)
the result:
actually in order to reach pink salmon or pink pastel you have to do bleaching twice, a bit more lighter than it is in the picture, but i'm too lazy, so i leave it this way

 this is the mixture of the pink color. i add more conditioner to it so it won't be purple. 

then i applied it on my bleached hair.

this is the result: 
i love the pink color result. it's the exact pink i want.
but!! i'm not tidy. so there's still part of hair that don't get the pink.

1. different mixture gives different color. 
2. it's not permanent. i wash my hair once a day so it fades really quickly. approx. 4-5times shampooing it will fade. 
3. Hair bleaching gives you hair damage so make sure you give enough treatment :)

i decided to do this again from bleaching then coloring. this time i tried to be more tidy and decided to do it from the roots.
i don't measure the amount of the colorant cream and the developer
this is the result:
i love this pink too :) 

Thanks for reading and visiting!

Much Love 


  1. Lovely pink touch!! I don't know if I'm dare enough to do highlight >.<
    You're so pretty! Following you now :3
    Hope to keep in touch~ xoxo

    1. i know right??
      eh? whyy?
      aww, thankyouu.. let me follow you too, what's your blog url?

  2. deedeee cakeeepp..warna nya bagus pink nyaa..aku jg br hr ini ngecat rambut, td nyari pink jg tapi nggak nemu huhuhuh TT__TT
    sepertinya kita sehatii yaa kkkkkk~ ^,^

    1. bagus yak.. aku juga suka banget pas liat hasilnya, cuman berantakan aja ga semua bagian kena ke cat ternyata.. itu tergantung dari cara mixing wrnanya..
      ini catnya aku dikasih sama tmnku.. klo udh abis aku jg bingung nih beli dimana lgii >.<

      oh yah? fotoo dong rambut barumu.. :)
      iyah nih sepertinya sehatiii ❤

  3. i loveee this pink! lol
    susah banget bikin pink kaya si avril lavigne yaaaa..... aku mauuu banget pink kaya gt tapi ga dapet2
    dlu perna higlight pink tapi jadinya ungu, uda gtu keramas bbrp kali dia pudarr heecapedehh malah jadi ungu butek gtu... T_T
    susah emg punya rambut item banget gni kita

    1. me too ci gitaa :)
      iyah susah, ini aku randomly mix the color cream, developer sama conditioner.
      soalnya pernah kan aku coba pertama kali hasilnya jadi ungu gitu >.< tp pas fading baru dpt warna yg kumau.. hehe
      iyah emg susah cii >.< harus di bleaching dlu pula.. pgn gitu rmbutnya asli dirty blonde :)

  4. i want think color too :3 so cute :3 would you like to follow each other ? let me know <3

    1. aww thankyouuu, i think it's cute too, i love pink :)
      ehm by the way sorry for the late reply.. i've followed you dear!! thankyouuu :)

  5. Love the last pink color dee! :D

    1. aah iyah yg trkhir conditionernya aku kurangin, jd lebih ungu but still pink :) thankyouuu so much Misaa.. xo

  6. wahh !! kece pinknya nieh !! <3

    yuk ikutan giveaway pertama ku~
    i'm your followers now~
    - -

    1. aww thankyouuu :3
      oke coba aku ikutan yahhh :)
      aku udah follow km :)

  7. pink! gyaaaa mauuu!! tp di bleaching apa ngga rusak rambutnya? ak takut rusak klo di bleaching >.<

    1. btw i'm followed you! keke


    2. namanya di bleaching pasti ada damagenya, cuman tergantung perawatannya, kalo dirawat dgn baik, kyk aku suka hair mask, pake hair serum, olive oil, just to keep your hair healthy ga rusak malah.. :)

      and i've followed you too..

    3. o0oh gitu~ jd pingin coba bleach sih >.<
      oh ya miranda bleach & catnya tahan lama ngga ?

    4. cobaa ajaa.. :)
      bleach pasti ga bakal luntur, karena bleach itu malah ngelunturin wrna aslimu..
      catnya tahan tergantung seberapa jarang or seringnya kamu keramas. klo km kyk aku keramas tiap hari pasti cepet luntur.

  8. ternyata kamu bleaching pake miranda juga ya. karena kemaren2 liat blogmu, aku jadi cari sasha ke mana2 tapi ga nemu >.< malah adanya sasha yang hair coloringnya. soalnya miranda powdery gitu ga bener2 creamy jadinya betebaran ke mana2 pas dipakein ke rambut, kalo sasha teksturnya gitu juga ga ya? karena ga nemu jadinya aku beli lagi miranda karena kepalang rambut sebelah kiri udah dibleaching, kan aneh kalo cuma sebelah kiri aja diombre hehehe. btw thanks loh infonya, dari dulu pengen ombre tapi baru dapet pencerahannya pas liat postinganmu.

    following you :)

    1. Iyah aku pakr miranda cuman buat yg highlights aja.. klo ombre aku lbh cocok pake sasha. Lebih enak haha. Dan emg aku nyari bleach yg wrnanya biru, kalo miranda kan putih yah.
      Waktu pake miranda dan sasha aku ga bertebar2an, itu udh kentel gitu dan gampang di aplikasiin ke rambut.
      Oh di giant? Hypermart? Farmers market? Or carrefour? Ga mgkn ga ada..
      Samaa2.. aku jg brani bleach krna baca blog org, jd skrg I'm sharing my experience :)
      Thanks for reading..♥♥

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The second one looks better xD
    Following you now :)

    1. Yess.. I love this one better too.. I already know how to mixture here so I could get pastel pink color :) thankyouuu..


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